Male Mark IV tank loaded onto a flatbed railway wagon. Notice the earth mound ramp at the rear of the wagon and how the side sponsons have been pushed in. Do you have any more photos of this tank? Do you know its identity number? Where was the photo taken?
Australian War Memorial caption - View of a tank put out of action in a shell pitted area in the mud near Clapham Junction, in the Ypres sector, in Belgium. The tank was damaged by an enemy anti-tank gun during the attack on 20 September 1917.(AWM E01421) Do you have any more photos of this tank or now it'...
Do you have any more information or photos of the WW1 Mk V composites fitted with a long thin 45 mm gun in one of the sponsons used in the defence of Tallin 27-31 Aug 1941?. Were any tanks fitted with 45 mm guns in the Russian Civil War or was it only the tanks used in WW2?
on braille scale section there is a posting about Roden coming out with a Vauxhall D type ambulance with a picture of the box art. post dated 26 may
Hello everyone, Adims, please delete if not allowed... We're a production company in Western Australia that is producing a 2 x 1 hour documentary series for UK, Scotland, Canada and Australia on the last 100 days of WW1. we're telling the story of the combined weapons system via individual soldiers...
Stumbled on this. Released last month. As promised a long time ago, follow-up to Pascal Danjou's book on the FT: The Renault FT Around the World Details here:
Not sure about this, can someone confirm or deny this. Is there a picture of the car showing the license plate ? The car that Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated had the number plate 11 11 18. This assassination lead to the start of the First World War which concluded on 11/11/18.
A friend of mine sent me this picture and the caption that goes with it. "Battle of the St Quentin Canal (Saint-Quentin). Men of the American 30th Infantry Division at rest with German prisoners following the capture of Bellicourt, 29th September 1918. In the background are British Mark V Tanks with...
Whether this belongs in Softskins, Tanks, AFVs, or elsewhere depends on the answer to the question. In de Mole's first approach to the War Office (1912) was he proposing an armoured and armed vehicle or simply an all-terrain vehicle, perhaps even just for transport? I know that subsequent approach...
I have seen a picture of FT17 on a train of MkIV/MkV's somewhere and recall someone mentioning that the FT17's were used in late 1918 by the British as some form of command/liaison tank. Does anyone know more about this, that could expand on the British FT17 use? Were they allocated down to company's? H...
As I mentioned a while ago, my neighbour's father served in the Tank Corps. She died a few months ago, and her son has put her father's memoirs together in a booklet and very kindly given me a copy. He lived from 1895 to 1989, and his life story is worth reading for its own sake. But I was surprised and deligh...
I bounced across this article online which shows the bridge layer about halfway through and noting the previous post from 2007 is dead and the thread closed thought I would save it here before it is lost again. Noting the cleanliness of the Mk V**, the extra buttressing of the trench and the "posed" ap...
Hi, I was sent this picture, and I was wondering if the short barrel in this sponson, was just that the cannon wasn't pushed all the way through, or was it a different caliber gun ?
Do you have any more information on this captured Mk IV Male with F31 on the side? Look at the gun shield. Two false vision slits have been painted vertically down the side.
I made it back to the US about a week ago from another Middle East tour and have gotten back to work on the collection. Here is a photo of the German 10.5cm lFH 1898 Limber (Protze) with much of the six horse team's saddles, harnessing, saddle bags, frogs, sabers, and horse shoe carriers. Still missing...
Strelets' heavy artillery kits may not have been a triumph so far but if their kits improve in quality as much as their figure sets did recently, quite a lot of 1/72 collectors could be happy. Well, there is hope. They are thinking of designing the Skoda 305mm gun so could anybody please help them out wit...
Great to see this at Tankfest. I was surprised to that the 75 was still attached to its artillery carriage, with wheels removed & just bolted onto essentially axle stands!
Thought people might like to see our latest TSF turret. We will combine this one with the first to have a complete one. Don't know history of it as it was offered to us by a dealer.
Recently I visited a local collector of WW1 militaria. To my amazement, he lives just around the corner, he has a 42cm cartridge standing in his hallway. Close inspection revealed a production year of 1917 Karlsruhe. Regards, Harry The prim...
A few years ago dsbaker4au posted a thread about a Kickstarter project for 28mm WW1 tanks. They do look very good and appealed to me as the MkIV sponsons can be removed and for me cut back to be used for rail transport. A little expensive but apparently, they will on request produce the tanks in other scal...