Can anybody tell me where I can find some drawings of the Mark IV tank, either Male or Female. Ideally several plans and elevations, but anything will do.?Also, ideally on the web to download or screengrab.Thanks.
In the otherwise excellent vid of the scratch-built Little Willie the gent says he decided to paint it in "Mk I camouflage". As you can see, the book from which he took his reference shows a Mk V, in what looks like Beutepanzer camo. Whilst a...
Hello everyone! Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm looking forward to many great years on the forum. I'm done?making an early,?generic Mk III or II?from an airfix kit, but have no camo scheme ready for it. What should I paint it? I'm open to any and all suggestions. At this point, changing it from I...
Anyone know why the British Male IV male tank from Emhar is becoming as rare as hens teeth? As Emhar is the only one that is producing 1/72 British it becomes a real problem when no one is now stocking it! Need to keep encouraging HaT to start producing WW1 tanks as Emhar does seem to be so unpredictable!
Nice original postcard I won off ebay, 1914 postcard and posted, in France, in 1915. Notice the flimsy looking carriage wheels of the gun, later replaced with the 'Traction Engine' type steel wheels or the Modified B no 12 wheel, such as the IWM example [IMG]
After only 5 years, the masters are ready: They look like the usual standard, with a couple of slightly implausible poses, and Strelets haven't been able to resist the "firing from saddle" figure.
I just picked up the Military Modeling Military Vehicle Special and it has 2 articles on the A7V. One is the Sparta 1/35 kit by John Prigent and the other is on the Earlier A7V Types byRainer Strasheim. There is also a build article on Rodans Rolls Royce 1920 pattern Armored Car by Peter Heath. I didn't se...
This has already been mentioned, but I think it was buried in a post on a different topic. Den Bels models have released 2 new WW1 kits; Austin armoured car, 2nd Series, and the unusual looking Jeffery-Poplavko armoured car. Both are available in the?'model shop' section of Black Lion Decals.
Hello all, It has been a while since I posted here but when I came across this I immediately thought I'd bring it to the attention of the Landships forum.? It professes to be a photo of a Rolls Royce armoured car captured by German troops in Lebanon in 1917 or 1918:
I've started on Landships 2 - the start page with empty links is at: I've tried to keep the general look of the Landships site. Post any comments. suggestions in this forum. I'll prototype some of the other pages over the next few days. Would someone like...
An article published by the Western Front Association contains the following
" An even larger German tank weighing 148 tons ? the A8V - was planned, but never got into production."
The K Wagen was heavier (165 tons). Any one know what the A8V was supposed to be like?
Help!? Question for UK sitizens! We (I & my wife) wish to visit London in May. I'll have 1 free day only. Does it possible to reach the Bovington museum? And ?how? ? -- Edited by Aleksandr on Monday 26th of April 2010 01:59:07 PM
Hello , does anybody know of any good books about WW1 convoys with some nice pictures , am trying to do some paintings of same . But finding source material hard to come by . Had to sketch the little wooden models in the Imperial War Museum for this one?.
A bit more on Swiss uniforms. Can't find many accounts, but pictures indicate that the Swiss changed from dark blue to green-grey in 1915. The manning of the frontier seems to have been a major event. The new uniform appears to have been closely modelled on that of the German Alpine troops. Pics show (1...
For those of us living in this 'green and pleasant land' This booklet is available for 99p. It has 200ish firsthand accounts by Tommies. Most accounts have no date though.
I've acquired a DVD of the restoration of the FK96 n.A at Corinda, Brisbane. This is sold as a fund-raiser for the Sherwood/Indooroopilly RSL. I have permission to on-sell the DVD to anyone interested. So If anyone's interested respond here so I can judge whether it's worth setting up the sale proces...
If you're in the UK or can receive BBC1 somehow, the edition of the Albert Kahn series featuring the French Army will be repeated after midnight tonight. That is to say 00:25 GMT, Friday March 21. Sorry about the short notice.
Hi everyone. I've been scratching my head for a couple of weeks and I've run out of places to look so could you help me? I remember seeing a piece of box of figures of a couple of Luftwaffe officers and females dancing in a field with a portable record player. I've searched everywhere I can and gone through...
Here is a picture from old russian book. British invasion in Reval (Estland) 1919. What is it? Crossley? Peerless? Wroten: 1919. I think it is later, as 1919 and no Reval, or? I have no see photos if this car in others books from Civil war in Russia.
Hi all, may be already a known picture to most of you..the caption mentions that this is a New Zealanders mortar squad. Oh and the New Zealanders are praised: their financial benefit to the war is mentioned, in Dutch guilders..Fl.45.432.440 were funded and 463.048.600 was the benefit to the war cost...
Hello,after a couple of weeks"Quiet on the western front",some work in progress pictures. Greetings,Hans. -- Edited by hans on Friday 9th of April 2010 06:26:29 PM-- Edited by hans on Friday 9th of April 2010 06:27:05 PM
"THE BATTLE OF CAMBRAI, 1917" After the prolonged fighting on the Ypres salient in the fall of 1917, 3rd Armies Gen. Julian Byng would champion a visionary plan outlined by Tank Corps officer Col. JFC Fuller.???? The Battle of Cambrai, launched on November 20 1917, heralded the first tim...
I was recently asked by one of the restorers what the likely colour scheme was for a 7.7cm Feldkanone 96 n.A. They attempted unsuccessfully to find out where this gun was deployed. This gun was captured in 1918 on the Western Front, possibly by Australian troops. The gun (serial #2715) was a reworked 9...
Here's one for you all. Have you ever had a model years ago that now you's like to do in a bigger scale? I want to. So what my question is how can I do the Airfix 1/72nd WW1 Royal Horse Artillery in 1/35th? I really don't want to spoil my idea by going into great depth as I'd like to show it when complete... Any th...
I thought it would be a good idea to have material on German Naval Forces during WW1.? For one thing, part of them did serve on land (as coastal artillery etc.).? Also, German naval personnel revolted at the end of WW1 and would make up many of the people in the civil wars of Germany who fought on the Commun...