I've just got my first resin kit (not, unfortunately, a "Landship", actually an Admiralty S-class TBD), and a lot of the bits are on a sort of wafer of resin. What is the best way of removing them from it, please?
Hello, It has been sometime since I have posted anything here. Holidays and then the flu (first time I've ever had it) have kept me away from doing any modeling... This is a 1/32nd scale JMD Minenwerfer. Normal 1/32nd is 54mm but this now defunct brand actually scaled out to be around 60mm. As you c...
I'm sorry, that I'm starting my "career" on this forum with the "help request" type of topic, but I'm doing a favour to my old colleague. In the collection of photos gathered by my friend there is an unique group of photos, taken near Cambrai after the battle of 1917. Amongst the...
Hi, My name is Rafał, and I'm a "wanna-be" historian from Poland. My main interest and "area of research" is the old photography, especially WW1 era. I was searching through this forum many times before, but only now I've decided to register. I hope that I would be able to prov...
Can't scan it just at the mo, but have found a photo of an early Saint-Chamond with what looks like a sapling or young tree laid lengthways on top, one end resting on the central cupola and the other, presumably, on something to keep it horizontal. Some smaller bits of tree are propped against it, slopin...
http://www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/newkitnews/hobbyboss.html-- Edited by piet71 on Saturday 12th of July 2014 10:21:33 PM-- Edited by piet71 on Saturday 12th of July 2014 10:23:17 PM
After a long time I started modelling again. Sorry for not posting lately,I visited the forum once and a while,though My Cambrai-dio is far from ready,but will try to post some pics. To you all a very good 2015!
Have purchased some Marklin "Old-Timer" trucks in 1:32 scale for conversions to WW1 LKWs and was wondering what color they should be painted. My original intention was to paint them medium gray, but saw an image of a WW1 Horsch that was painted medium to dark green. Any suggestions? Bo...
Hi,I am building a British artillery gun limber towing an 18pdr in 28mm produced by Wargames Foundry. Given the rough treatment towed guns seemed to undergo, from footage I have seen, I just wondered if the gun sight would have been removed during transit?
http://www.mrmodellbau.com/_shop/product_info.php?products_id=736Mark IV Male German captured tank with 57mm Nordenfelt guns (TAKOM) http://www.mrmodellbau.com/_shop/produc...
Keeping with my inveterate custom of starting too many kits and finishing almost none -happy accident do happen from time to time- hereby I present you with a selection of photos of my latest armour project, a build of a Mk.IV from the Emhar kit. I followed the general directions on correcting the tank...
Hello , Has anybody had dealings with Blitz .... and had to wait a long time to get it or are still waiting ? I have paid my order and its been two weeks now and still no reply on my Emails to them (Stéf / BLITZ ) I got stuff quicker from China!! (no joke). And i live in the Netherlands and the last time i checked...
Hello, I am wondering where I can find information about the Whippet's suspension. I tried to find out how the rollers, drive- and idler wheels look like, but wasn't able to find a comprehensive source. From the very few photos I could find of destroyed Whippets, I had the impression that the idler- a...
Catalogue includes: Tank Warfare by F. Mitchell 1935 (£38) plus a section on books by JFC Fuller and B Liddell Hart, 22 in total, inc Fuller's Armoured Warfare 1943 (£20) Lots on other WWI campaigns - tunnellers, Dunsterforce, Persia, etc. Tel 0161 445 7629 Fax 0161 448 1323 email morten.bookselle...
As long as I was digging through my photos for the oldest APG St. Chamond photo I could find, I thought I'd try to do the same for the Schneider CA. This photo is from the Jarrett collection at MHI at Carlisle Barracks, and my guess is that it dates from the late 1940s or early 1950s. The tank still has some de...