I don't know if we've had this before, but I've come across a reference to a tank simply described as "Schneider". Weight 141 tons, L40ftxW10'9"xH9'8", 3 x 75mm guns, 9 x mgs, three turrest, Crew 28. Produced by Schneider, total production 1, date not stated. Sounds like the K-...
First pic is drawing of the Delaunay-Belleville 2.5 ton proposal of 1916. Second is of the D-B project that was finally abandoned in the 1920s. The latter seems to be very different and has clearly borrowed from Renault in several respects. Are these the same tank?
Thanks to Black Lion the decals for Sir Reginald are being worked on so I have no excuse to not finish the Emhar kit. Humm..... I didn't think about that!
Every time I try to make a contribution to the forum it dosen't accept my credit card. Any one else have this trouble and any suggestions to help in the cost?
Hello to all, I was just wondering if anyone on the form had accquired an A7V from FSF. I would be very interested in pics of the completed model, and info pertaining to the kit, especially in how it is compared to the Emhar kit (Which by the way completly disappeared from the internet two weeks ago! I can'...
I finished the tracks on the Mk II supply tank. After the XF-52 Light Earth base coat I used Tamiya Red Brown to paint the tracks. I then dry brushed the with Gun Metal and finally I dry brushed the raised detail with Model Master Silver.
I can't find this via the search engine, but apologies if this has been asked before. Does anyone know when the Austro-Hungarian army ceased to paint its gun carriages the sort of ochre used in the early nineteenth century? And what colour their artillery pieces were in 1914?
In the process of building?the Mark II Female - "COO-COO", does anyone know if there were any Mark IIs that didn't have grousers? Also, does anyone know the serial numbers of COO-COO? Cheers very much. Hugh
I'd heard of this device before, and have just read two highly contradictory accounts of its service and usefulness. Both agree that it was invented by a Belgian officer. The more favourable version says that it was an excellent weapon and came to replace the various models of 58mm spigot in the Frenc...
This photo taken on the set of Westfront 1918, showing the replica "Renaults". It appears to be from the Bundesarchiv. Maybe there's some more stuff there. -- Edited by James H on Tuesday 7th of September 2010 12:11:06 PM
Hello friends,I have painted some of the excellent W^D-figures. Marching and standing British ,and also some gunners. They will be placed on my dio ,soon. Also some figures from FineScale,Germans "resting". hope you like it, greetings,Hans.?
New Model Trans resin kit. They also do Mk IV tracks. http://www.modelltrans.de/neuheiten/ -- Edited by Pat on Saturday 18th of September 2010 09:46:55 PM
I know in the UK it's officially "Battle of Britain" day, but there is another group of the 'few' that should always be remembered, the men of C and D companies and all those that followed.... http://www.firsttankcrews.com/ Trevor Pidgeon has passed away and David Fletcher is retiring,...
Hello to everybody... today I got member of this forum. I liked to build dios in scale 1:72. From time to time you can find some of my articles in the British MMI and the German Modell-Fan.?For me it is very interesting to build kits of the Great war. . They are very interesting and typical for this periode...
Discovered after 90 years: Diary complete with amazing paintings and drawings that bring to life the horror faced by Tommies in the WWI trenches http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1311867/Hero-soldier-Kenneth-Woottons-amazing-diary-drawings-WWI-horrors....
Hi All, ???????? Do'es anyone know of any French Library/Achieve that is online and would have information on FT 17 SP's made after the war. ???????????????????????????????????????????? THE OLD LANCER
Cry for help. Anyone know when the Canon d'Infanterie de 37 mod?le 1916 actually entered service with the French? To the month, if possible. Or three months. Much obliged.
I've read about German machine gunners using armour piercing K bullets on British tanks. Can everyone confirm this? Is there any pictures or references I could use? Thanks Andrew
Hello Everyone, I was reading a thread about D17, when I noticed someone posted that D company did not use grenade roofs? Can anyone confirm this? Thanks, Andrew
I was wondering if anyone has any information about H Battalion at Flesquieres? Maybe crew numbers, tank names and whether they were males or females? ? Thanks again! Andrew
Gywn Evans sent me a great source for the H company tanks on this site, but it's missing whether these tanks were male or female: Harrier H7Hong Hong H23Harvester?H4Huntsman H8 Does anyone know if these tanks were male of Females? Thanks!
No, it's not the latest edition of Commando magazine. I've read several times (including on the FSU site) that "in 1930 France 'sacrificed' her 90 remaining Mark V* tanks at Geneva." One wonders how this might have been done, since I now discover that the Disarmament Conference was held b...