Agh no, I hope not! But I fear you're right, I have no problems accessing it at work. I'll have to do a virus/adware scan when I get back home... Ah well, thanks for your input guys!
Thanks for your input chaps! I'm now able to access the site, and have also cleared out a load of nasty adware using a couple of adware-zapping packages. Grrrrr...!!!
Tim, if you want to delete this thread, please be my guest!
Centurion wrote: And I was just waiting to see a posting from Ankh Morpork and Psuedopolis to say that they could access the sire OK
BTW, most of you probably have software that deals with the problem, but if not, I recommend you download Ad-Aware and Spybot. Both are free, and used in conjunction, both catch stuff the other doesn't, so you're pretty well covered.
I would certainly endorse Rogers recommendation of Spybot, provided one keeps down loading its updates. I run it regularly even when I don't seem to have any problems and its amazing how often I find something lurking in the dark corners of my system that got past all the immunisations, virus checks and firewalls.
Centurion wrote: ...provided one keeps down loading its updates.
Too right! I can be a bit remiss - it's a couple of weeks since I either updated or scanned, and I found tons of rubbish! Centurion's right - run it on a regular basis, update weekly, and you can't go far wrong.