Recently I've noticed that if I attach a photo and then modify the text before posting the text mods made after making the attachment sometimes are left out of the posted message. This is now happened twice to me recently. I also note that increasingly attachments come in two forms with two different micro icons. Click on one and the picture opens Ok and if you right click on it you can save it. Click on the other and you get a dialogue box asking if you want to open or save. Clicking on open sometimes opens the picture in the windows image viewer (and you can't right clik and save but more often starts a process but abandons it before opening anything. It sometime takes five goes to open something. I've noticed that when I've posted some of my attachments ave been created as the first type and some the second quite arbitarily with no special action by me even though they are both jpg files.
Is there something seriously wrong with the attachments facility?
The second problem you mentioned has been irritating me for a while now. The first problem only happened to me for the first time today, when I added a paragraph to the Nellie post and it didn't bother adding it when I clicked 'submit post' (I couldn't be bothered trying again).