I think this is meant to be Ernest Swinton, but it's not a picture I remember. Any offers? -- Edited by James H on Wednesday 19th of October 2016 01:13:05 PM
I recently came across a relative's tombstone with the following information: His Name Pennsylvania Private, Co C 17 Tank Battalion WW I I have omitted his name at this time, but will provide it as requested. He was born in 1901. I have started some online research into WW I AEF Tank units and did not...
Came across a good image of the 38cm sehr schwere Minenwerfer in the sludge pond (internet). It certainly was a beast - I think Arie said there were only 3 built due to barrel explosions. Regards, Charlie
Gents, would please help me to ID thes 2 miniature cannon models that I have in my posession. The first one is a coastal artillery gun (?). This is a very detailed model and I do think that it is a miniature copy of the real thing. The second cannon is also a riddle for me. Its not from WWI period, obviously. I...
Can anyone help me find any German eyewitness accounts of the WWI tanks warfare? I'm interested in any account by German soldiers facing British tanks OR accounts by German tank crews. Are there any accounts available online?
Hello In the book "Tanks and Trences " by David Fletcher, On page 94 you can find a photograph of a MK IV towing a 5.9 inch german gun, as said in the caption. I can show this photograph from a scan, but I am not sure this is allowed here.....(copyrights ?) My Question : Could a MK IV tow a gun ? and if...
Citizens! Can anyone supply me with a quotation, from a written source, to the effect that the Schneider and Saint-Chamond were, or would nowadays be considered to be, self-propelled guns rather than tanks, on the grounds that tanks have turrets? I'm sure I've read it somewhere, but I can't call it t...
Just wondering how many modellers would go for larger scale models like 1:16. I my self usually like 1:35 but as I get older the larger scale models like the 1:16 Takom FT tanks are a joy to work on and I wish they would make the Mk 1 -5 series of British tank including other WW 1 models. The last straw that fin...
I am looking for a copy of, or pdf etc. any format of a workshop manual for the 250hp Ricardo engine for a Mk.V male preferably. The sort of thing which would have been issued to repair crews to strip and repair an engine in the field. I have technical drawings from the MLRS books but not actually the manual...
Hi, I'm just about to start building one of my Deutz Locos and would like to give it something to drag along behind... so my first question is are there specific German narrow gauge wagons that would have been used on the Western Front or would they have used captured French and British ones? Question...
Hello Histoire &collections have edited a book related to the modeling of WW1 Tanks ! 500 pictures ....seems to be interesting . French and English versions available ! Best Regards Olivier
Good day to you all! I am thinking about making a Mark V*. Base for this model will be a Takom Mark V. Now i am looking for more info and above all a scale drawing. I have only found the attached file. The sides of the tank can be done by looking at photos from the Mark V* but i am not sure how the top of the tank loo...