Here you can see the first photos of the latest WW1 figures of the German (Bavarian) manufacturer Hecker&Goros in 1:72 scale. There are two sets: German Tankcrew for the A7V, consists of four figures and British twoseater-crew (Pilot, observer and two mecanics). The Figures are made from res...
Here you can see the first photos of the latest WW1 figures of the German (Bavarian) manufacturer Hecker&Goros in 1:72 scale. There are two sets: German Tankcrew for the A7V, consists of four figures and British twoseater-crew (Pilot, observer and two mecanics). The Figures are made from resi...
I've seen so many clips over the last ten years that I'm having difficulty remembering what I've seen before. On the principle that seeing something twice won't do anyone any harm and it's better than not seeing something you should, I enclose a couple of links:
I enclose an image of the item. Does anyone happen to know which tank battalion(s) and infantry regiments it represents? It is supposedly a depiction of events on Sep 29th, 1918. Both British- and U.S.-crewed tanks took part, but Longstaff was Australian born, moved to England, and enlisted with th...
In the book the Russian Military air fleet in WW I Volume 2 it lists on 30.11.14 a Russian armored car "Spa" downing an aircraft of FFA 37 crewed by LtndR H Dahn POW and Obltn H. Deunert KIA NE of Lodz. WWI the Eastern Front Winter 1915 has film clips of Russian armored cars. Also in...
Hi Just wanted to share this with you: Ebay caption says: Original Foto K.u.K. Panzerwagen Gouverment Jekaterinoslaw. [URL=][IMG]https://i240.photobucke...
Greetings, Having just joined, I'll say hello to the group. I am a retired computer systems engineer and one of my hobbies is my home machine shop, where I recently finished restoring a 75-year old metal lathe. Now for a project that will use it and my other metalworking tools: I plan to scratch-build...
Hi I am currently working on a complete survey of the Mark IV Female at the Museum of Lincolnshire Life, now known to be 2743. My first task is to completely describe the tank as it was at the Tank Museum at Bovington before it went to Lincoln in September 1983. To do this I need as many photographs of it w...
At last I've found on the web the photo refrence for those nice "beute" decals that Emhar brings with their 1/72 Mk.IV tank. According to the caption: "Freikorps utilize a captured British Mk IV tank to put down the Spartacist Uprising, Berlin, 1919" note the visor-less helme...
During the war and up to world war two various wooden mockups were made for crew training, recognition and target practice or distraction purposes. Thought it would be a good idea to gather a lot of these together as they are quite interesting but generally just a side issue or ignored completely. Bul...
Pondering the strange layout of Burstyn's Motorgeschütz, in which the driver seems to be facing to the rear and possibly required to steer with the help of a periscope or something while travelling backwards, I had a thought: have we got it the wrong way round? Is the driver actually facing forwards?...
Hello all, I recently finished work on the Emhar model, which had been neglected ever since I started on my 1/16 project, which some of you have followed. I had stopped working on it when I realized the well-known issues this kit has. To begin with, I wanted to use it as a blueprint base for the 1/16, but lu...
As the centenary approaches, new books on the subject are starting to appear. I'm sure there are more in the pipeline. One such is Rise of the Tank: Armoured Vehicles and their Use in the First World War by Michael Foley. Can be partly read online here. At first glance, I can say I've seen worse. But one th...
Here is my latest effort at scratch building.Thresh disinfectorIn 1904 the Thresh Disinfector Company of 66 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, took out a patent for an improved Disinfector - a device by which low pressure steam was used to disinfect bedding and clothing. Hot air was also cr...
I'm hoping someone on the forum may have information regarding the Renault FT 66186 that is on display at the National WWI Museum in Kansas City? The hull number still visible is 867. I'm wondering if its possible to find out what unit it was assigned to when put out of action by a German shell. Thanks,...
It seems during WW I at least one Russian Red Cross train had some motor vehicals attached to it. The cars had the head of the trains motto Semper Idem or Wem painted in large red letters on them. The head of this train was Vladimir M Purishkevich best known for his role in the murder of Rasputin. The car use...
Hello folks, more questions that I cant find answers to in the book collection. Here we go... 1... Fitting that appears to be some kind of handle towards the corner of the roof (looks like a tiny naval rangefinder). (seen on right rear corner of Elfriede and left front corner of prinz oskar for example...
Haven't had any luck finding any technical references, images, or other surviving examples of the A7V's engine. Perhaps others on this forum can point me in the right direction? Thank you Mark
The attached images . . . taken from The Automobile, Dec 24 1914, pp1166-67 . . . provide standards for ambulances developed by the British Red Cross Society. Note that the first image is for two stretchers, the second for four. The article doesn't say if the designs were accepted. Can anyone verif...
Hello I'm working on models of russian Whippets used during the Civil war and I cannot find the serial number of some of ones, especially the tank named "Sibiriak". Considering the pics available, this tank was rearmed with a 37mm gun on the front MG port. I don't know if this conversion was...
Here's an arcane question that perhaps someone might have an answer: On French cannons, there were covers for the muzzles and the sight supports, even the breechs. Anyone knows which colour and material woud be these covers? -- Edited by d_fernetti on Monday 23rd of March 2015 11:52:57 PM
Wildly off-topic, but this absolutely fascinating history of the French language includes the following reference to the Great War:Despite the introduction of primary schools (in which standard French was taught), most people continued to use r...
At the moment, this woman is speaking on BBC Radio 4: "Dr Frances Ross is the great-granddaughter of Sebastian de Ziani Ferranti, an engineer, whose contribution to World War One is the focus of a new exhibition, the Innovation Race. Following the establishment of the Ministry of Munitions in...
Hi all. Last Summer I was in France to visit places of WWI. In Verdun I came in a park where many guns were displayed What a chance to quietly realize a "walk around". I took lots of photos of one of them since I liked the idea to build it in 1/35 scale..even if in a quite far future But first, sinc...