From Charles Lemons, former curator at the Patton Museum at Fort Knox. Not cheap.
I am by no means confident that this caption is correct, but it could be. Anyone explain? And this. I recall the Studebaker Museum wasn't very helpful in the matter of the Studebaker Tank. A poor photo of the Studebaker Military Tractor at the Studebaker Museum prior to World War II. Photo courtesy of...
I am currently gathering info on a project with the Meng MkV 'Male' tank. Unfortunately for me, despite Landship posts and Osprey books, I've copped for a migraine with this one. "Take a breath - take a deep deep breath …"After looking closly at some pics of MkV 'Crib' tanks, I've noticed a 'V' pattern i...
Something Ralf Raths says (paraphrased) in this video: the Germans decided to build tanks they decided they wanted a track system, because it was known that they worked in the(battle)field, but in the German Empire there were no vehicles with...
i found this film in Das Bundesarchiv since there is "②" marking on the side , the A7V in film is No.527 i guess is that correct? -- Edited by TankLibrary on Saturday 7th of April 2018 04:20:16 AM
I think these are new. From the very fidgety Indiana Neidel, two vids with Director of the Panzermuseum at Munster, the very cool-looking Ralf Raths. In perfect English.The A7V: (An interesting fact at 11min 50sec)The LKII etc: https://www.yout...
I am desperately looking for Photos, Images, Drawings, Sketches of German WW1 trucks. Trucks in general but also such with guns mounted on. Please share anything you can.
I used the search function, but only with very few results. I am sure someone cal help me.
Thank you.
Appear to be rear area troops standing about. Note the NCO on the right is wearing a feldmütze under his helmet. The gun looks to be locked in full recoil? Also, the SMLE leaning casually on the tank.
Here's a close up of one of the crane bases on the mole after Zeebrügge was abandoned. Note the ID plate on the upper base leg. In French it identifies the crane number at the top and KGs on the third line, but can anyone make out the center line ? As information, I've built a model of the crane and want to r...
Allegedly. Haven't seen this before. Apologies if old hat. Tank F1 crossing a trench at the Tank Driving School during the special training for the Battle of Cambrai at Wailly, 21 October 1917.
Ok, I know this question has been asked before, But I have just read a story in an old German book describing Germans using French Ft-17's and Schneider?s during some offensive????:, Does anyone no if this is the truth, ( If so pictures, please)., or if the Germans us...
Part softskin, part artillery, this one. Can anyone explain how the tractors moved the howitzers? I've read that there were 12 howitzers, each moved in sections on eight trailers. Does that mean 96 tractors were needed, or did fewer tractors haul more trailers or make several trips? There's a Lands...
ICM has a 1/35 Ford Model T car kit, 1914 version. I wondered in they were present in Europe-as non-military vehicles-in 1914 Europe, before the Great War broke out. I remember seeing a very early Charlie Chaplin (prior to "The Tramp") movie where he i newspaperman witnessing an automibile accide...
I'm looking for artillery in need of repairs or restoration, preferably in Utah. The artillery could either be for sale or just available to be repaired by the owner for a television show. I'm new to this world and don't know where to look, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi people! To change with dioramas and muddy waters, I built the Hobby boss Vickers medium MarkI this Week End, A great little kit with few drawbacks I choose to built strictly OOB. I like how it shows the path between WW1 tanks and later designs! Using the Dick Taylor books, the project was was to turn of...
Is this correct?The British WW1 Wireless Communication Tank was fitted with a 50 watt wireless ' Trench Set Mark III ' morse key operated transmitter ( see attached photographs ) with a range of 7000 yards operating on a wavelength 350-550m.The wireless equipment was fitted in one of the Tank's conv...
Hi! My next model will be the MarkV and after some russian ones, I'll like to built a british composite and I there only one I sure it was compoisite is I8, well know by two pics from AMW. ld beOne point is I don't know the tank number neither were and when the tank was hit (a direct hit in the front left track)....
Ever had to read "The Great Gatsby" in school? It referred to how Gatz, before he became Gatsby, was a US Army major during World War One and was stationed in Europe after the fighting stopped. Since Germany was not overrun during the war itself, I wondered what happened in Germany. Did Allied troop...
What is this adaption on the back of this Mk IV? Is it for towing a supply sledge? Thanks Tim -- Edited by Great War Truck on Wednesday 21st of March 2018 09:54:06 PM
I've seen advertisements showing railroad flatcars carrying model tanks lately. But who makes them, and which ones would be suited for the Great War era?
Looking at the excellent photos of Little Willie, that "Herbschi" posted on the Layout thread, I noticed the torn armour by the rectangular, right hand front vision port & across the circular "machinegun" port. Anybody know how this damage was caused? Looking at the photo on Little Willie's ar...
Decided to build this Sparta kit. It sat on the shelf for years because the mold pore plugs were horribly overkill. Finally overcame the fear to attempt it. I spent most of one night cleaning off mold plugs. A few fragile parts broke and I replaced with scratch built replacements
Another oddity from Murray Sueter's book: "Many of my old Air Officers and myself were much amused at the Kitchener Tank film that was shown at the Pavilion Theatre, London, in November, 1921. Invitations were sent to prominent public people, such as Members of the House of Commons, and many others....
In this video announcing Bov's acquisition of the "War Horse" tank curator David Willey says (45 secs) that the special effects company came to "copy and replicate one of the Mark IVs we have in the museum." I thought they had only one. Was it a slip of t...
Here are two books that have some info on WW I armored cars: has "Prisoners of the Red Desert" on the crew of HMS Tara whose ship was sunk a U-boat and they were held prisoners by the Sessuni until they were rescued by a British armored car unit. "A Sentimetal Journey Memoirs 1917-1922 Vict...