While I applaud Meng for the stellar job they did on their recent A7V (it makes the old Tauro kit look like a toy), I'm very disappointed at the way they've handled the whole, "Now that you've bought the original kit, here's a Deluxe Edition you really must buy, because, well, it's got an engine". Seems l...
Here's a photo of cadets of the Paraguayan Military Academy c. 1910 with tone of he Krupp 75 mm L.14 mod. 1907 guns. These guns served throughout the revolutions of 1911 and 1922 and the Chaco War..they were sold to the Spanish "Republicans" in 1937, along wth other Chaco War surplues..Gunther [URL=...
I am hoping to bring out figure sets of the above.I am having some ptoblem in getting good images of the uniform detail.I particular the of what they carried on their backs,rucksaks etc,also the type of water flask,some images show a typical British one others a much larger "rounded one. Many thanks...
Can't remember seeing this before, which doesn't necessarily mean it hasn't appeared here. The caption reads, broadly: "In the background, a captured English tank and a French Schneider tank." I assume those are the two objects I've ringed. Is the caption correct? If so, where might the two have co...
I only have "French Tanks of World War One" as a reference, and it mentions that the original Schneiders were all modified after their failed initial battle. Question: Which specific version does the Hobbyboss kit entail? I'm currently building the wheels and suspensions, and ouch! the tracks...
Thought I'd follow up the lead that Michel gave and bring this up to date. Both vehicles now runners, after a €150,000 refurb - 30k for the Schneider, 120k for the Saint-Chamond - much of it through donations. Saint-Chamond here Schneider here Saint-Chamond converted to diesel, apparently. Detail...
HiMountain howitzer Berger system 75mm L / 11 mod.1904It is a mountain howitzer that is registered as designed by the German company "Berger & C°" of the city of Witten - Ruhr (before 1904 the factory had changed his name to "Gussstahl Werk Witten AG").There is a possibility that it may have bee...
There is considerable evidence that Major Gregg was actually Major John Ronald Greg. Glanfield lists him as Greg, but I've double-checked. Sources include London Gazette and the 1918 New Year's Honours List.
Another Wayne McCullough design - a Mark IX in a hypothetical "Plan 1919" form. Fairly straightforward to build. I have another Mark IX beta to do so I thought building the base model would be a good idea. Regards, Charlie
I'm trying to determine what actual shade it is- there are more than 50 shades of gray! I'm trying to start my Schneider kit, and presumably suspensions will be gray while camouflage will be placed on the upper areas (I assume that from pictures I saw). Also, is this a standard gray color for any machi...
HiKrupp 15 cm L/14 "Argentine Model 1911"- Field HowitzerThis is another artillery gun hardly known outside of Argentina.In many web pages confuse his existence with a supposed Argentine Model 1904, from which we have no evidence that it has arrived in our country (it could be that negotiations...
Featured in magazine Le Miroir 7/7/1918 is this image of HEDDA I'd not seen before search of this forum and reverse google search yielded nothing on the tank - I can't tell there is she's been battle damaged or just undergoing maintenance the full page as it appears -- Edited by vollketten on Wednesda...
Hi Guys I have started building an a7v in 1/6 scale off of a papermodel. do to size I may add interior details. time will tell. tracks will be panzerwerk panther links, and roadwheels will be knex medium hubs. and wright brother guns. the rest I will scratch build. rivets are 4mm half round p...
Citizens! Courtesy of Michel, a.k.a. Tanker, I am able to tell you that there are plans for either the Schneider or the Saint-Chamond to be at Bovington on June 24th, which I assume is Tankfest.
http://www.landships.info/landships/tank_articles.html#Trevor Pidgeon has noted that a well-known photograph of a Mk.I, usually captioned as going into action at Flers- Courcellette, must have been actually taken at Elveden.6 If this i...
Hello guys, here you have some pics of my scratchbuild Austrian tractor. Hope you like it. Cheers Kamil -- Edited by Kamil on Tuesday 17th of January 2017 06:27:53 PM
Anyone curious how the RFC ranged artillery during WW I might want to go to the great war forum invasioonzone19141918.com war in the air section posting deciphering ranging in artillery report 2 Squadron which tells how it was done. on theaerodrom.com forum other WW I aviation section there are pos...
Hello WW1 tank fans! I have a question regarding Mark IV Female tank (early version). I was wondering if someone could help me. I'm currently bulling the Flirt II tank, here's an image of it (Takom kit):As you can see it's almost read...