I found this among some family photos. No date or location on it, but probably taken by my grandfather. Does anyone know where this tank was located, and what happened to it? Also, how much significance does the Home Service Number of 200 have, as it's the first in the range allocated to Females and the l...
Yep, got sidetracked once again... If you are like me, then you (apart from getting sidetracked a lot) have about two dozen Master Box and Emhar Mk1/2/4's lying around. These kits have tracks that are okay, but not great. There are some replacement tracks around, but they are expensive, very hard to c...
I know some people have strong feelings and/or reservations about FB, and there is the risk that you might find out more about someone than you wanted to know, but some time ago I started a group there. The group is called Landships and I really have not put much effort into it, it's more of a placeholder I...
This presentation desk model of a WW1 tank that is to be auctioned, produced by Browett, Lindley and Co. Ltd, Patricroft, Manchester, may interest some. https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/clarkesauctions/catalogue-id-clarke2-10065/lot-1177d29e-9956-471...
Fresh off the workbench. Meng's superb rendition of a Whippet Mk.A. I initially started to build both the Meng and Takom models as a comparison but ended up bailing on the Takom kit as I found it to be very poor. I did make some alterations to the kit using brass tube and styrene to improve some details and...
If you have a 'secret impressive weapon' like the 42cm, with unimaginable properties, you can use myth forming to add to itspsychological effects. With such a weapon all fortification must fall. This weapon will win the war for us. There are lots of "marketing goods" with relation to the 42cm, even a...
I am looking for information, name etc. of this particular French Mortar {mortar in question has one soldier attending}, it resembles slightly the Canon D'Accompagnement De 85 mm 1918 on page 65 of Le Canons de la Victoire 1914-1918. All help would be greatly appreciated. All the Best Tim R -- Edited...
I love the new 3D section! Big thank you and well done to Charlie, Arie, and Hans! If I can be very cheeky indeed, can I say how much I'm looking forward to seeing this section expand, perhaps even with the stl files of a Tank Mark V in 1/72. I don't have a 3D printer, but there is one available at my local publi...
Folks, Minor trumpet-blowing exercise. My model of Dodo gets a full 6 page build feature in the new issue MMI, available from about 19th August from WH Smith & the like...
If you can access Netflix, there's a French-made series on tanks. Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd9lXU7Uj8Q Episode 1 covers 1914-18. It has many old favourite errors (tank chronology all over the place, Mark Vs at Cambrai ) and some new ones (confuses Ford Two-man with FT, Ita...
Have read quite a few references that state that the supply and quality of German munition and the end of the war was quite desperate. I like to illustrate this with a photograph I took from a German cartridge, most likely 1918 production. The cartridge is made out of pressed iron, German had hardly...
Just returned from a visit to Vienna where I was able to visit the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum. A beautiful location with lots of very interesting artillery pieces. Although very nicely arranged I found that the lighting was very low and as a result it was "all in the dark" with spotlighting makin...
In the book The Russian Civil War Primary Sources by A.B. Murphy there is mention of Don Cossacks operating" Ergard Armored cars" In Jan 1919. Anyone know what type they are?
viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72060 -- Edited by Tanker on Thursday 17th of October 2019 12:08:04 AM-- Edited by Tanker on Thursday 17th of October 2019 06:45:13 AM
Meng 1/35 Rolls Royce modified for Lawrence or Arabia Hejaz campaign. I lowered the turret to a 1914 version added rivets that were lost in the process. Modified the visor so both slits were the same height. Used Replicast wire wheel sets (Meng's wheels are both are too tall and too wide). Modified...
Hello everyone. I am trying to work out how many of each type or batch of St Chamond tank were made. If you have any books or mags with clear photos, what I am looking for is the serial number of the tank, and what batch it is. The number can be 5 digit, like 52456 located lower front or lower rear hull, or a 3 dig...
Now that CSM has released a very attractive model of the Romfeld 1 armoured car, I was curious to hear some dicussions about the "right" colour scheme. It seems, that everybody is satisfied what CSM proposes. At the moment I'm in doubt, whether I will buy this kit. This is surely NOT because I do not like...
In looking through the site missinglynx.com the braiel scale section the is mentioned a Planet Models 1/72 scale Austro-Hungarian 30.5 cm Morser. I have never heard of it before? Does anyone know where i can get one?
As many of you may know, the US National Archives (NARA) has digitized its collection of World War I British Photographs, known as Record Group 165-BO, and made it available online.The collection contains about 1,900 images “acquired by the War Department depicting the military activities and...
Hallo, at Museo Storico Nazionale della Guerra (National War History Museum) of Rovereto, Italy, there is a 7,5 cm M03 Krupp field gun with steel wheels clearly coming from the batch ordered by Ottoman army in Germany between 1903 and 1905. According to the Museum, the piece was in Italian service,...
Roden came out with a 1/72 scale model of the Type B bus. on the site missinglynx.com the braille scale section there is a 16 Jul 19 post that reviews the kit. It looks like they got the decals wrong.
I've seen images of the Delamare-Maze "elastic?" wheels a number of times on various guns. They seem to have been an attempt to improve the towing speed and thus, the mobility of heavy guns. However, I've never seen details of their construction or how well they worked. Except - a comment on Mesdiscu...
Help! On the Mk.I Male tank Sponson At the front corner above the Gun is a plate or two w/three rivets and two Bolts on both front and side panel.Is this a single bent plate or two Separate Pieces? Thank You for your help Jim
GentlemanI need some help, I have been researching early French mortars used during the first few months may be even the first couple of years (1914-1918). I have come across a photo showing what appears to be a mortar that resembles the American Dictator mortar (13-inch Seacoast Mortar). I have...