As I said on a post elsewhere, I'm hoovering up Blandford 1st editions of all the old Military titles at the moment and am doing VERY well on getting 40yr old books in absolutely spanking condition... that is with the exception of the above title : ( I'm finding a lot of US Macmillan examples but all the pr...
Hello from Sheffield, England! I am an 18 year old who's Grandfather served in WW1, I have several medals, newspaper articles from 1918 as as some other miscellaneous items. I made a video with the items in the hopes that someone could shed some light on them, I will also get around to scanning the paper...
Hello friends,my name is Bruno, I'm joining of you today. I joined this forum to learn more about this subject.?My English is not very good, sorry any error.?If you want to see some posters of war visit my page:??