hello to everybody,, im looking for info/photo of the jeffery/nash quad armoured car that would have been in ireland 1918-1920 -- Edited by vintary on Friday 8th of January 2010 04:33:49 PM-- Edited by vintary on Friday 8th of January 2010 04:35:44 PM-- Edited by vintary on Friday 8th of January 2010...
I have finished the build portion of the Mk II and I am ready to star painting it. I still need to make the stowage but the biggest part is done. I hope you like it.
Now out of production (but as Matador Models have bought the BK Modelcraft moulds and have released some of their kits, i'm hoping this one will come out again) is this static model of the 20hp Simplex petrol r...
Finally completed the Matador Models AEC Y Type 3 ton Lorry. Switched over to Loctite Control superglue halfway through and what a difference it made - lots of blobs on this one from the glue I originally used, and excess glue in the cargo bed prompted me to make the load in the back (although i'm glad I di...
The Imperial War Museum's First World War Tank doesn't mention if it has any combat history - does anyone know if Mk V T9171 saw combat at all during the war?
This is my first attempt to add rivets to the old, good Airfix Mk something... Stretched sprue cut in small pieces (less than 1mm) and placed to the model with a brush and Humbrol glue. Finally the whole process went fast, all the rivets were ready in less than 10 minutes. This was just a test to ensure tha...
Hello long time looker first time posting here. I am?amazed at all?the hard work that i have seen here and along with the great advice. Myself I've been working on this mind numbing hobby for about 10-15 years if you want you can look at some of my stuff at (http://www.freewebs.com/microdioramas/) bu...
Researching a little of the background on Sigfried Sassoon's Military Cross (MC), a dead-end line of enquiry lead to http://www.fn-browning.com/fn.htm and the correction of misconceptions about the FN Browning automatic pistol in Belgian...
New catalogue includes: Tanks and the Next War Maj. E.W. Sheppard, 1938. Apparently, about half of this book deals with the Tanks in the Great War. ?25 The Czar's British Squadron Perrett & Lord, 1981. The RNAS ACs in Russia. ?17.50 Also something we discussed a while back: The Neglected War: Mes...
HMLS Britannia fought at Arras. Its commander was a Richard Haigh at that time in B company. Haigh later commanded a tank in D battalion at Ypres (possibly D1) where he was wounded and he won the Military cross but in which tank I don't know. He later commanded another Britannia (probably named aft...
Hi all, I hope this has not been dicussed before. If it was: sorry, I didn't find it. I allways wondered why some Mark V had the louvres at the side and others don't. Then the idea crossed my mind that it depends on the point of view at the tank. Does anyone know why the louvres were only at one side? Regards Ch...
Unfortunately, the Forum does not have a Comedy category, which is where this belongs. Am I alone in having received this email from Mr. Bailey? Hi, The Patriot Files located at http://www.patriotfiles.com has begun to archive military websites. This project has been undertaken due to the high nu...
Hello Gentlemen, I Have a sort of Pimp my ride thing here of sorts, it was posted to one of my older threads, by Aircav, so here it is (See below): What I would like to do here, is according to the post, there is much work that needs to be done to make it an accurate represntation. please look at the photo provi...
Hi All, some interesting scenes and many, many different weapons to be seen in this official US?film on the War?intended for home consumption..... http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/413.cfm The site has quite a few films to view... Cheers
Hello all, can you help? I am trying to keep my sentences simple so that hopefully the speakers of Russian will understand me as well. I am interested in the Mgebrov White armoured car and want to find out a little more about it: 1. Was there just one or were there a few? 2. Was it used in WW1, and if so where? 3...
Hi, returning (sort of) to my last post in this section about the Uzbekistani soldiers uniform, and Sergey-Prokudin-Gorsky's early colour photography, I noticed on this photo (which many of you may have seen before) that the Russian guard on the left of the hut, is wearing the old 1894 (is that the da...
i saw in tv the other day a clip from wwi propaganda film where german soldier kickd belgian baby what is the name of that feature and where i can get it
Believe it or not I am getting ready to paint my Mk II supply tank and I was wanting to know if Model Master # 4846? Dark Earth ANA 617 would be a good match? I know Humbrol 29 is the best but I prefer acrylics and I am limited in choices to Tamiya and Model Master in my area. Any help would be appreciated.
I've attached a few early war?pics of a?lorry?carrying a treching conversion.?? Painted in the pale blue all guns and vehicles wore at the time,? I think these pics date from 1915.? Can anyone identify the lorry make ?
Hi? folks !? I am? working on a? 72nd scale diorama with a french caquot balloon (the roseplane vacu),the balloon itself is finished ,now I start scratchbuilding the motorized winch . A couple of years ago I took some fotos of it at Le Bourget musee del air,but somehow forgot to look for the manufacture...
Next to the Japanese there is another rarity a Serb In Prague there are even Serbian Helmet and kepi Helmet is of Adrian type with Serbian plate on it. Color is the same as for the French colonial troops khakiThe fact is there are some on the market in the army shops (there are Belgian, Czech and Romanian v...
i wish to have? it but not in resing and metal model - those i dont want can you help me gettin on of those Please -- Edited by Freikorpsman on Sunday 27th of June 2010 06:47:32 PM
Attached are two photos of MkV T-9128 on a flatcar in the United States. Forward of the sponson it is marked: CS Cunnard Steam Ship Co. King George V Dock London E. Does anyone know the history of this tank? Thank you, John