Has a Daimler 105hp engine! And pics online of the innards and the accompanying manual with what looks like scale drawings. Res is pretty low, but fired off an email anyway, asking if better res is available.
Very pleased to see Wayne's 3D model of the 6in 26cwt has a version with footed wheels. They will be very useful by themselves. The models are fantastic as well. Thank you.
Managed to get there. It seems to be maintained by a Serbian gent who has lived in Corfu for many years. Admission free. My memsahib speaks a few words of Serbo-Croat, so that got him on our side. Four rooms over two floors, telling the story of the retreat to Corfu and Albania, the regrouping in Greece an...
New version is here. So far some v interesting stuff. New photos and information. For instance: Photo of Nixe reveals that the damage to Mephisto was caused by a shell, not mistakenly by demolition squad as previously stated. The squad correctly blew up Nixe, which could have fallen into Allied hand...
A picture has popped up in one of the FB groups I'm in. Allegedly it's by Hitler (it's depressing how many people just want to post about Hitler, whatever the group). A few people have said they don't think it's his work. I used Google to find more versions of the pic, just as a first resort of checking cred...
The terrible conditions on the Western Front may have been made much worse by anomalous weather from 1913-19. Research has suggested that Europe had much higher rainfall and lower temperatures than normal during WW1. The consequences in the low lying Belgian countryside are all too well known in...
Killing time in Corfu waiting for flight tomorrow. Just discovered completely by accident that round the corner from the hotel is a museum devoted to the Serbian army in the Great War. Report to follow.
First to Fight are bringing out, or may already have released the Polish Armata Polowa 75mm wz 1902/26, which is everybody's favourite re-bore of that Russo-Japanese War gun, the 76.2mm Putilov m/02 Field Gun. In 1/72.
https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/themes/defence/caf/militaryhistory/dhh/official/book-1964-expeditionary-en.pdf"The heavy toll exacted in 1915 by German automatic fire had stimulated efforts to invent some form of "machine-gun destroyer" which could...
Just started Fusion 360, and while the curve is steep, I'm enjoying every minute of it! making some oily bits for the Mark IV. Final drive upper part: engine cylinder block: final drive was based off a general layout drawing with a lot of details. Block however is done off some very faint outside line...
Gentleman I am looking for information on these mortars, I have been told they may be Kloben Mortars but alas I cannot find anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. All the best Tim R
I have today received an email with the latest coming soon kit From Miniart, its a 1/35 Austin a/c 3rd series. Complete with p/e, interior detail for drivers position, both turrets and all hatches can be positioned open or closed. Markings are all for eastern European countries. I'm now anxious to se...
When I look at any picture of the Mark IV Supply Tank, I always wonder how come the "cargo" located on the top, CLOSE to the exhaust muffler (very very hot) doesn't caught fire. Does anyone have some pictures of the "cargo layout"? I'm building a model of this tank from the Takom kit.
Just noticed this in the Whippet article on the dreaded Wikipedia: "(Whippets took part in) the British army's postwar actions, notably in Ireland, north Russia and Manchuria."I'm not at all convinced that Manchuria should be in this list. I can't find any independent source. Can anyone confirm...
Hello folks, I have started work on the Panzershop 1/35 Hedi (conversion) recently, and thought I would post a WIP series. There are a few people on here that are interested in this vehicle (or tank if you prefer). I won't go into the history of the tank, there are people on this forum that know it bette...
There are references to this type, but I can't remember if I've ever seen an indication of what it was actually like. Fletcher, British Tanks 1915-19, p167: "Mention might also be made of a Mark X, described as an improved Mark V in which particular attention had been paid to manoeuvrability, crew com...
Good day, I'm trying to determine the proper shape and mounting points of the rear grenade screen seen on some of the Mk.1 female tanks in period photos. My only reference is currently the small piece of video seen on David Fletcher's Tank Talk om the Mk.1 Tank. Does anyone have a drawing or additional p...
I have been trying to understand the differences between the original 9cm C/73 Limber and the alterations made in the C/73/88 and possibly the C/73/91 patterns. The old C/73 has a box lid that opens from the top. The C/73/88 and C/73/91 have completely different boxes from the old model, that open f...
When reading Military transport of WW1 by Ellis and Bishop i noticed the Boulant Mobile Surgery built on a Schneider PB2 omnibus chassis. Although these vehicles were expensive to produce several were fabricated during the war for the French military. I wish to scratch built one of these in 1/76 sc...
Does anyone know if US-built Case steam traction engines were used by allied forces in Europe? They were not as large or powerful as European tractors, but still could have been used in some situations. Bosun Al
A bit borderline, but a pal of mine has done the English voice-over for this short film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHDqDfrIi7A There are others on Cambrai, Villers-Bretonneux, and so on. One or two minor inaccuracies, but also some details that are good to see. The animator has clearly d...
The Model Cellar would like to announce our new WWI Belgian Armored Car crew figures. They will look great with the upcoming Minerva from Copper State Models. Sculpted by Mike Good, the figure is patterned after the very familiar period photo. As usual, the detail is amazing. Now available from ou...
I am building the Roden 1/72 1920 Rolls Royce armoured car. I removed the hexagon on the turret roof as it is an repair when the cupola was removed after servicing in Shanghai.I want to build my as a car from the early 1920's but decals are for three WW2 cars. How would it be painted and marked in British Ar...
The Model Cellar would like to announce our new WWI Belgian Armored Car crew figures.Sculpted by Mike Good, the figure is inspired by the very cool period photo. As usual, the detail is amazing. Now available from our website:Kit particulars:WWI Belgian Armored Car crewman #1item MC35145sculpte...
Could anyone identify this artifact please. It was given to me by my uncle who died recently. What it is or how he got I don't know but i think its from WW1 many Thanks
Now that there are so many Mk IV replicas, I was thinking of doing a list for the benefit of Wikipedia and, therefore, the world. If you can help with further examples, more details, etc, please do. These are brief descriptions of what I've got so far: 1) The Guy Martin tank, Deborah II 2) The War Horse tan...