I ran across this photo in the Book Light Car Patrols 1916-1919, it depicts Italian Armored Cars used by the Italian contingent. My question is, I no the first two cars are FIAT Arsenale Armored Cars(or I am pretty sure??)(I uploaded two photo's for those that have not seen a FIAT Arsenale for comparison), but they do not have the standard turret from 1912, any idea's, other photo's, information????? also the last couple of cars represent a unknown Italian Armored Car, same goes here any idea's, other photo's, information???????
All the Best
Tim R
-- Edited by Tim R on Friday 19th of July 2019 10:14:26 PM
Autoblindomitragliatrice FIAT Arsenale armoured cars are the last two for sure (the BW ones).
The sepia image is the L'A.MI.Co FIAT armoured car (A.MI.Co. = AutoMitragliatrici Corazzate) based on the FIAT 15 bis. truck chassis
Two A.Mi.Co. (Fiat 15 bis.) cars were in operation in theatre prior to the arrival of the Isotta Fraschini machines. The 2 A.Mi.Co. (Fiat 15 bis.) cars arrived around the start of September 1912 in Tripoli and were the only armoured cars there until 1919 when the I.F. ones arrived.