Here's a photo I found recently of one of the German 77mm Flak guns based on captured French 75mm M1897. Any idea what carriage they used for this conversion?
Just noticed this in the letters page in Tank Encyclopedia: "Are you aware of any Saint Chamond tanks in US Service in the Meuse-Argonne? I have a photo of one with the caption “US Tank near Dun-sur-Meuse”. There is a large “US” painted on the side." The correspondent says he has emailed the photo, but n...
Once again turning to the best artillery experts out there to resolve a dispute... West Point's museum has a 75mm Field Gun painted in a camouflage pattern that they claim is the one from C Battery, 6th FA that fired the first US rounds in WWI. On the internet, there are photos (from US Archives and from o...
Gentleman I am researching the different types of turrets used on the Rolls Royce armoured car specifically those used during WW1, i.e with turret extension etc. I am searching for any information specific name, photo's drawing etc... Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Tim R Photo's...
They even have models of WW2 German tanks that never made it off the drawing board. Yet you'd think they'd have more German items for WW1 too. Rather a surprise that nobody has come up with a kit for Mephisto, the one German WW1 tank that still exists.
are there any sources for those rare ones? (they were around the internet without further information) Russo Balt Izorski Mgebrov D armored car 1915 Ehrhardt Halbgepanzerter wagen 5cm flug...
Hello everyone! A few months ago I read one book, or rather a booklet, called "A Magyar királyi honvéd Haditechnikai Intézettől a HM Technológiai Hivatalig" by Hajdú Ferenc and Sárhidai Gyula. One of the authors - an officer of the Hungarian army several years ago. Despite the availability of bibli...
was this a 1915 or a 1916 concept? and the source that refers to it Delaunay Belleville 2.5t was this a 1918 or a 1919 construction? and the source that refers to it Delaunay Belleville Tank t...
Zebrano from Belarus announced a Tsar Tank in 1/72 towards the end of 2018. Passed me by: I only discovered it yesterday. It's priced at €100+, though. Their first venture into WW1. Apparently they're only making 40 kits. Possibly all sold now.Their other products seem a bit variable, apparentl...
HelloAs I am a first time user I hope that I get this post correct.I have read with interest the incredible details in the post Tenterfield RSL Sub Branch NSW, is researching the history of a WW1 150mm Howitzer German Ar...
It's a light green (I assume) color used on British tanks, as it was mentioned as a color in my Takom Whippet kit. It actually looks akin to the lighter green used on post-WW2 American vehicles, or am I mistaken?
The Calcutta Riots on april 26, 1926 between Hindu and Muslims: armoured cars, regulars and auxiliary forces at police headquarters in the Lall Bazaar ready to cope with fresh trouble. 26th April 1926: Troops in a street in north Calcutta where they are restoring order during unrest between Hindus...
In the last few months I got my French 75mm mle/97 back from temporary loan to the MacArthur Memorial. While the gun was on loan for the WW1 Centennial, I acquired a French manufactured 75mm mle/97 Limber dated 1917. The limber has the original horizon blue paint on the interior of the ammunition box...
Hi. Does anyone know if Matador Models are I placed an order in mid-January and have written twice asking for an update. So far, j have heard nothing back. Any info would be much appreciated.
Throughout the history of warfare, when a country commits itself to full scale combat, companies you would never figure as military suppliers, start pumping out stuff for the war effort. This can be dramatically seen in WWII, with car companies making Armored Cars, and every possible company that...
It so happened that we had to pass through Norfolk last week, and, fortunately, on the way back we were able to make a detour to the Norfolk Tank Museum, home of the Mk IV replica Deborah II built in conjunction with JCB. It is most certainly out of the way - satnav send...
? Hello GentlemanI have run across this design of a unique tank design dated 1915. Here is the information I found along with the image. Hopefully someone can shed some more light on this design for us.All the BestTim R.Plan de char ? deux tourelles (30 d?cembre 1915) ?manant des archives de la famille...
Off to Vaux-en-Amiénois again shortly, where further discussions about Mephisto will take place. I hope we'll be able to work out which photos were taken at Vaux and which at Poulainville. As far as I can tell, there are eight photos to identify. Anybody know if there are any more?
Hi! I eventually completed a MS1 mod 27 from Hobby Boss. A very good kit except awful road wheels that should be improved to look like the real thing... The model finished :
Every photograph of Whippets being driven depicts the rear fighting compartment door open and at least one man standing outside of it. You'd think that sooner or later they would have such figures to go with the Whippet models. They finally have driver figures for WW1 automobiles and trucks.
HelloI would like to introduce to you a new model company owned by my friend Luis Vargas “Bringing History to Life”. He produces highly detailed 1/35th scaled 3d printed and resin mortars and bunkers. (Catalogue attached). I will be doing an open box report and build repor...