Rear Admiral Sir Murray Sueter's autobiography is perhaps even more of an exercise in self-justification than are Ernest Swinton's brace. Which makes this all the more uncomfortable: Page 140, in the chapter Tanks in Action, subsection German Opinion on Value of Tanks, Sueter says: ""(General K...
I'm delighted to say that I have come across two newspaper interviews with Lt-Col J.A. Robinson, commanding officer of 26 Bn., A.I.F. during the seizure of Mephisto at Villers-Bretonneux. One is from 1919, and one from 1938. Some faintly useful info emerges. Talking in 1919 of the lion painting, he...
Hello everyone. I am working on the model in the first version of A7V GRETCHEN. Please any information about colour GRETCHEN only with machine guns? Thank you in advance for the info. Ivo from Czech Republic.
Gents, Â A few months ago I saw an image, I believe from the IWM, of a FT TSF (Char signal), on a British Parrot tank wagon with a MkV tank on the next wagon, the description was that the FT was used by the Tank Corps for command and communications. Does anyone know of the image and can post me the link? Â Cheers...
Not sure if this should be under "Tanks" or "German Tanks." A tiny bit more light on the subject:  Possibly dated Sept 16, 1916. But Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) makes a lot more sense than Riga.
I'm new to this forum and just wanted to say hi to all. I'm an amateur artist from Finland, and my subjects include military history and passion to the Great War. My works can be found from my DeviantART-account: Here are couple of my tank-related pieces for yo...
Dear all,  I need your help on the references on the quantity of MG’s in the Medium A Whippet at the same time.  F Mitchell. In the Tank Warfare and Semen Fedoseev in WW1 tanks saying what 3 was mounted and forth one was as spare. David Fletcher did not mentioned about it in his Vanguard 207 Medium A.  Do we h...
 Centenary of the actions around Villers-Bretonneux on 24th April 1918. #506 Mephisto was lost when it drove into a large shell hole in poor visibility and couldn't be removed. The tank was eventually recovered in July by the AIF and 1st Gun Carrier Co.  #561 Nixe fought with 3 Mark IV. Two Mark IV Fema...
on youtube there is a film clip Bilder Aus Der Groben Schalacht 2 teil (1918) which is on the Kaiserheer during what looks like operation Michael note the torn up ground and cattle towing an artillery piece. the Germans ran short of horses in 1918 and used oxen or cattle to tow their artillery. I found th...
 With the Christmas holiday, I got more time off work to make progress with the restoration of the German Field Artillery 10,5cm lFH 1898/09 Limber. The armrest and foot boards/chain hooks are reproductions based on smaller originals for the 7,7cm lFK 96 n/A as well as technical drawings and photo...
I have made a bit of progress stripping the 10,5cm lFH 98/09 down for restoration. I don't have much text on these pages yet but you will see the elevation, traverse, spade, recoil mechanism, and breech mechanism are all disassembled. The next steps, whenever I get leave time again, will be to sand b...
In the last week I have gotten a US M1918 Caisson box, pintle hitch, prop stand and Archibald Wheel set for the French 75mm mle/1897.? This caisson also matches up to my US M1918 Caisson Limber and of course the 75mm mle/97 gun itself. ?I have also put together two of the six horse team's M1916 Harnessing...
? As noted in another thread there isn't any single source of information on these guns. Rather than try to accumulate all the information on these guns and probably get it wrong in various ways I thought we could try a colaborative project. If you know anything about the 75mm Krupp guns please contrib...
According to The WW1 Sourcebook, Germany possessed four types of LMG: We've discussed the Madsen at length, but this source says that the Muskete battalions carried a Madsen derivative, 7.92mm as opposed to 8mm in the original. It also cites the MG 08/18, of which I've never heard. It's described as...
Strelets have shown four teaser pictures of artillery kit prototypes. Can I kindly ask you which types these are, since Strelets didn't tell. Thanks in advance! Pat  1.) Am I correct in assuming this is a Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider, or one of its WW1 Russian or WW2 Italian cousins? Wheels look non-...
I have come across an old local newspaper article about someone remembering a tank being brought to the local common in 1918 to be used as a target for artillery practice and I wonder of anyone here can help get some background information to this (presuming of course that it is an accurate recollectio...
What colour were British WW1 tanks painted? The Mark IV in Brussels, still in original paintwork, is a chocolate brown. The Mark IV Female in the Museum of Lincolnshire life in Lincoln is painted a milk chocolate light brown. The Mark I tanks of C Company had a multicoloured livery. Were tanks painte...
caption reads "Murray Baker, third from left, along with Gen. John J. Pershing stand outside the East Peoria Holt Plant next to a British tank in 1925. The Holt tractor served as the inspiration for the development of the British tank in World War I." Photo: Caterpillar Inc. She's obviously in nice co...
Tony Robinson's World War I: "General John Monash came up with the idea of the Carrier Tank, that could carry as many supplies as 150 men." - Australian historian. You live and learn. Â
Besides the tank kits, I also have kits of certain WW1 soldiers. But I noticed that the early German and early USA soldiers from Miniart have soldiers at a walking pace, each with a commanding officer with his pistol drawn. I was wondering why the latter, since presumably they are not in an actual fig...