Hello everyone, Do we have any members that frequently visit Bovington? I'm looking for somebody with a DSLR camera that would be willing spend an hour or so taking pictures of the Mk. V** in their collection. I'd be willing to compensate you for your time.
This may be a long shot but I am looking for a drawing of the 600mm gauge Deutz Benzollok that was ubiqiuitous on the German Trench Railways. I have lots of good photos of several different locos. And also drawings of the Ruston Proctor loco that was based on a Deutz. The oil engine was originally develop...
Hello, I almost finished the GB modelli Obice da 305mm and I still have an interogation. I want to represent some shells near the gun but which colour are they ? Anybody has an idea ? Thank you in advance
Probably the most impressive German artillery tractor of WWI: the Dürkopp 100hp. The factory manual once was sold on Ebay and Jochen Vollert of Tankogad publishing kindly provided me with copies of the technical drawings and illustrations out of the document. Long time I still had no idea, how the m...
The gun is a 30.5cm Beta i.R which weighed in at 24.5tons emplaced - add a couple of tons for the wheels under the end of the trail. Anyone identify the tractors? Charlie
In Missing-Lynx.com WW I section there is a recent picture of the Mark V tank in Kharkiv. It looks okay after nearly 3 years of war. Does anyone know the serial number or any other info on it?
I haven't done much on Landships II for some time. I think it's time to do stuff on the website. As a first step I'd like to separate the artillery articles from the mortars. There's two reasons: 1. The menus on artillery are getting very crowded 2. In terms of numbers and the effect on the conflict morta...
Hello, Is anyone familiar with Tankette Magazine? I am wondering if somebody has a list of issues that feature WW1 topics, such as the issue with the article about Little Willie that contains Dick Harley's drawings (I believe he has since written an article about Mother as well)? I been trying to s...
I'm starting to think that the US Archives are a treasure trove of information which has barely been exploited. For example the British 9.2inch howitzer was in service throughout WW1 and a number were built in the US. It was intended that the 9.2inch howitzer should become the US Army standard heavy...
The attached sketch was found in a text from 1922 on "l'Artillerie de Tranche" of the Mortier de 340T. We've recently had some interest in the Italian 400mm mortar (bombard). The sketch shows the projectile transport and charging of the 340T. It looks as if the French and Italians evolved rather sim...
Hello, Does anybody have good source of photos or information on the 3.7cm TAK anti-tank gun, the 3.7cm Fischer, the MG 18 TuF or the 20mm Becker rifle? Despite the fact there are surviving examples of all 4 I can find almost no information or photos. Thank you, Chase
Hey guys, Does anybody have any references or good photos of the modifications done to HMLS Excellent during WW2? I can't find any really good pictures of the AA gun installation that was added to the roof... although it appears to have replaced the original lookout tower completely. The tank was...
Hey guys, Does anybody have any period photos or diagrams of a Mk. IV tank showing the interior loaded with ammunition and gear? IIRC the Mk. IV females carried something like 13,000 rounds of ammo in Lewis drums... which is an enormous number of drums. The stowage locations for mg ammo in both mal...
Hello, Has anybody ever located any archive material related to any of Lt.Col. Johnson's experiments pre-dating the Medium Mark D? I'm interested in information about the he leaf-sprung, 30 mph Whippet or the Mk. V tank running "Snake Track". I've seen the following photos in a couple of places...
Well, I have recently gotten a copy of the book by Horst F. Plank titled "Die Waffen der Koeniglich Bayerischen Armee 1806-1918 - Band IV - Die Artillerie". It is an interesting collection of technical drawings and photos that have largely seen in other works on this subject. It does mention number...
Here we are
I dedicate myself to another splendid Kit from GB Modelli....this time 1GM.
This is the 400 mm Bombarda placed in battery on the Italian front in 1917... accompanied by its bomb and related trolleys for transport/loading
PS assembly was easy, the most challenging part was det...
Are there any blueprints of the FT available anywhere? I have found some photographs of what looks like a manual with some technical drawings. Do the Renault archives have anything (anybody ever asked/looked?) I'm working on the Takom 1/16 kit at the moment, and looking for any info I can find. Paid...
A friend of mine has made a beautiful 1/32 model of this gun using 3D printing and has asked me to paint it There’s numerous photos on the AWM web site of the gun after capture and many of the gun later which I assume has been repainted. Looking at the period photos I’m thinking there were five colors used...
Hello! Recently I started to dig in into theme of Mk V in WW2. I would be grateful for any information or photos. It return I can share all I've found this far
At US National Archives, College Park Maryland, there are 16 folders of prints for the Artillerie St-Chamond Tracteur Cuirasse De 90HP. I have attached the cover of one of them. I did not have time to go through them, but I have attached the loose St.-Chamond drawings that I found in the file box. F...
For some bizarre reason Yandex tossed up a link on a search for something somewhat related to an entry in the IWM catalogue which is the range tables for the 21cm (and larger calibre) guns with the note the folder contains 6 handbooks of the Wilhelmgeschutze. The IWM has scanned some of the images whic...
I’ve received a request to up-scale my 1:76 scale tracks (Airfix Mk1). Looking at the tracks I realise that what works in 1:76/1:72 isn’t going to ‘cut it’ in larger scales. I am now working on producing something that will work in 1:48 and will scale up for 1:35 etc. updates will follow as the design...