This page has a picture of the prototype A7V, some Uberlandwagons, and...
An uberlandwagon fitted with a 57mm gun?
An insanely strange uberlandwagon TRENCH digger???
Dose anyone know where I might find WWI Russian infantry in 1:35? I know that MasterClub Models make some resin ones, but these are only available in the US and Russia, as far as I know.? I know for a fact, that?both ICM's Franco-Prussian War Prussians and Zvezda's WWII Russian infantry?with a peaked c...
These photos came out of a group that belonged to a 345th Tank Bn. member from 1919-1920. The 345th, after returning from France, was reorganized and a portion were assigned heavy tanks.
What is the generally accepted view of the best colour for painting German uniforms?
Many years ago Humbrol did a special range of WW1 uniform (not aircraft) colours, but they have long disappeared.
Any recommendations?
Hi everyone. I've found this forum while searching for various WWI material, and first of all let me say its a very informative and cool site ! I hope you dont mind if im not a plastic modeler, but computer graphics. Currently I am working on a (at first) generic A7V tank. Ive found tons of usable photos an...
Hi all, I am just completing my build of a male mark 4 in 1:6th scale and need some markings for it. i have the read and white stripes , but i need a serial number , the big tactical marking number on the side and the tank name for the front. want to take it to the model show in newbury this sunday, so i'm trying to...
It seems like that the french gun was superior to the german in almost all respects 1-range 2-RoF 3-Projectile size only the FK96nA was lighter and supposedly more mobile, but did this crusing superiority in french artillery translate into more german battlefield casualties and more french victo...
I was able to find the Landships archive page and downloaded the Whats wrong with the Airfix Mk I ? Article. Is there any thing else I should change? I am wanting to do a Mk I Supply tank and would appreciate any help.
Hi Since the Main Site is down the Forum seems the only place I can let people know of any new developments. So I have started accepting payment with Paypal it is on the site and it is working !!! New sets of figures will be out soon. Cheers Barry
hello, I was noticing that in WW1 and WW2 the German infantry had the benefit of a 105mm howitzer. Can anyone give me differences/similarities of these two weapons? I suspect that owing to advances in munitions technology that the 105mm of WW2 was more destructive and perhaps had a longer range than i...
Available from the archives in a wealth of formats at A Treasury of War Poetry: Second Series, published 1919 and divided, slightly bizarrely:
V. IRE...
Hi can anyone enlighten me as to the type of armour plate used on british tanks and the methods of putting holes in same this excludes boiler plate presumably used on mkII-IIIs,?I recently read in an 1890's brasseys naval annual that electric arc drilling was being experimented with and had some succ...
{page:Section1;} Hi Forum members,? Im relatively new to this forum, and one thing I find is a lament for more attention to WW1AFVs in the scale model market. I think this has been addressed in recent years with some reasonable 1/35 scale offerings, and also many hints of things in the mill as it were. T...
Hello to all, Finally the paint work on my scratch built A7V Tank is finished. There are only some superficial details left to do. [IMG]
Hi I thought i would share this K-Wagon that I'm doing for the Lead Adventureres Forum Build something comp as the details were taken from The Landships Site: this is what i've got done so far. If any one ha...
Rodolphe's details have proved extremely elusive, but the very nice people at Renault's Customer Services Dept have been most helpful and directed me to a sort of French dictionary of biographies. Briefly, he was born in Paris in 1887 and?studied engineering in Switzerland before joining Renaul...
Ok, I'm STILL searching the web for these models. I know that Fine scale Factory went under in 2004. but the landships website said it was being purchased by someone else didn't it? I looked it up and the web told me they had been acquired by a Winterkamp "CW toy & Models" I emailed them to s...
Greetings, I thought forum members may like to see these photos that show different camo schemes on Model 1917 tanks. The photographer's caption on the first image reads, "Stuck? No! Just playing." John
I posted my A7V postcards and other tanks or military issues on my website. One A7V still needs to be identified! Check this link and the Tanks link on the site for other interesting postcards from my collections of Tanks, armored vehicles and trains, and horse back riding soldiers!
I see a lot of good photos of the A7V's on this site, but the information seems a bit scanty on them. The question I have is where and when were they produced? I have not been able to find this information on this forum. Thank you for your time. John
Hi all! I hope this hasn't been posted before. Otherwise: please take my apologies. Today I found in a modellers shop this intersting thing: a printable film. You can print out your own decals with your ink- or laser printer (tehy offer two different films). It is called "Experts - Choice (TM)&q...
I recently bought A 1/72 scale resin kit from TP models and it has to be the worst casting i have ever seen. i want to scratch build one but im not sure and don't know how or where to get plans or dimensions on one if anyone can help i would appreciate it
My current area of interest is in what new weapons were being introduced at the end of the war or would have been in use in 1919. I have a reasonable grip on tanks and infantry weapons but I'm not so sure on the artillery side. Beyond just 'more of everything' I have the following new things on my list (and pi...
Hi everybody, I'm new here. I was referred to the forum from and I was wondering if anybody has any rare fine scale factory WWI model kits in 1/72 scale. Specifically I am looking to acquire 42cm Big Bertha? kit. Either assembled or disassembled will do. ? Or is there any shame in using an A...
?Bit of a 'left field' question.?Im working on a painting of the first tank action at Flers .?I have some photos of the re built church as it is now. does anyone know if it looked the same before the town was flatend in 1916 ? Thanks ????