Namely, tank crew members who would stagger out of any World War Tank in a state of nausea-which happened plenty enough in real life. -- Edited by Long Tom on Friday 24th of February 2017 09:03:57 PM
Hello! i am looking for a picture of a MK V without the rails for the unditching beam but with all the brackets to hold the rails still on it. I am especialy interested in how the driverscabin looked at the outside without the rails but with the brackets still attached to it to. anyone who has a picture? bes...
An old friend passing through Paraguay sent me this photo of a Bolivian Krupp 75 mm L.13 model 1896 mountain gun captured during the Battle of Boquerón. H was surprised when I told him its story. It was one a a batch paid for the Argentine government and part of a shipment of arms, which included Mauser m...
The Photograph is from the Tennessee State Library and Archives and is titled, (Three hundred and first Tank Battalion. America's heavies going into action at Souplet on the morning of October 17, 1918. Note the American flag flying from one of the tanks. St, Souplet, Nord, France. ) The Photog...
An old friend in Chile sent me this picture, labeled As " Bolivian Artillery during the War of the Pacific" ( 1879-1883) from Bolivian sources.. I was doubtful about the uniforms, which seemed of a later vintage. He identified it as a photo taken during the Bolivian Civil War of 1895. He further id...
There is a very nice 15 minute film on You Tube showing the testing and display of Ordnance items in 1918-1919. The film starts with some artillery firing, including some SP artillery demonstrations. The second half of the film shows some Renault FT displays along with a long segment on the Mk VIII Int...
Hi; My first post!! Can anybody tell me what were the unit numbers for the Flak artillery? Also what units used captured Russian AA guns? I recently purchased a shell casing 76.2x385x90mm-? marked?? JUNI / FN / 1918, I assume for the Russian 76.2mm Putilov AA M1902. Looking for more information/hist...
A bit of an "Off topic", but some of these guns were still in reserve by th e outbreak of the First World War- This is a Krupp 75 mm L.24 mod. 1895 (couresy Mayor S. Toyos R.E.) Note the Maxim-Nordenflet screw breech block common to all Argentine Krupp guns in this caliber up to the Krupp mod. 1909... [URL=...
This was taken a few years ago at the H.Q. of "The Confederate Air Force", in Harlingen, Texas.[URL=][IMG][/IMG...
I am enclosing an illustration of a Krupp 7,5cm L..13 mod. 1873 mountain gun sent by my old friend Arkady Kuznetsov and a couple of photos of a Peruvian Krupp 75 mm L.13 mo. 1880 y another contact in Peru.. They are virtually identical. Now compare the simple mount with that of a Krupp 75 mm L.13 mod. 189...
Any way to tell which is which before I buy it? I read that some kits of the same tank from the same manufacturer have the one kind and later ones the other kind. As might be expected, the glue-togethers are too much for the likes of me.
The fuel tanks in the early (Mark i - III) tanks were in the horns The fuel was moved to the rear of the tank for the Mark IV. Has anyone seen any evidence as to whether this had any impact on the handling of the later tanks?i
US Army Railway Artillery Projects Railway Artillery forms another chapter in the history of our wartime Ordnance preparation. An inventory taken by the Ordnance Department as soon as war was declared against Germany showed some 464 big guns available for mobilization on the western front. Thes...
3 new 1/72 kits in processing at Roden; Rolls Royce Armoured Car 1920 Pattern, FWD 3 Ton Lorry, and Vauxhall D-Type Staff Car.
I found a decal set from this manufacturer: It says World War Two, but a number of items, including NCO chevrons and divisional symbols, also will work with World War One era US Army and Marine figures as well.
From a friend in Argentina I received this photo-I've seen a short clip of it Any more details ?[URL=][IMG]
And here's another WW1 veteran in the Republican side of the Spanish Civil War. These are (I believe) Model 09 Putilov 152 mm . Howitzers. supplied to the Republicans by Moscow. The questions is why? The Spanisg "Republcans" controlled most of the Army's ordnance, and thequantities of a much bett...
Currently I'm bulding a Mark I Male tank from Takom and was wondering if there are some good photos of the tank in Bovington. There are a few things that I'd like to look at before I use glue/putty...
Recently, as part of the upcoming centenary of Fort George G. Meade, I have been studying and researching the 'Five of Hearts' Renault FT. For those who may not be familiar with the Five of Hearts, the tank was part of the US 344th Light Tank Battalion and was involved in heavy combat on 4 October 1918 du...
Here's another photo of a Brazilian Renault FT 17 during exercises.[URL=][IMG]
I took several photos of this Canon de 155 C ( for Court-or "Short" Mle. 1917 at the Aberdeen Proving Ground Museum some years ago. This is the only one that survived.I take it to be a Schneider Mod. 1917 howitzer, judging from the rubber-rimmed tires, an Italian example captured during WW2 . Any commen...
Found on YouTube - it looks like a compilation of a number of clips - it's one of the few clips I've seen of the loading cycle of a railway gun. I count at least 4 types of railway gun in the clip. Regards, Charlie
Is this item on eBay a known variant of the face mask, or is it a fake ? The differences I notice are the vision slits. 6x full width instead of 5x varying width. (short, medium, long, medium, short) The mail is made from links the same size as the links that join the mail to the mask, instead of being made fro...