I have just discovered that Shellhole Scenics make a 'Simplex 20 'Engine''. It is in their railway section but there is no picture. Has anyone seen it? Does anyone have it? Can anyone make an informed comment on the quality and accuracy of it? Photo attached is merely to grab your attention.
Came across this. Is it any use to anyone? Oops.Sorry. This turns out to be old news. I meant well. -- Edited by James H on Sunday 29th of November 2020 06:55:30 PM
Hello everyone here at the forum. I beg your opinion - answer. In the kit of the company UMT - CANON Putilov 76,2 mm 1/35, there are decals for instalation on the canon shields. Does this marking have a real base - are there photographs with a description on the cannon? Or is it just a kit maker´s fantasy?...
Bonsoir, Since 1917, in which British attic did you hide these french plans ? Bonne recherche - Michel -- Edited by Tanker on Thursday 26th of November 2020 05:56:06 PM
"Les Canons de la Victoire" teaches me older material was painted in olive green. Would anybody know how common it was to repaint the Canon de 155 L Modèle 1877 in gris artillerie, as seen on the Fleury gun? I am interested in guns used by the French in WW1 and WW2, Imperial Russia, and Republican Spain in...
I have been re-reading our correspondence about attempts to buy the above book from the Musée des Blindés. I can't believe it's seven years ago. Anyway, you might remember that the results were mixed, to say the least. However, the museum is now offering the book for sale on its website. https://www....
I present my review of The Tank: Weapon of the 20th Century (2018) Part 1 of a 2-parter. By Spiegel TV for Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), a German public service TV channel. Some big name curators in this 50 minute doco: David Willey (Bovington), Pierre Garnier de Labareyre (at Saumur until June 2...
I am trying to identify which French heavy guns used the "Gros Caliber" sight/sightmount. I have an example of it and it is listed in at least one French Artillery manual I have but they do not specify which guns it served. By the way the collimating top is missing. It is not correct for any 75mm, 105mm,...
Hello folks, My name is Henrik Laurell and i live in Gothenburg Sweden. I am initially a train modeler but started making guns and wagons last summer 2019. I am so far still in the 1700 - 1800 period so I guess I should post in the other section? Or is the main artillery section flexible to go also a bit b...
"The Tank: Weapon of the 20th Century." Showing on PBS in the UK Thursday November 12, 2020 at 8.15pm. Don't know anything about it, but trailer here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkDUUv3TIvo David Willey is also in this one. He must be making a fortune.
Stumbled across this being shown late on the night of Remembrance Sunday, on Sky History. Made in 2014. A four-part series on new weapons/technology introduced during the War. Part One: The Tank. You can watch it on Now TV for free. Take out a 7-day free trial, then cancel it when you've watched it. htt...
Hi, does anyone know the four digit WD number for Mk IV female J12 Jericho please? I have looked through all of the Landships reference spreadsheets, but cannot see it.
At first thanks for all that beautiful paperwork!!! I used it a lot. I found a little copy mistake at site "Mark II/III Heavy Tank". The headline is "Mark I Heavy Tank" instead of "Mark II/III Heavy Tank"
I have a memory of seeing somewhere on the Forum a photo of a Strait's Tractor (previously referred to as a Killen-Strait) in unusual surroundings - in France or somewhere, or was it parked alongside British tanks, I can't recall. Anyway, it was somewhere other than the trials at Wormwood Scrubs. Can...
Can anyone tell me about cardboard modelling, i have been looking at the WAK model tanks are they a good cardboard kit and accurate. Is cardboard modelling easy or difficult to do, it looks fiddly. Whats the best glues to use for cardboard modelling , cutting tools etc. Any hints or tips to watch out fo...
Hello, everyone here. Does anyone please know the purpose of these devices at the dances ? Was it back in WW I, or is it a post-war adjustment? Thank you very much in advance for you reply. Ivo
The attached image is in the latest Blindés et Matériel - the image caption says that nothing is known about it. The gun is a 120mm Saint-Chamond field gun not accepted by the French Army. The front two bogies of the Saint-Chamond chassis are blocked up presumably to make the suspension rigid so the ta...
The description of the Gun Carrier states that it could carry the two different types of guns and that these could be fired while aboard the Carrier. Were these ever used in the SPG role or was this a possibility that never happened?
In the Osprey book on the Mk V, David Fletcher says a) The first complete machine rolled out of the Birmingham factory in December 1917 (page 8) and b) The first Mark V ran for the very first time on 18 January 1918 (page 18). Any clarification?
I was looking around the National Archives website and discovered that due to the restricted access because of COVID-19, they are allowing free downloads of much of their archive. You just need to register and verify your email address, then you can add 10 items at a time and checkout for free, up to 5...
Gentleman Does any one have any photo's diagrams anything showing the connection of the trailing wheels connected to the Tritton Chaser?All the bestTim R
New to me. Sorry if not to you. More of the Mk Vs in the Lustgarten. I think this reinforces the view that at least one of the Mk Vs was the last thing to be cleared away. Includes a couple of people on their way to work. Still doesn't settle the question of whether they were put to any military purpose, unfort...
Just a heads up, Miniart have announced the following Kit No-39009 AUSTIN ARMOURED CAR 1918 PATTERN. BRITISH SERVICE. WESTERN FRONT. INTERIOR KITThis will definately be on my Christmas wish list.Paul
On one of the Facebook groups, people are talking about a Daimler engine in a MkIV tank. Never came across any reference to this type of engine i was it used?