In the last few days, I have gotten a French 75mm mle/97 Limber. This is the French designed and manufactured one not the US M1918 Limber for the French 75mm. It appears to be the only one in the USA now. This example is painted French horizon blue with what appears to be French WW1 Era camouflage paint...
Hello All Attached pictures of the anti bomb roof I am creating for a female tank. I used the original frame from Takom's kit but shortened it. And then added the rear and sponsons extensions ( Scratchbuild ) The model is still in progress. Cheers Olivier
I have the German 7,7cm lFK 1896 n/A Limber assembled. I still have riveting to go and a new back hatch will have to be fabricated but at this stage you can see what it will look like. The 7,7cm and 10,5cm limber differ in size, box interior layout and in details of the foot board mounts/trace chain mount...
Hi all, This is my first venture into WWI modelling. I'm starting on the Meng Mk V Female, so I'm gathering info. (Went through old posts) Any comments on this kit and the color it has? Noticed there's debate on wether Mk V's should be brown or green. I red that the way the chains hold the crib might not be...
I was watching this video about parades in russia and they had the MK V hermaphrodite tanks on parade. But the tanks had the canon / mg sponsons on either side. some had the canon on the starboard side, others had it on the port side. The same for the MG s...
Hello At the moment I am busy with the construction of the 1/35 Armo Austin Kegresse . I want to make the 4993, a by the polish forces conquered russian Austin Kegresse. I've found 3 photographs of this vehicle , [img]
I'm not sure if anyone else is interested, but I find the construction of tanks fascinating (yea I know..) The Tank Museum's article..
Came across this article.. thought people here would like to read it.. From The Tank Museum: Naming Deborah – Mark IV Tank In CambraiJul 1, 2017 The Tank Museum 1998 Philippe Go...
There were 8 British tank Battalions at the Battle of Cambrai Nov 1917. They were given letters of the alphabet. A Battalion, B Battalion etc.. Was there a standard number of tanks issued to each battalion or did it vary? Obviously the amount of tanks that were combat ready differed because of losses a...
First to Fight are working on a 1/72 kit of what they are calling " Polish howitzer 100 mm wz.14 / 19 ". From what little I can find, this seems to be the Austro-Hungarian gun that Landships is calling "10cm Feldhaubitze M.14". I can see that the 14/19 version has a longer barrel, but are there any other maj...
(I apologize for bar English) Whether there is any information on the following projects? Schwersturmpanzerwagen "Gannover" of engineer L. ElersInfanteriewagen "Gessen-Kassel" of plant "Wegmann"Bremerwagen III (Marienwagen III)"Horch" ("Benz-Brauner")500-tons project Landpanzerk...
First to fight have released a small scale kit of the "Soixante-Quinze", some reviewers feel it is too small for 1/72. However as far as I am aware, all of them compared the FtF kit to other kits nominally 1/72, and none of them to the real thing's dimensions. But that is what we need in order to find out whe...
Hello All Doing a model of B bataillon Tank for Cambrai , I have an issue with the locking device for the beam. This is not the design at aft of tank with triangular stoppers , chain and small winch inside the tank. It is on top aft of the spud bin , and either a cable , either round steel is used... If there is an...
I am quite new to the forum, mostly watching and (hopefully) learning, but a number of posts are confusing me a little, not the content, rather the form. However, a lot of threads have questions like "Do you have any more photos of this tank or now (sic) it's identity?" (for example) , who is the "you" re...
i found some blueprint about K-Wagen but something is different this print is generally known as K-Wagen in manufacture which most of us already know the problem is, where are the rear machine guns both side? i can't fine any comments about that pic in reference is there any information?