Hi All! A time? ago I asked you for informations regarding German tanbk commander Lt. Geyer. A friend of mine bought a group of documents of a German tanker of WW1. Believe it or not ... he now owns an award certificate of the German "Erinnerungsabzeichen fuer Kampfwagenbesatzungen" (Bad...
http://www.journaux.fr/revue.php?id=135660 By Lt-Col Paul Malmassari, French expert on early AFVs. Study begun with pre-WW1 (18th +19th century armoured vehicles/projects) and then goes on with 1914-1915 trials , then early AFVs and finally AFV developments that were not to be. A lot of new i...
Hi All,as I've been looking?for quite a lot of patents for tracks recently i came across these which include the original track patent for Lombard and details of at least 3 vehicles.... might come in handy for those RCW halftracks....... Cheers -- Edited by Ironsides on Tuesday 3rd of November 2009 1...
?Working on a model of C21 'The Perfect Lady' at Arras. Can anyone tell me its serial number? Also would love to do a painting or model of C22 At the chemical works , but can find no information on this tank? ? Thanks for the help.
According to Wikipedia (and yes I know you can't always trust it!) the Imperial Japanese Army obtained a number of WW1 tanks immediately post-war for evaluation. One of these was a Mark V, and there were a number of Whippets and some Renault FT-17s.? Don't suppose anybody has any more information on t...
There were some FK96s produced with smaller wheels than the standard gun. Some of these were used in the anti-tank role with the top section of the gun shield removed. There is a survivor at Miles, Queensland. (www.ammsbrisbane.com/documentation/fk96_4.html) Were limbers produced with smalle...
Here's a few photos of the Retrokit Rolls Royce armoured car, the 1914 Europe version, just taken out of the box. Unfortunately the front wheels are missing and the rear turret is badly cast, but aside from that it looks like a very good kit. Having difficulty getting in touch with Solfig to arrange rep...
Does anyone have any information on the AC armoured car of 1915. AC is the racing car manufacturer from the UK. I notice that Second City have created a model of this vehicle and I found one photo on a Russian site but nothing more. Thanks Clive
Attached show a British Double decker in German hands in Brussels. I'm not sure what model - it doesn't look like the London maodel B (the Old Bill Bus) . Any body able to identify? What happened to it I wonder? Was it later repainted and used by the German army?
Has anyone any idea as to the painting scheme for the above. Obviuosly the canvas tilt would have been,well a canvas colour (??) but what about the rest of the vehicle. The usual army green with springs brake linkage in a black/grey metal colour? Any information gratefully accepted
This is the Matador Models horse-drawn Cable Cart, as used by the Royal Engineers Signal Section for laying cable at relatively high speed. It consists of two limbers linked together First impressions are...
It seems that some attempts were made to improve the M16 Stahlhelm, resulting in the versions shown here. Circled is helmet with noseguard,?Stirnpanzer, and ear cutouts. Model with noseguard on right. On left, Stahlhelm with Pickelhaube cover. The man on the left?must be mucking about. Or they mi...
Hi: I'm thinking about building Roden's Rolls, but as used during W.W.1. What needs to be done to the kit to make it W.W.1 issue? I know the wheels should be wire [any thoughts on that?] Thanks for any help, Chris Anderson
I've recently been looking into the Pierce Arrow lorry fitted with the 1 pounder pom pom, and will probably get the Matador kit. I was wondering if anyone knew of where they were deployed, except Northern France? I've been reading about the WWI air raids on London and the rest of the UK recently, and rea...
Over on the Axishistory forum there was a list published of gun receipts by the Turkish Army from 1867-1914. Picking out the 7.5cm Krupp FK guns there seem to have been 4 purchases of the 7.5cm Krupp gun. 1905 - 462 - 7,5cm L/30 Krupp FK C/03 1909 - 90 - 7,5cm L/30 Krupp FK C/09 1911 - 88 - 7,5cm L/30 Krupp FK C/...
Who know more about the Type 38 or Type 41? Im not sure that the Type 41 be developed. But in the BF1942 mod FHSW, we have an 41st Year gun with 8 Inch cal.
A bit modern maybe to be added there, but a real "landship"!I eventually finshed to built the Accurate Armour A1E1. A very nice and well detailed kit ans a real pleasure to built. [im...
Hi, My name is Paul, i discovered this amazing site, so i joined ! I live in south France, i collect Gewehr 98 and all i can about German WWI Tank, wich is mostly pics or infos..!! Cheers !! Paul
It looks like W^D Models will be releasing a 'British Austin?3rd Series (with parts for the Red version)' in the next few weeks. The kit looks to be very highly detailed and I believe it will include complete?instructions, and some decals from Black Lion. Here are some preview pics: W^D Models here: h...
I have been trying to find the A7V and I've had a rough time of it. I live in the U.S. and most places seem to be out of it. Is it still in production?
I would like to know what is a good color for painting the 18 pounder ? I seen a photo of one in a museum and it was an olive color. Is this a good place to start?
Thank you for your help.
I am currently making an Emhar Mk IV Male tank and I was wanting to know if the rails are correct in profile? I know they are placed on the model with the inside of the rail facing out instead of in and the ends that connect to the horns needs to be modified.I have seen the walk around photos and in profile they...