PDA asked what people got for Christmas. Well, this was for my birthday, last June, but it arrived, after a much Covid-interrupted journey from Australia, this week. Yes, that's right, this week. Many thanks to the Queensland Museum for overcoming numerous difficulties, and to the memsahib for he...
The Model Cellar would like to announce our new WWI Italian Officers.Sculpted by Mike Good, the detail is clean, crisp, and sharp as usual. These figures are the perfect accessories for the new WWI Lancia Ansaldo Italian Armored car IZM from Copper State models. They will also work well with the WWI I...
Abschrift zu Nr : 2154/18g. A7V.Reichstagsmaterial.23. Okt. 1918T.D.Betr: Kampfwagen (Tank)---- Der Abgeordnete Stresemann* hat gestern erklärt, daß die Heeresverwaltung der "Tankwaffe" nicht die Bedeutung zuerkannt habe, die ihr nach den heutigen Erfahrungen zukomme. Derartige...
This is something that has been mentioned here in reviews and builds but I thought that I would make a separate post about it:There is a fault in the instructions. Part #11 is shown wrong. It should me mounted from the front not from the inside.This was wrong from the beginning and has not been correct...
A German officer described the British tank as a “a gigantic, iron dragon” so I thought that was a good name for the title. Takom’ Mark IV Female ‘Flirt II’ is being stalked by two stormtroopers with grenades being tossed on the roof. I’ve been reading ‘Deborah and the war of the tanks 1917’ by John Taylo...
nnHallo, ich habe eine Frage zu diesem Foto des Transportwagens des 42 cm Skoda Mörtels für den Verkehr Eisenbahn. Das ist er nur Foto, ich habe je gesehen. Sie noch jemanden, der wagen noch kennt ?
Came across a bit more about this: From Motor Boating magazine, July 1912: "Norman Leeds, treasurer and general manager of the Automatic Machine Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut, is making an extended trip through Europe in the interests of Automatic marine engines. Mr. Leeds will visit the co...
Hi everyone Just getting back to working on plans of a MK1 Male Tank and thought it was time I should introduce myself and let you know what I am up too. About 4 years ago now I decided I would build a 1/16 scale MK1 tank and looked around for plans ... what I found were ok but at the scale I was thinking a bit basi...
Hello everyone, I am new here. I usually do Gundam kits and such so i am out ny league in this stuff. I recently found a sealed Roseplane Drachen and after some research i have found nothing about the value of it. I intend to sell it but i dont know what a fair value would be. I appreciate any help thank you.
I came across this on Pinterest this morning, I am very interested in the construction of the early tanks and this shows a lot of information, but the resolution is very poor. The site linked to the image is a domain hosting service, no images there - does anyone have a higher resolution copy of the image...
Can anyone provide me with the format used by the British for identifying the area in which a vehicle is assigned? For example, LC stood for Egypt or the Middle East, so a Model-T Ford might have the number LC^1234 where the "^" designates the government broad arrow. Am also looking for a source for 1:...
Hello. I have a fancy to write a series of short articles on who could have invented the tank, so far I have done Leonardo da Vinci and H G Wells. I know of the Mendeleev tank, Vezdekhod (vezdepod whatever !!!), Tsar tank, Rybinsk 20 ton tank etc, but I know that Blinov came up with a tracked tractor in the la...
I converted the 1920 model from Roden into a 1914 car. New wheels and front fenders. Lowered turret among other things. More about it and the other two cars here: Rolls Royce-- Edited by Orso on Sunday 3rd of January 2021 03:05:44 AM-- Edited by Orso on Sunday 3rd of January 2021 03:11:45 AM
I've been looking at some of the old guns that France used in the early part of WW1 mostly out of desperation. About 1916 there seems to have been an assessment of the old guns and at least a couple had upgrades so they remained at least somewhat useful. Anyone know if this was a deliberate policy by the Fr...
Most of these, if not all, are in the wrong scale, i.e. they are not 1/72/6, but they are free. If you don't have a 3D printer, there are quite a few people who will print them for you. I would use a resin printer for these rather than a FDM type so that you don't get a bunch of annoying lines. Large collection o...
Does anybody here still make models? I do, but I work at a glacial pace. I just treated myself to this; it should be here in about two months! I had to buy it for myself because there's just no way anybody in my small family would know where to get this. What did Santa bring you?
Hello, I just noticed that the Digital State Library of Upper Austria has Ernst Volkheim's full book Deutsche Kampfwagen greifen an! Erlebnisse eines Kampfwagenführers an der Westfront 1918 available to read online (assuming you read German). According to Wikipedia, this is the re-titled 193...
This is a still from a film about Berlin in 1945. Similar to Jacques de Prévaux's airship flight along the Western Front in 1919, someone flew over Berlin to show the damage sustained by the city. Just as the aircraft flies over the burnt-out cathedral you can see down into the Lustgarten. I think the ob...
From: I’d bought the Haynes Great War Workshop manual on the Mark IV tank a while back and saw that they also have a title Great War Workshop manual ‘all types 1915-1945’. Not sure why the second title goes beyond 1918. I’d order the ‘all types’ book and today I received the Mark IV book. I checked the I...
I have purchased the MiniArt B-Type Lorry and the Resicast QF 3 Pdr gun and I am trying to figure out the vehicle colour of this singular RNAS armed lorry. Would I be wrong in assuming it was a dark RN grey? The 3 Pdr gun appears to be a light grey. This observation is based on the contrast between the RN uni...
Hi A new member here.I´m researching the history of a Finnish volunteer serving in Russian army during WW1.The only info about him is a photo of him wearing a russian uniform with armored car unit shoulder badges (winged wheels with mg symbol on top).The photo has been taken in the town of Stryi in mod...
Now that MiniArt has given us a Series 3 and the 1918 Pattern, both with full interior, I have a few questions. Can anyone help by telling me what colour the interior of the car was. The instructions say to use moss green - maybe, but as a former tank and armoured car crew member I find it a bit difficult to...
Joyeux Noël! Fröhliche Weihnachten! And so on. Best wishes to Landship friends all around the world. Let us hope for a return to something more like normal in the New Year.Here's a money-saving tip. The packaging that came with our new toaster can be used as an exciting and economical World War I Trenc...
Attached is the casting mark on an leichte Minenwerfer from 1916. This lMW has a Rheinmetall stamp on the base of the barrel this mark is about halfway up the barrel on the upper surface. So, which company cast the barrel? Regards, Charlie