Sorry if this is too OT (pre WWI)Help wanted please. The following description of a mortar appears in General Staff Handbook of the Mexican Army 1906. London; War Office, 1906. Naval & Military Press undated reprint, as part of the equipment in the Mexican artillery.These guns are something o...
No one has done it yet, so I will. A very merry Christmas to all who contribute to and/or learn from the Forum. It's a pity that the world doesn't seem to learn anything. A probably forlorn wish for peace in 2017. J
Good day Landship members. Could the policeman in this picture be placed in a 1919/1919 scene? I have noticed on pictures that the number of buttons on the coat changed over the years. Are there any other things I have to change to fit him in a scene from justa after the great war? Hope to hear from you, bes...
Finally - the manual for the 194 GPF SPG has turned up on Gallica. Lots of detailed drawings of the recoil and projectile charging systems. There may be manuals for the 280mm howitzer version and the tractor but the search engine hasn't disgorg...
Hi,I have just received the above,an excellent kit. On the box label it has 1:72nd scale but on examining the sprues I have come to the conclusion it is nearer 1:76th scale. I took another look at their FWD kit and realised that to is nearer 1:76th. Has any one else noticed this or do I need new glasses??
This is on Miniart website, no details but sounds interesting for WW1 modelling. ========================================= Dear All,We would like to share our plans for 2016 with you.MiniArt is going to launch new series of models next year which are:- 1:35 WWI Military Miniatures Series ...
I should need help for a project of restoration. Mr Jon Stanat is searching for documentation dealing with the SpanishSchneider mountain gun 70 mm M 1908 in order to restaure the artillery piece located in his town. He is searching in fact for plans or measurements in order to fabricate a replacemen...
This military book specialist now has a website: In the latest paper catalogue: a fine copy of David Fletcher's British Tanks 1915 - 19 - £40
It official I've finally gone loco! I've never really been a big fan of trains but have suddenly become obsesed with all things narrow gauge so I've embarked on a small train journey. It's should be a fairly quick one as everything you can see here was done in one afternoon
Hello Landship-members, A question about the Mark V female tank with portable tank crane. in David Fletchers book on the Mark V there is a drawing of this tank with some text. here is a copy of the text from the internet: "the crane was bolted to the idler shafts on the inner face of the horns". Can anyone...
After a break from modeling I finished this excellent kit by GB Modelli. Not sure if the interior was sand, but all the references I could find showed yellow. However, it migh have been green. Regardless, I hope you like it. Thanks, Rob It claims that the first purpose-built assault guns were StuG III. It defines assault gun as: "An assault gun is a gun or howitzer mounted on a motor vehicle or armored chassis, designed for use in the direct fire role in support of infantry when att...
Does anyone remember seeing the following Mk.IV or Mk.V build on the web in recent months? I forgot to save the link and would love to refer to back it -British Mk.IV or V *MALE* tank, Meng or Takom built with the left 6pdr canon removed & the gun shield dislodged / resting at an angle in the sponson. Th...
Hello, I just have the information that Hunor will release the different elements of the A-H armoured train. I don't know if it is the re-use of the Fine Scale factory masters or if it is a brand new kit. Anybody have more information ? Release date ? ... Alll the best
I have been studying the 42cm 'Big Bertha' for several years.? As anyone who has also studied it knows, that the historiography of the howitzer is shrouded in myth and misinformation starting with what is 'Big Bertha" and finishing with the scrapping of the last guns (you will note I wrote the pl...
I make this model straight from the box because I have a little time to spent on modelling. This Masterbox kit is very nice and easy to build. Only one problem is that te tracks made of vinyl are very difficult to paint,This little diorama shoWs the MK II tank "Lusitania" driving thru the Nomansland to t...
I just made this MK II tank male tank from the box, because I have not a lot of time to spent at modelling. I the model is represented driving thru the battlefied of Arras.
Has anyone seen any first-person accounts from British or French tank crews whose tank was struck by German anti-tank rifle fire during the 1918 fighting? I get the impression that Allied tank crews were not very impressed by the anti-tank rifles, but I have yet to see any detailed accounts.
HiThere are a "Bombarda" preserved in the courtyard of the“Museo de Armas de la Nación” of the Círculo Militar - Buenos AiresIt is classified as Bombarda Italiani da 240 mm – 1886 – “Ufficio Meccanico Milano”.Bombarda Italiani da 240 mm – 188...
I am backdating this 1/72 Five Start WWII German Railway gun to a WWI version. I've started the conversion but there is still quite a bit of work to be done. I need to...Replace the kit railings and platformsScratch build the two Vogele platform supports underneath the center sectionRepair poor...
Just found myself a Meng Mk.V Female at a price that could not be ignored and am now wondering about the side vents, specifically - i/ Why does the left side vent have two angled hoods / deflectors and the right side vent none? ii/ What is the inverted 'V' option that can be installed over the left side ven...
I believe this to be the tank presented to the town of High Wycombe in early 1920 in recognition of their efforts with War Savings schemes. The tank was a feature placed in front of the Royal Grammar School in High Wycombe and was removed and sold for scrap by 1931. I have several mentions of the tank's arr...