Sorry, have to put things straight here. This Austin was an Austin 3rd series, captured by the Latvians from the Russians in their war of indepence in 1918-1920. The Latvian army kept this Austin in service and named it Zemgaleetis. During the 1930s, they modernised it; I've attached a photo of this vehicle from 1939. After the Soviet takeover of 1940, the Soviets probably used this one (like many other AFV's, also from the other Baltic States) for local defense. The Latvians had painted it in a three-tone camo scheme, and this photo of 1941 shows a single color. Apparantly the Soviets had taken the trouble to re-paint this vehicle (and possibly others too). With this info, it's tempting to speculate on the fate of the other Baltic AFV's originating from WW-1, like the FT-17's, MK-V's, MK-B, Fiat 3000, Putilov-Garford, etc.