Since I've been looking into Austro-Hungarian fortress artillery, I've found a few sites with images and diagrams of the guns used. It's been really hard to find these (apparently googling "12 cm minimalschartenkanone" gets a lot of image results), so I'll link them here. It's best to use Google...
Method 1 1. Your pic must be on the internet somewhere. 2. In the tool bar, click the little icon with a pic of a tree on it and follow the directions in the dialogue box. Method 2 1. Use the "Attach File(s)" button below. Method 3 1. Switch to HTML tab and use HTML code to link to your pic. (that's what the pic b...
Well, I have decided on a scheme....subject to delivery of decals.... of course, me wouldn't be be if I didn't create difficulty for myself! The subject is C47 "Conqueror II" as seen here: Picture courtesy of Drake Goodman Current convention has it that tanks were a 'brown' colour (even describ...
G'day all, Are there any Landship'ers who regularly conduct research at Bovington? Being of limited means I don't have the ability to visit there from Australia, nor the cash on hand to pay Bovington for what I would like researched. Cheers, Chris
Would like opinons on the idents of the attached. These are from the image collection of the WW1 War Memorial. 1. US coastal artillery piece in US fortification 2. 12inch mortar at Ostend, Belgian coast 3. Pair of German coastal defence guns Belgian coast 4. 17/19cm German gun in fixed mounting 5. He...
Can anyone help I am trying to locate scale drawings of the above and any other 1 War motor bikes with no luck have got someone who is eager to make the masters but need some drawings. Barry
I have lots of questions about the big German guns, especially the Big Bertha and Paris Cannon. I've decided to start with the 38cm SKL/45 gamily of guns. While snooping around I found this really excellent website on the subject, written in French:
Attached is one of a couple of images of a captured 28cm SK L/40 Bruno railway gun displayed in Paris in late 1918. If someone knows Paris fairly well where was the gun displayed? The image is from the National War Memorial Museum image collection. Regards, Charlie -- Edited by CharlieC on Thursday 21...
I know these forums have been pretty quiet as of late, but wondering if anyone knows about what year / time the LP 08 Trommelmag was issued to the front. I've read it began production in 1916 and saw more service by 1917, such as at Cambrais, but the most recently published Osprey book on the Battle of Verd...
Were there variations of the French 105mm M1913 sight for export to Russia and other nations? I have several examples of a sight listed in one of my French Artillery manuals that is quite similar to the 105mm M13 but is only a collimating sight not a panoramic sight. Any ideas? This is the web page: ...
Years ago I read about the 1919 influenza pandemic that reportedly began in Europe and killed twice as many as World War One deaths in the Smithsonian magazine. Surprisingly it has been forgotten until brought up again recently after Covid-19 came out. In response to that article there were peopl...
Anybody know of a source of diagrams for these? anything three view, with some measurements would suffice. were these the regular Daimler twin cylinder blocks on a common crankcase?
Hi all Gents I'm currently working on the Takom Mk IV to make Flirt II out of it Since, as far as I know, Flirt II had the envelope radiator, I have to modify the rear plate of the model Is it likely that it looked like in the photo, with the squarish plate for the radiator above the radiator armor? Thanks in a...
Another image from the National WW1 War Memorial - this one says it is of a 350mm Schneider howitzer. The background is the polygone at Harfleur close to the Schneider factory where the 280mm howitzer were built Anyone know if howitzer this was a thing - or just a flight of fancy by a postcard publisher...
How were the modelling companies able to make the other incarnations? Blueprints? I do plan on making a St. Chamond by Hobby Boss. Regular. Preferably one of the earlier versions, but do the kits have the narrower or wider tracks?
The IWM image libraries just keep on giving. The attached images are of a 155mm GPF gun in March 1918 at Nampcel, Oise. The catalogue entry says the images belong to a set exchanged with the French army. It clearly shows the excavation required to emplace a GPF and the awkward working environment since...
I see a lot of kits come out one after another of German WW2 kits including those of little- or never-produced vehicles, but it seems that for WW1, everything British or French or American is being produced. You'd think we'd be seeing plenty of 77mm cannons or support vehicles by now. Understandabl...
I recently got a copy of 'Camouflage' by Thames and Hudson in conjuction with the IWM and they had loads of camouflage stuff relating to WW1 as I was wanting to correctly paint a WW1 tank in 'razzle dazzle' pattern like this: Previously I found a description of some of the camouflage schemes: Re: tank co...
I am after some info from Guerre, Blindés, Matériel number 112. Can't find a copy on the net. Does anyone have one for sale, or is anyone prepared to scan the article that includes page 33 for me?
Dear all, I have a Question regarding the Char Renault FT 17. As we discovered long ago, it was never the FT-17, but the FT. A few days ago someone said to me that it wasn't true, that there was an FT. He said it only was the Char Renault, but never was named Renault FT. Can this be true? Kind Regards Chris...
Ladydudes and Gentledudes, Does anybody have one or other of the above two kits in new/boxed condition available for sale? Thanks in advance for any replies or private messages. :)
I have the Tankograd book about the A7V and the detail drawings raised some questions. On page 12 there are four drawings of the roof of the "turret". It shows the 1'st lot having eight vents in the hatch and the 2'nd lot with three. But when looking at the pictures that I can find that shows the hatch i find...
I want to build a larger model in 1/8 or 1/4, and take the measurements from a 1/35 scale plastic kit to work from. Whats the best way to do this, is it just using a set of verniers or is there other more accurate methods to do this. Can anyone advise.
I bought the Meng armored Rolls Royce and the Djiti dished wheel set to do the Irish use version. Question: what did it actually look like in colors and markings? The one in the Bovington museum was used after serving in Ireland, so it wouldn't count.
Hi All, I run a website sharing information and photos of Tank Data Plates including the WW1 period. Data Plates were the plates fitted to tanks contain manufacturing info, serial numbers, dates and builder of the Tank. If anyone has any photos, information or questions please comment. Attached is...
I'm pleased with and proud of this bit of detective work, even though a bit of luck was involved. These photos appear on the Kansas City Museum site: They're on page 14 of the search results. The caption accompanying each of them says, "Probably a film still; film unknown." I didn't recognise any of the...