Here is my last work. Tank from TAKOM 1/35 scale Mark.IV female converted. Figures from a lot of brands (some converted) Mini-Art, Plus Model, Verlinden, Stalingrad. Diorama scratchbuild. I hope you like it !! Cheers from Spain !!
Couple of recent videos on YouTube in the Forgotten Weapons series on the Hotchkiss gun: Description, history and field strip Firing the gun I can see why the British went with the Hotchkiss in tan...
Hi everyone, I need help trying to identify this brass shell, which company manufactured it and what type of shell is it? The dimensions are as follows: length 58 cm, width at the base 9.5 cm, width at the top 8 cm. Also, what does the R stand for? Thanks!
I have decided to be more active on Landships II. Most of my time I do lots of posts on Facebook I am a writer and editor on I have recently tried to update some of the artwork and add new images to the WW1 pages. I also run a guide to where you can see surviving tank...
An Australian contact has pointed me to some v interesting stuff about the above (where Mephisto was held for a while). Australian diaries, trench maps, training manual. Map of purpose-built training course, etc. Not only small training ground with large space for spectators, but large-scale ex...
I'm just curious here in how people go about card kits. Before today I've done Launch vehicles and often the original creator will suggest the use of wire, cocktail sticks and even beads. I'm wondering whether the card modellers here are purists and everything needs to be made out of paper/card, or wo...
The Model Cellar would like to announce the re-issue of our 1/35 WWI German Artillery crew. The figures are designed to go with the 1/35 scale Krupp 21 cm Morser 10/16 from TAKOM. Sculpted by Mike Good, the detail is clean and crisp and the parts fit is perfect. Now, with refreshed rubber molds, the c...
Hello there, I joined the forum after chancing across the site. I "dabble" in papercraft in between writing and 3d art. Anyhow, long story short, as I have photoshop an can "edit" pdfs I decided to convert some of Wayne's models to 1/48. Would they be of any use to anyone. I realise there are 1/50 variant...
I failed to finish anything in time for World War One, but I have two ideas in mind: a Russian Civil War tank and a Whippet in Ireland, sent there for the one-year anniversary of the end of the Great War (ostensibly). But the paint I mentioned is UK Bronze Green. Meant for World War Two presumably, but if I...
I have two mystery pieces from this Museum I can't properly identify. One is a 380 mm mortar. It looks like an heavy trench mortar from WW I, but the label says it dates to 1910... Then we have this gun, a De Bange from 1889:
Hi Guys Just found this website which has drawings and technical information on a stack of French artillery. I do not know if this has been posted before but here it is; James
Can anybody provide information on what type of 6 inch howitzer this battery was equipped with at the outbreak of WW1 and by what means it was transported when in action in France/Belgium in 1914.
Hi People! Last month I was in the modell contest of Bron (France) and I meet a guy who produce new figs in the WW1 area : "war and peace figs". There are yet two characters : A Scottish officer from ARGYLL and SUTHERLAND reg 1915/1916 : The second one is especially interesting to me : a French Chasseur...
I wonder if anyone could offer me any guidance as to an available colour matching the green that the BEF used on its heavy artillery (60 pounders) during the Great War? Thanks.
Takom MkIV Female depicted as a Beutepanzer, one of the few fitted with MG08s in the front casemates. Yes, I realise the lack of unditching rails may be incorrect and/or controversial, but I wanted something a little different from my other 2 MkIVs. And as the Germans understood the terrain limita...
Here a photo of the Daimer KD-1 (Seilwinde fuer Fesselballone). Does anybody have some more photos of this particular vehicle?Here the link to the interesting thread in t...
I am not a fan of colourised photo's. I know that there are some skilled people who can do a good job of colourising but it is not my sort of thing. However I have come across a website which uses software to automatically colourise. It cannot reproduce the real colours but can...
I've just been reading a very detailed account of the action at V-B. It seems that the 14 A7Vs were taken by rail from Charleroi to the front, then unloaded and taken "a short distance" to the village of Wiencourt-l'Équipée, about 4km from the front line. What interests me is: where exactly were they un...
Citizens! Remember this entertaining and informative discussion about the Tank Malvoma
There are a lot of WW1 photo's in the National Archives, many being of tanks. These are of good quality and big, really big. Below are links to just a few that I have found, some are well known. These photo's are too big to post here, the images below are just thumbnails. To open the original photo follow...
Finally, after many years of questions & detective work - mostly on 'here', with the invaluable assistance of fellow members, I've lifted the lid on my first WW1 kit. The origins of Supply Tanks and the debates surrounding their conversion are well enough documented elsewhere on the forum - by f...