Hello, my latest model the US Best Tracklayer Tank, I created the model based on pictures on the internet, even basic info is scarce. Michel Boer of Black Lion Decals did the decals, thank you, Michel. Now I need your expert advise. There is this famous picture of the tank plastered with recruitment p...
Greetings all. I need a couple of bits of information which I cannot find and hope you may be able to help me with regard to A7Vs. Firstly; When did the cross style change from Balkan to Maltese type? Secondly; which A7Vs carried Balkan crosses on the front and rear top gratings? I know one of them had a '...
Hiya, Got sidetracked again... This time the 21cm Stahlmörser. As soon as I have finished the drawings, I will upload the printfiles.. With kind regards, -Arie.
Ironically, despite the "make it German and it sells" trope, I've yet to see any German guns besides the MG08 machine guns so far. It would be neat to have some bigger ones, and I don't necessarily mean the giant ones. Like the 77mm cannon maybe, or some mortars.-- Edited by Long Tom on Saturday 29th of...
Here is something that may be of interest - three pages from US War Department manual "Provisional Regulations for Operation and Training of Division Trains," dated 25 October 1918. The pages describe the system used to number and mark motor vehicles. Regards, Marc
One of the most prominent private schools in Australia is Geelong Grammar School. (Prince Charles was a student there for some time). After WW1 the school was allocated a German 77mm gun, no.:13306, captured by the 7th Infantry Brigade, AIF. The gun was part of the School Cadet Unit for many years but...
While going through WWI photos from NARA, I came across this photo which is identified as being a new French 75mm gun in service on the Somme in early 1918. Any ideas what it might be?
The Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow has a French 75mm M.1897 in the outside exhibit area. I had always assumed that it was war booty from Poland or maybe the French Expeditionary Force in Odessa. I was under the impression that the French did supply 76mm ammunition and technical support for Russ...
In my post last week about the 75mm M1897 in Russia, the issue arose of the late 4-piece shield for the gun, which is described in American technical manuals as the "American" shield, while the earlier articulated 7-piece shield is called the "French" shield. The noted French artillery specialist G...
. . . arrived in France just before or just after the Armistice. The dates and numbers vary a bit, but that's roughly it. Does anyone happen to know which manufacturer(s) was/were responsible for the few that arrived? The candidates are: Van Doorn, C.L. Best, and Maxwell. Any offers?
Encouraged byArie Dijkhuis threads about 3D printed models I want to make my contribution by sharing my 3d files for the Dicke Berta.For a long time I liked to build a model of this gun , however I could not find a suitable kit and I started scratchbuilding one based on Arie Dijkhuis drawings, but this w...
Gentleman, I wanted to give you guys an advanced look at to what Vargas Scale Models is working on. Luis is diligently working to finalize the Peugeot and the Faharpanzer for release mid October. Pre-Orders are being accepted now at Vargasscalemodels.com. Something new and exciting is in the works...
Hello I'm building Roden's 1/35 scale Holt 75 Artillery Tractor. I would like to create a diorama. But in my diorama the Holt Tractor wouldn't pull an artillery piece. My question: Did Holt tractors pull anything other (tanks, lorries etc.) than howitzers? Were there any recovery units using these...
Just downloaded Masters of Mayhem by James Stejskal, Casement Publishers, digital edition ISBN 978-1-61200-452-5. The book describes the actions of Lawrence of Arabia and the British Mission to Hejaz during WW1, with particular detail of Rolls Royce armored car and tender operations, and som...
I'd like to know more about this brave man. As probably most of us know he was a Belgian officer who ordered to armour his two private cars after the war broke out. For many years it seemed like those were Minervas, but now it looks like those were Opel and Pipe, however later most of?Belgian armoured cars...
Hello, I am researching German trench mortars (yes, strictly speaking they are not artillery) and am looking for a copy of this French Army manual - Ministère de la Guerre: Notes sur les engins de tranchées allemands, Septembre 1916. Does anyone have it and is willing to share? Regards, Marc
Hello I ran across this photo in the Book Light Car Patrols 1916-1919, it depicts Italian Armored Cars used by the Italian contingent. My question is, I no the first two cars are FIAT Arsenale Armored Cars(or I am pretty sure??)(I uploaded two photo's for those that have not seen a FIAT Arsenale for com...
As you can guess by my other post (regarding Fiats in the desert), i'm reading 'Steel Chariots in the desert' by SC Rolls, a Rolls Royce armoured car Driver with the Duke of Westminster's Squadron, and later driving a Rolls Royce tender (his earlier armoured car de-armoured) with Lawrence of Arabia'...
Greetings All - I recently acquired this from an old collector. Pix show Crown M headstamp and fuze-well details - rare or common ? Artillery is not my area of expertise. Thanks !
When I saw that GB Modelli as releasing this gun, I knew I had to get it. The kit is wonderful and well casted. However, I wanted to add missing details. You can see from the photos that I added:RivetsA elevation gear shield. This component is not included.Miscellaneous bits, like a drag hook, roll...
Hi, Does anyone know of the British used any of the steel bodied ammunition carrier version of the FWD Type B (as per the Roden kit). I know most britihs versions has UK supplied bodies, but wondered if any of the US versions were used.
I am asking anyone on the forum who may plan a visit, or reside in proximity to Ft. de Seclin, near the City of Lille, to consider a request. I am in need of details regarding three items of interest that are displayed in this museum. I am perfectly willing to offer payment for exertions of time & lab...
Hello I just came across these photos, they are new to me and I thought I would share. A couple are mislabeled as British Tanks. I love the front image of the Steam Tank, very vivid and clear. All the Best Tim
I recently started another excellent GB Modelli kit. This is an Austro Hungarian 15cm field piece. I added a few details including rivets by Archer Decals. I started making a gun shield for the kit. After progressing somewhat, I realized I had the shape wrong. I'm gonna hold off on this one for awh...