This one is at Mt Morgan in Central Queensland. it was previously incorrectly identified as a C73 on the basis of a couple of small images. Billett identifies it as a 95mm smooth bore gun captured by the Light Horse at Beersheba. Any ideas on the identification? Regards, Charlie -- Edited by CharlieC o...
Is there any way to post model pictures on this site? I am working on the Emhar Mk IV and I am making some improvements to the kit and I would like to post some in progress shots but I don't know how. Thank you for your help.
Just received in the post? John Glansfield's The Devil's Chariots - The Birth & Secret Battles of the First Tanks, and was wondering if anyone who has read it had any general impressions on it. Its importance, etc. Also, any further recommendations on early armored warfare in print? I've the fol...
Hi All, Since reading the Osprey Book on German Panzers 1914 -18 by Steven J Zaloga I have become fascinated with the images of the A7V Flakpanzer, so, as we have all no doubt done from time to time, I started to scratch build this beauty using a Tauro kit as a starter.? I started in January and have been wor...
Just read a bit of Glanfield again. Acc to him, although the Holt was trialled successfully for the KuK Army, plans for a licence deal were scuppered by the outbreak of war. Does that mean that the Holts used in Belgium etc were all requisitioned civilian vehicles? There's this strange claim on an Amer...
I've I've just been messing about with a camera and took this shot of my white metal Schneider in 1/76 scale. The dispatch rider is from the Airfix model and the lorry adapted from the KeilKraft Dennis fire engine.
This is the first kit i've got to the painting stage in about six years, and happy with how it's come out so far. It's the Emhar Mk IV Female, nowhere near completion as it has a fascine and the unditching beam to be added later. Being built for my girlfriend who is currently researching the Battle of Cambr...
I am starting an interest in The Great War and I have posted a few messages on the board. I mainly build modern and W.W.II , But since I have seen all the great models on this site I have bought a few kits. I am very impressed with the help I have received on my questions. I live in the USA and barely computer lit...
Kevin Browning found this one in Manilla, Northern NSW. Billett's "War Trophies" book says it's a 120mm Turkish gun captured by Light Horse. The serial no. is "19" although this can't be seen on the gun. The barrel of the gun appears to be of Turkish manufacture judging by the sc...
The pic below left?is not from Doctor Who but from a 1970 film about the Italian Front, Uomini Contro. 1970s war films could be a bit?dodgy in many respects, and I have never seen this type of armour described anywhere (although it has a slight resembla...
Hi all, I've started this topic as there is a lot of interest in building models of the Great War Tanks, but making the tracks is a significant problem. So, this is where Track drawings, ideas, and info can be shared. It'll be useful to see which scales are popular so I've set up a poll. Merry Christmas, --...
wonder if any one can help with plans for a british tank, WW1 vintage. i am thinking of modelling one at a large scale with a vierw of making it a working(RC) model. at the moment not too concerned which mark, will see what i can get. scale is not an issue either as i can measure of and redraw. thanks in advanc...
Gentlemen, watching carefully some pics of surviving examples I suspect that rivets on FT 17 surface were from conical head type (ballistic?) Any idea? Thanks in advance!
I was looking at Polly Scale PC-10 as a possible color for the Whippet. Without starting a flame war would this be a good color or is it too brown? Thank you for your advice
German Tanks? References? Modelling? You decide. A book on the making of a full size replica of the German A7V !!!Buy this direct from the author. ?8.00 + ?2.00 p&pContact Max Hundleby, 7 Pine Grove, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 7BW. Courtesy of Steve Weston's Toy Soldiers: http://www.plasticsoldier...
Can a member of this forum please advise of any organisation or person who can provide plans of WW1 artillery weapons? I also have seen an advertisement for a?K 15 150mm German long range gun resin model kit but cannot retrace it?Can a member of this forum advise of makers of WW1 model guns either comple...