After starting these post I realized that some of you may wonder what kind of tools to use during the correction. I have two pictures of the tools I used. In the first picture are the ones I consider to be essential and in the second pictures are the tools I consider helpfull but can be substituted using ot...
I have this Dopp.Z.16 fuse. But for wich guns are they used? I got 2 manuals and both say a other story.? One manual say the 15 cm?Kanone in Schirmlafette, 15cm K.i.R.L (what means this?) and a 24cm Naval gun (unknow type). Who can help me with the correct guns? [IMG]
I seem to remember lots of criticism on these figures, but won't mention much of them (except the missing helmet lugs). There are too many officers and the jury is still out on how useful the tank mechanics are. The artillery set has good guns but no crew actually handling th...
July edition of Guerre, Blind?s & Mat?riel has an article on the FT Fascine Carrier. If I read this correctly, it saw the light of day as late as 1935, when German rearmament became apparent. Also some info on WWI Artillery and pigeons. You can flick through the mag here: http://blindes-materiel...
David Fletcher talks about Little Willie: rexbonitas shows how to scratchbuild?Little Willie: -- Edited by PDA on Thursday 12th of August 2010 04:09:05 AM
?Hello, I need some asistance with the Colt-Browning M1895 "Potato Digger" machinegun. I know this weapon was mainly used in the Spainish-American War but it did have a role in the Great War. Can you give me some history on this weapon? Thanks!
I've just received some figures for the conflict in East Africa. These are made by Minifigs. They are not new, but I don't think they've been discussed here before. Apologies are needed: my photography skills are appalling! Everything, including the composition, is poor. However, I wanted to post...
Here are the links to some interesting videos ... and you can buy them!
German Tank A7V "Elfriede" Tank A7V "Hagen...
I have applied the Archer Surface Details rivets and the pistol port covers as well. I had to add about .020 strip styrene to the front post on the gun opening to have enough surface to drill the vision port. It is not perfect but it is much more accurate then the original kit parts. I will do the right side n...
I finally started working on the turret and this is what I did. First I made the turret from 7/16 (11.1 mm) rod. The shield is from the same rod but I cut it in half and I trimed it so it? would fit inside the turret. Since the breach cannot be seen I removed it. The gun opening was made by drilling one hole above...
Hi all; just to ket you know that I have?changed my user name - I attempted to change my e-mail address for notification (my old one was being swamped with spam) but I lost my links So back in business and ready to help -- Edited by firsttankcrews on Sunday 8th of August 2010 09:03:57 AM
During the war,? France published a goodly number of post cards;? I have a modest collection of them and thought I might share a few for conversational, if not informational ?purposes. This first is a Hotchkiss in Belgian service.? Note their uniforms and the receiver of the MG.?? Any comments pleas...
Right - Here are the photos from Bovington... 1. Mark IV rear 2. Mark VIII front 3. Mark V** front 4. Mark V** rear 5. Mark V rear portside 6. Mark IX interior 7. Mark VIII rear 8. Late mark female sponson interior 9. Driver's cabin
These show how I have used the Krupp 105mm le FH model in the Ottoman Artillery & MGs pack (8094) to produce a Schneider-Canet 120mm Howitzer M1909 (other designations for armies on its introduction). This piece is used by WWI Russia as the 122mm M1910 (& is visually identical to the 122mm M10...
The 2nd and 3rd of August I travelled to northen France to visit the battlefield of Cambrai. It was a impressive experience,specially the visits to the cemetery's. Took a lot of pictures from the part of the field I am recreating on my dio,learnt a lot about the topography and colours of the ground! I wa...
Hello Freinds, I have just come into these beautiful original?WW1 Posters from an older gentleman who's father was in the 37th Infantry Regiment company "K" in the US Army from 1917 to 1919.? I was wondering if anyone could help me with any information about these posters. Both have his na...
Can anyone verify the truthfulness of these statements: Originally named "Britannia," (she) was renamed "Liberty" in appreciation of American participation. The tank took part in the Battle of Arras, France, in 1917. In 5 hours, it raided German trenches, captured 395 pr...
Lawrence Ordnance of Sydney seems to be adding a section on AIF training and equipment manuals for free download. There are a few training manuals there currently which might be of interest in terms of grenades, trench layout, small-unit tactics and such:
My latest scheme is to make a small armored car using a utility quad ATV. So far all I have is a crude drawing, but I plan to have it finished by this time 2011. So far it is slightly based off of the Emhardt armored car. 1mm sheet metal will be used for armor, and it will mount 4 or 5 semi-automatic paintball gu...