Hi, I'm back after long time with my last work on Landship subject: the well known MKI Supply "DODO". It's an easy conversion based on the nice kit of MKI Male from Takom. Decals will come from the New Penguin 35005 decal set. The new cab is theat I 3D printed some months ago but the MR Modelbau resin cab is f...
Hello All,
Probably not all of you know that our expert on Belgian armor, Georges Mazy (nick: gemsco) passed away in 2013 or 2014 (sorry, not sure about that). So we'll probably never read his book on Belgian armored cars in WW1 which he's been writing. What remains is Georges' articles. I know he pub...
Hi all, I assume there were standard wheel & tyre sizes used for trucks during the Great War? Could someone please tell me or point me @ a source? Particularly interested in the LGOC, Daimler, AEC wheels as fitted to B types. Thanks mike
Hello all, I have just acquired a photo of a very interesting piece of artillery (please see the attachment). At first glace it looks just like a British BL 10-pounder screw-gun fitted with a recuperator. I tentatively recognised it as a the "7.5cm two-part barrel gun" made in China's Hanyang Arse...
I'm trying to get information about a tank which was presented to High Wycombe in recognition of the town's efforts with War Savings. I have just been given a photo of the tank which appears to be a female Mark IV tank with the name 'Leprechaun', Number 2334. There also appears to be a large letter 'L' and...
I don't know if their color is the same as WW2 field gray or not.? I have German and British figures and no idea what to paint them.? I also have only Tamiya and Model Master acrylic paints readily available for use.
Here's a photo I found in the US Signal Corps collection some years ago of "US tank #790 knocked out supporting 90th Division 25 October 1918 Ferme de la Madeleine in the Meuse area". It is in all probability from a supporting French unit, but the "US" marking is curious. I have a m...
As I mentioned in another thread, one of my hobbies is preparing artwork of military hardware. My first effort in this area was the British 14 inch Mk3 railway gun. My process is to first create a line drawing in Adobe Illustrator which I then import in Adobe Photoshop. I use the vectors from Illustrato...
Greetings, Have been studying a photo in of knocked out MKVs and MKV*s. In the foreground, I can make out the number 9603. That would be a Company A tank commanded by Lt. Adams. It was hit and destroyed on Sept. 29, 1918. 9603 was one of just four Company A tanks that made it across the Hindenburg line. T...
I don't know if it's just my imagination, but it seems as if it's becoming much more commonplace to name Ernest Swinton as the inventor of the tank. Perhaps the Internet produces some sort of reinforcing effect. More and more articles begin with this bald statement. Even J.P. Harris says, " . . . Swinto...
Hi some time ago i came across an article that talked about the different model kits of the 1/35 Mk. IV / V . I downloaded the pictures, but I didn't bookmark the article. If these pictures i have uploaded strikes a memory can you please let me know where that article is posted ? thank you. -- Edited by Ned o...
Sorry if this is about a WWII piece of equipment but this seems like a very knowledgable forum. Does anyone know of a source for reference on the German K12 (E) railway gun? I've got all the standard books such as "Deutche Eisehbahn-Geschutze", "German Railway Guns in Action" and John Batchelor/Ian H...
Having read the novel years ago, I remember most the scene where the protagonist and his companions are in a trench under a particularly heavy artillery attack (I assume by the French), and he says they were lucky they were in an older, deeper trench rather than a more modern shallower one, or they woul...
Hello All, ? I have received Rod Dux's new book called "The Benzine Lancers", Mechanicalizing the Australian Military Forces 1901 to 1919. What a tome! This covers the evolution of mechanical transport in Australian Forces and covers a broad range of topics with a profusion of photos an...
My last work is a Mk IV Female named Marie Chen belonging to the German Freikorps in 1920 during the red revolution in the Ruhr valley She comes from Takom mostly OOTB with some minor works: - new escape hatch on the drive cab floor, - new side rail support, - new observation hatch, a resin copy of Tamiya k...
Second try at this...Only two?42cm M-Ger?t L/12 Dicke Bertha were available at the beginning of World War I, and they were used to destroy the Belgian forts at Li?ge, Namur, and Antwerp, and the French fort at Maubeuge, as well as other forts in northern France.?They were Batterien Hauptmann?Becke...
A popular online encyclopaedia says that this weapon was adopted by the French Army. I can't find any evidence of it. It was taken up by GB, as we know, and the Belgian Cyclists and some Belgian cavalry regiments had small numbers of them, but I haven't seen any LMG in French hands until the Chauchat. Can...
Greetings, Does anyone know anything about the tank "Baby Doll?" From this photo, it appears that it was a demonstrator in the United States. I dare say, goggling "301 Baby Doll Tank" does not produce the desired (though, perhaps, distracting) results. ? Thanks, JAG
I know it's not new, but I wonder if anything more is known about this armoured car except that it was probably German (or Austro-Hungarian?) and it was probably captured by Russians? Isn't it possible that it was simply built in Russia, not captured? -- Edited by Albert on Sunday 9th of October 2016 11...
HiBethlehem Steel Comp de 76,2mm L24 (3”) USA.- 1911Factory Bethlehem Steel Comp. It was one of the most important suppliers of the Argentine Navy in the early twentieth century. He had equipped the Rivadavia and Moreno battleships with guns of...
Well after starting my first armoured Holt 10 ton and then finding the dimensions were a little off here's progress on the "take two" now based on factory data.