Thank you very much for posting this outstanding photograph! It's exactly the kind of information I need. Till now I only knew a photograph made from a similar standpoint, but F 22 isn't to recognize very clearly on it.
Have you got this photograph (postcard?) in your collection or did you find it in a book?
Of course it would be extremely helpful to see more photos like this....
Hello Centurion Thank you very much for posting this outstanding photograph! It's exactly the kind of information I need. Till now I only knew a photograph made from a similar standpoint, but F 22 isn't to recognize very clearly on it. Have you got this photograph (postcard?) in your collection or did you find it in a book? Of course it would be extremely helpful to see more photos like this.... You made my weekend!Regards Thomas
Right click on the photo and select properties and you'll find the URL of the website where this photo resides. There is a lot of good stuff there.
Gibot and Gorczynski, in "Following the Tanks, Cambrai" (ISBN 2-9511696-1-2) give an account of F.22's action, and provide the attached photo. They also show a present day photo of the site.