Centurion wrote: Peter is your e mail ok? did you get the forts article?
i just wanted to say that for trenches the first uses were to block infantry and calvary charges, ive seen it written that muhammad commanded his troops to build trenches during i think the seige of medina (in the 7th century), to block advancing calvary, the enemys calvary fell into it, and were attacked, this evolved eventualy into the moat, but, it was also used as a way later on to move toward enemy walls without being attacked, i believe trenches were used to this end by the defenders of a zelot camp during the jewish rebellion around 88 AD, (i used to read josephus) dont quote me on that though. and during the civil war they were used in the more modern sense to allow rifle volleys to fire at charging infantry as well as remain under cover so as not to be hit by enemy cannon fire. i think the babylonians also used trenches, but im not entirely sure, i have a book on asyrian art somewhere that i believe mentioned those sorts of minimal fortifications. i would quite like to write an article on pillboxes but alas i still dont have enough reliable literature on WWI to draw from.