I am about to start buiding the 1/72 Reviresco Lanchester armored car kit. I am going to make it the Russian version. I am thinking of painting it green because this was the standard Russian color. Any advise on building or painting it would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
I should have put this with my original post but what Russian units used this armored car: 46th plt mentione above I know: Brussilov offensive the 15th and 18th Plts had one each Russian civil war: Reds: used 7 Whites: 1 plus
Germans did capture some and used them in 11 Zug PZ MG Abt 1
Any more information would be usefull thanks in advance.
I should have put this with my original post but what Russian units used this armored car: 46th plt mentione above I know: Brussilov offensive the 15th and 18th Plts had one each Russian civil war: Reds: used 7 Whites: 1 plus
Germans did capture some and used them in 11 Zug PZ MG Abt 1
Any more information would be usefull thanks in advance.
I know exactly platoons of RIA with Lanchester:
15 ("Vpered za Svobudu"? captured 1917 by Germans, mayby other platoon), 18 ("Ratmir"), 25, 29 (with mashin gun, only one this), 37, 38, 39 ("Fregat"), 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 ("Turkestanets"), 47.
Poland captured one by reds 1920. Here is a Lanchester from RKKA in end of 20th years.