There are a couple of old thread on DeMole but I found this 1970 article on him in the Australian Army Journal I thought I'd share Page 1: Page 2: Page 3: Page 4:
Happened across this, by Richard Ogorkiewicz. Almost all the content up to 1918 can be read on line. Seems to be quite a comprehensive account, with only a couple of minor quibbles. Includes a fair bit of background on early armoured cars. Much of the story will be v familiar to what Gwyn describes as th...
Hi all! I need any info about a small cylinder on the top of the Mk.IVs hull near the rear stowage box. All 1/35 models (Takom, Tamiya, Emhar) lacks it, but I found it on MRG's 1/16 model: I suppose that it's coolant filler neck (?) Do...
I did my Hobby Boss Schneider CA.1 in the markings of the AS.5 when supporting the AEF 1st Division at Cantigny in 1918. As I mentioned in a previous discussion, the kit lacks the undercarriage detail. The kit track does not go together very well due to a lack of any positive mating features. I replaced...
Acknowledgements to Ivor, who raised this in connection with other matters elsewhere. This is alleged to be the German "toffee apple" mortar. Ian Hogg says the device is, iirc, "sheer fantasy," whereas our former friend Centurion insisted that it really existed. Now, the c...
Dear all, Â I was looking for maps of the Cambrai area which show the detailed structures like trenches, but did not find anything except some low-resolution aerial photographs. Does someone here know if such maps exist, and where they could be found? Â Best regards, Thorsten
I've not noticed mention, yet, of either the AK or the Ammo paint sets for WW1 tanks... Has anybody tried them at all? Does anyone have any strong feelings about the colours in these sets? Â Ammo seems to have fallen into the trap of assuming a 'Green Moss' colour from British armour, with the brown shade...
Have you seen this announcement? I have an off-topic kit from this brand and while of limited production run standard, it's rather accurate and well researched. And above all, very conveniently priced!
hi happy new year for all members of landships I'm a french and i love the french tank of WWI. i buy kits of tank because i'm not the time for built with my job. I'm old military and work to the adminstration now  best regards olivier Â
Many of the older vehicles have a lot of shiny brass that looks great on the parade plaza, but might be conspicuous on the battlefield. During combat conditions, was the brass painted over, allowed to tarnish, or what? It also appears that some vehicles no longer have glass . . . was it broken, taken o...
Just thought that I would post pictures of my latest scratch built WW1 model. It is built from photos mainly and so the accuracy may be a little vague. Â
Another scratch built model from the plans found on this site. Thought that you may be interested in it. -- Edited by DaveS on Monday 9th of March 2015 10:20:36 PM
Built from the 1/76 plans on this site and other information about the Thornycroft vehicle.I still feel the sit of my vehicle is just not right.Here are some pictures.
This is again built from mainly plastic card and anything else that fitted the job.I used plans from various sources and many of the drawings and plans did not seem to agree.This, then is my best guess.I also build a gun trailer and a six inch naval gun for it to tow.-- Edited by DaveS on Friday 13th of Marc...
Hi everybody, with TAKOM's MK IV Hermaphrodite upcoming, I am wondering if we are looking at a "paper tank" like the late WWII German projects so popular with some modellers. Every source I have consulted says that the "Hermaphrodite" configuration with one "male&quo...
I would like to add stowage to my Great War models but I don't know where to obtain fuel cans from that time. Any help would be appreciated. I am willing to scratch build them if I had an idea of what they looked like. Thanks.
First I'd like to say, that its a great site with lots of informations which I couldn't find elsewere... I'd like to know what size has rivets (especially big ones around hull) and nuts (especially connecting front plate with angled bottom one - below gun) in A7V. I searched for it, but couldn't find. I...
I have just won this April 1918 Hotchkiss manual from an online auction. It is for the MK1 and MK1* Hotchkiss machine gun. Now I believe it was the Hotchkiss MK1* that was fitted to the later marks of tanks, MKV onwards, but would appreciate confirmation of this. What I did note though was the four digit n...
Bumbling around I came across three shots of Schneider tanks in a University Archive 'Schneider Tank converted for use as tractor and yard derrick' Circa 1918 'Paint shop associated with 10th Company 2nd M.M Regiment, Aviation Section, Signal Corps, American Expeditionary Forces, France' 'Unl...
Here are some new 1903 cannon breaches ready for installation at the INDIANA MILITARY MUSEUMS GUNS THEY HAVE 3 OF THEM, also here is a reman set of 1903 cason boxes for sights. Here also you can see a set of 1917 brownings. These are all demills. Also pictured is a set of sights for the same cannons. The Bla...
? Hello comrades, I found a reference to a truck-mounted french 75 (complete with wheel and carriage!)as an early A/A improvisation. Could it be ? Best regards.-