I have just acquired a photo of a very interesting piece of artillery (please see the attachment). At first glace it looks just like a British BL 10-pounder screw-gun fitted with a recuperator.
I tentatively recognised it as a the "7.5cm two-part barrel gun" made in China's Hanyang Arsenal (one of Chinese national arsenals at that time). So far it was only mentioned in a report on Hanyang Arsenal from late 1910s which says that six prototypes of the "two-part barrel gun" were made at Hanyang and that they could be moved by pack animals just like mounatin guns. No further information has come to light so far.
I don't know if it utilized parts from existing guns, for example carriages or recuperators etc. Most "new" types of guns designed in China before 1950 utilized many parts from existing foreign designs. I was not awared of Hanyang Arsenal being capable of design and buid a whole new gun, but it is not surprising if they had the ability since they had successfully copied Krupp field guns and Ehrhardt mountain guns.
Almost nothing is known of various guns designed/built in Hanyang from 1910s and 1920s since most of the documents and almost all photos are either lost or never published - the "screw gun" is one of them.