Hoping to pick your brains and personal archives on my other intended Mk.I build - a Supply Tank. I'm ok on rear bin detailing info & sponson blanking / riveting as we've discussed these before. However, I am wondering if anyone has got better photos of the Bovvy Mk.II drivers cab roof hatch? Bett...
Hi everybody, I am planning to build a saluting cannon based on a cannon with a Krupp Leitwellen breech. Does anybody have any detailed photos, drawings, blue prints etc. that might be helpful? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you. Cheers Christoph
Both Meng and Takom mark V kits have angled arm attached from the rear of the drivers cab down to top hull of the tank, slightly offset from the centre line. Does anyone have any idea what this is. Having studied photographs of preserved tanks in UK and Russia and this attachment is not present. Likewise...
I made a 3d model of this rather obscure design based off the blueprints which are a little confusing and the drawings of it from the old landships site. Please forgive the little A number and name. Without the trailing wheels http://i.imgur.com/LktDQ99.png and with http://i.imgur.com/C9bE7...
Published 2016. I've just treated myself to this. 230 pages. Published by Osprey, in association with the Tank Museum. I didn't know if this was just all the New Vanguard WWI tank series bound together, but I gather it isn't, although "some material has previously been published" in the Mk I, Mk IV, Mk...
I've always taken it as read that the Mk V had a major ventilation problem because the fans drew air from the outside rather than from the interior. Now someone has put this on Wikipedia: The only ventilation for the crew compartment, other than the driver and gunner view-ports, located on all sides of...
This is some assorted information on cars and trucks used in Russia in WW I: The Book "The Russian Military Air Fleet in WW I" A Blume Vol I car pics Pages 91,118,145, 170, 260 Benz truck pic 96 Vol II AA gun truck pics pages 58 ,100 The Tsar's cars go to alexanderpalace.org/impgarage for the cars used Dela...
I am about to start build the Roden 1/72 Vauxhall and the Reviresco Crossely tender and Thornycroft truck and need some painting info: I am planning to paint the Vauxhall as in the instructions will Tamaiya XF-26 be a okay match for the deep green mentioned. Where the other parts of the car left gold o...
Reading Briefly Famous, The 1917 Caterpillar G-9 Tank by Jack Alexander, 2015, he writes that there is a film of the Hold C.L.B. Model 75 Tank. He also talks about the tank being used in various public appearances. Does this film still exist? Is it available on line someplace? On a related note, I a...
It seems that British tanks after the Great War were painted in green-but what type of green? During World War Two and later, the British varied their base colors quite a bit. There was SCC15 later in the war, then Deep Bronze Green in the 1950's and 1960's, then NATO Green and black in the 1970's. So...
On the great war album 1914-1918invasionzone.com medical services section there is a new posting of the Dowager Empress Maria Fed hospital work 19141916 which has a number of pictures of Russian ambulances.
I'm new to this forum and I am trying to identify a wagon for a friend of mine who is an army historian researching the American 29th Division in WWI. Please look at the attached photo - it appears to me to be some sort of German artillery support wagon. Any thoughts or leads would be greatly appreciated...
You might recall that the memsahib and I went to France for the Somme Centenary Commemorations last July, and we brought back some photographs from Albert. It so happened that we stumbled upon the graves of some men from my great-uncle's unit, in Savy Cemetery. One of them was the CSM Rhodes, whom Unc...
Our friend Jack Alexander poses the following question: I did just publish a small book on the history of the Holt 120 HP Caterpillar, used in the Great War, which can be previewed at LULU.com There are now two known survivors in the US, one was pulled out of Alaska last year and now being restored. A se...
Found some French work on the physical properties/ composition of the armour plate on A7V #542. The steel is a Nickel steel with about 4% Ni - it's roughly like a low alloy tool steel. It was pretty hard - the hardness test result is about the same as white cast iron. If anyone's interested in the detail I...
Has anyone seen any details on the method used to keep the Crib fascine on the Mark V in place? Simply ropes or cables, or was there a more refined technique? The photos I have seen are too distant to get a clear impression of the method of attachment/release.
on hathitrust.org there is the online book "With the MT in Mesopotamia" by F.W. Leland of interest to people who want to know what vehicals were used there and their operations ect.. There are also some other books on this campaign: The Campaign in Mesopotamia 4 volumes F.J. Moberly the British offic...
Takom's 1/35 scale Medium Mark A Whippet, completed as tank A321 serving near Achiet-le-Petit, France, in August 1918. Finished in Vallejo & Tamiya acrylics; MIG enamels; Abteilung 502 oils; and MIG, Secret Weapon Miniatures, and Vallejo pigments. This was my first entry into armor modelin...
Actually. it did start during the Great War. I got Osprey book on the soldiers, but no detailed information on how they fought. It seems that to make the soldiers, we could use existing World War One figures of British soldiers and World War Two shoulder boards available from Eduard in photoetch, an...