Bonsoir, You probably knew Renault FT's photo on page 35 from "German panzer 14-18" (Steve Zaloga - Osprey 2006). This tank was one of the?two Renault captured on May 31, 1918 near Ploisy. There is some other photos of this tanks with interesting questions about it. Sorry it's in French, b...
Hi. I am about to attempt a grey on grey camouflage scheme with my new airbrush! The model to be my test piece is one of my son's wargaming tanks (GW) and I have used their paints as I have them on hand. I've used a blue/grey for my base coat over a black undercoat, which colour should I use next a lighter grey o...
I haven't seen this before. The Best 75 from a different angle. Fred Crismon says that the side-on view of this vehicle shows troops of the California National Guard, but this pic is from a recruiting brochure showing Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky.
Hi After Ian P's comment on the Forum I hope it's OK that I let you know that I have set Paypal up. It's at times like this when you realise how much Peter is missed. Any news ? ?????????????????
Have mentioned this on the H?T site, but now more discrepancies have become apparent. The account of the Belgian Army's actions is very detailed and well worth reading. After the retreat from Antwerp they withstood numerous German attacks on the Yser Front for about 6 weeks before flooding the area...
Attached is a scan of a photo of a diorama made by the very talented Stefan Szymanski. The complete article can be seen in Military Modelcraft International, May 2010 Vol 14 Number 7. (So I am slightly out of date!) There is also a review of some of W^D Models' figures?in a different article in the magazi...
Latest edition No. 4284 caught my eye in the newsagent's this morning. Something on the cover rang a bell. Although the story is about the BEF in early WWII, there is a drawing of an Uhlan and a chap in a lemon-squeezer hat. It seems that someone at Commando has learnt of The Legion Of Frontiersmen. http:...
Hi, I?ll need the depth/ width of the MG Sponsons of an Mark IV Female (1:1 or 1:6). The complete width is 10,5 ft (= 3,20m), but whats the meassurement of the Sponsons? I?ve found no top view of an MK IV female with meassurements, can anybody help? Thanks a lot! Oliver
?Hello everyone ,?I need some help on a new painting . Does anyone have photos of the tank factory at Lincoln? I have a few in some books but any new ones would be great.? Thanks? Mick?
I've seen Dinnaken described as the tank that drove through Flers with the British army cheering (walking) behind (there seem to be many versions of the quote). But I've also seen this ascribed to Creme de Menthe see the obit notice in the Gloucesters Regimental Handbook
Major Arthur McC. Inglis,...
Can anyone ID this ambulance, and add any further information such as numbers produced? Cheers, Rob
'You always want trenches; you ought to ha ben born a rabbit, Snippy.' Well through sheer luck I was born a rabbit and yes I want trenches! Apologies all my Bully Beef friends for not posting sooner I'm having bouts of not being well though luckily I'm on the waiting list for surgery. This time I might jus...
I've found an enormous photo that claims to be of a Mk I femail at Flers. Its too big to scan the whole thing (it covers two pages in a coffee table sized book) but I've enclosed a section showing the front of the tank and another showing the gun flap in the cab. I hope there is enough detail - its...
Hi Im looking for a supply of Barbed Wire ( nothing to do with Pamela Anderson) any suggestions or recommendations on kits etc would be appreciated.. Cheers
Whilst pondering the question of the Kgl. S?chs. Sturmpanzerwagen Abteilung (I presume that would be the correct designation?) and the Kgl. W?rtt. unit discussed in an earlier thread, I referred back to the Osprey book on German tanks. I am surprised I had not made the connection with this passage b...
Hi All! A friend of mine bought a group of documents of a German tanker of WW1. Believe it or not ... he now owns an award certificate of the German "Erinnerungsabzeichen fuer Kampfwagenbesatzungen" (Badge for tankers WW1). He now is looking for further information regarding Lt. Geyer. I...
Hi, m planning a new project, but I?ve got some different contradictory statements about the main body meassurements of the MK IV Female Tank: (L = length; W = width; H = Height) Source 1: L: 8,05 metres W: 3,20 metres H: 2,46 metres Source 2: L: 9,94 metres B: 4,33 metres H: 2,44 metres Source 3: L: 8,50 me...
Just a heads up about a new Aussie movie - "Beneath Hill 60" - a movie about the tunnelers before the Battle of Messines in 1917. There is a website - - it's going to be released on April 15th. I heard the author of the book of the same name on radio - he said that a lot of e...
On the Internet, and also on Landships, I find several stories about the German Bremer-Wagen, the Mariewagen I and II. So many different stories, so I know no idea, what is the correct story. Now I would like to have the correct version of the Marienwagen history. - When was the project started? - What w...
\Hello I recently spotted this 1/16 A7V resin kit on Ebay It's from a german manufacturer (JUWA) but i never heard or seen it before Is there anyone who could give some info on this kit (I am very interessested, But as it is a lot of money? i want to know what to expect.) Edited by James H on Thursday 13th of May 2010 11:45:22 PM
Hi ! I m looking drawings or colour profiles of british heavy tanks Mk II and Mk III. Please tell us where they can find (book, magazine or website)? Help me please! Thanks! Best regards!
A very interesting tank built in America in 1917. Anyone know anymore info on it? I also came across this little gem of info: "This was a second attempt by Best to make a tank that was acceptable to the United States Military. Built in 1917, this vehicle is on deployment with the California Nationa...
Hi, all! Resently I've found 2 interesting fotos of a Russian 120/50-mm coastal gun in a role of a heavy field piece - a trophy of the German troops in WWI. May be anybody have another fotos of such a gun?
Anyone got a drawing or photo of a 9.15cm Krupp Feldkanone from the 1860s - 70s? I'm putting together some notes for the Rockhampton City Council about the Turkish gun at Mt Morgan. It appears to be an improvised fortress gun installed at Beersheba, Palestine and captured in October 1917 by the Light H...