Hello, colleagues! Can, at this forum somebody can help me. For a long time and unsuccessfully I search for drawings, schemes or figures on following artillery tractors: "Bullock-Lombard" and "Allis-Chalmers." (On the basis of these tractors during Civil war in Russia 1917-1920 unusual "tanks" which models very much I wish to make have been created). But except for several photos anything is not present. Thanks.
Спасибо, Александр! В том-то и дело, что все фото и единственный боковой чертёж - из одной книги, ни одного габаритного размера! Неужели больше ничего нет? Текая загадочная техника? Тем не менее - спасибо, в свою очередь тоже не премину сообщить об удачных находках...
That's just the point, that all photo and the unique lateral drawing - from one book, any overall dimension! Really more anything is not present? Such mysterious technics?
vad26, такой химеры как "Bullock-Lombard" вообще не существовало, это домыслы авторов этих публикаций. Танк "судосталь" это просто ломбард. Возможно были танки "судостали" на шасси трактора Bullock или Linn. А вообще Вы долго будете искать :) Вся информация у западных коллег от наших публикаций включая и характерные ошибки авторов. Живете в москве?
Возможно я буду публиковать статью по ломбарту с чертежами если найду куда пристроить - тогда увидите.
Чертеж боковика А-Ч от М.Коломийца выполнен по тем же фотографиям так что не нужно на него ориентироваться.
по поводу элис-чалмерса есть одна книжка где могут быть ТТД трактора, но увы нам она недоступна. а покупать весь том ради одной страницы это расточительно. Мне интересно было бы взглянуть поскольку не имею вопросов по ходовой трактора но есть интерес к его размерам.
Правильное или нет название "Буллок-Ломбард" - често скажу, не знаю. Оно присутствует на нескольких фото трактора и фото "судостали" - последняя в их ряду. ( В первый и последний раз этот трактор (не "судосталь") я увидел в "Танках гражданской войны". Но там говорится, что эти трактора были достаточно широко распространены на западном фронте как артиллерийские тягачи. Что не укладывается с тем, что инфы по ним никакой нет (!?). Есть ещё упоминания и фото тракторов Холта, Рустон, Клейтон. И та же ситуация... Прям, колдовство какое-то!
Sorry these tractors are actually Clayton tractors, armored with a naval 120mm gun, They were designed and built in Taganrog in 1919 and used by The Independent Marine Corps.
I have only seen a few photos of this particular Clayton, most were armed with rear mounted machine guns as were a few Lombards. Also a Armored Clayton was built, it was named the Colonel Bezmolitvan, it was not well received.
All the Best
Tim R
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
Well Stoyan sorry to disappoint, but my Russian sources state different, and I have been studying these machines for a long time, with connections to Russian friends who have been doing this as well. If I am wrong then please prove it, I am not always right, and I can most definitely own up to being wrong if that’s the case. (LOOK AT THE NEXT POST AS WELL)
All the Best Tim R
-- Edited by Tim R at 18:51, 2006-04-23
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
Actually, after really looking and studying the picture Alexsandr provided, it does not seem like the vehicle is either Lombard or Clayton. I can not distinguish any tracks on the photo provided. So by all means if you know what it is, Please tell us. Lombard I don’t think so. But even if it is not the Clayton, they were converted and did carry 120mm Naval guns and this photo is very similar to ones I have seen. Except the obvious thing, I see no tracks?? Or Am I blind!!!!!!!! Show me If I Am.
Looking very hard it is possible to make out a short track unit in the area you have circled in white it appears to be in OooO configuration. I think I can see a wheel or roller in the second circled area. The larger spoked wheel further along could be made of anything (wood or steel) and might even be part of a seperate limber unit
I reckon you're right - I think it's just possible to make out a small wheel to the right of the right leg of the bearded chap in the white tunic, circled, directly above the '???' in 'NO TRACK???'; maybe even a larger wheel behind the chaps behind Tim's white question mark, which would tie in with your OooO configuration. The spoked wheel on the extreme right I suspect is a frontal steering wheel a la Holt and Allis-Chalmers.
Well I guess I am blind, and wrong. I did some studying last night, on the photo, and other photo’s I have of the machine gun version Lombard’s. The track is pushed back further, than the weapon cab, which is the same cab as on the Lombard machine gun tractor. So I WAS WRONG!!!!! SORRY I AM NOT PERFECT.
I will try and post some photo’s later.
All the Best
Tim R
"The life given us by nature is short; but the memory of a well-spent life is eternal" -Cicero 106-43BC
I found this photo in the book of lieutenant Kadesnikov "Brief sketch of white struggle under the andreevskiy (St Andrew) flag". It is entitled "The Independent Marine Corps... Group on a background of one tank constructed in Taganrog and armed with sea heavy artillery..." No any information about tipe of tractor used. Man with berad at center - general Denikin.