Hi all, I am in the process of building a 1/24 scale RRAC....... (before you say it I know but?I had already started to accumulate the bits and pieces way before all of the 1/35 kits came out so?now I want to finish)? ...in the 1914 pattern.? I have resigned myself to scratch building wire wheels but I need...
Went over to the Leicestershire Regiment museum today to have a look at the WWI items, here's my photos A brodie helmet, damaged at the Somme - not sure what the chain mask is about, i've only seen chainmail on the tank crew face ma...
Hi With my W^D tin helmet on has anyone got some pic's of the 18pdr and the 4.5 howitzer I want to put them on the Website along with pic's of the masters. With my W^D service cap on and thinking of next year has anyone got info, plans pic's of the Clayton Shutterworth Crawler tractor the same for the Holt 5to...
In the armoured vehicles section of L'Uniforme et les Armes des Soldats de la Guerre 1914-1918 (Pub. 1970), L&F Funcken say the following: 'So as to maintain secrecy, it was decided to give the revolutionary new machine a neutral name. Cistern was suggested, then container, and finally, tank,...
I can't remember when, but I think we had a discussion about W.C. sporting an Adrian at certain points in his career. I know he wore one on visits to North Africa in WWII, but I've just found this pic in a book on The Great War. At the time, of course, he wasn't touring the world as Prime Minister, but serving...
A long-distance friend has sent me some pics of the Skeleton Tank at Aberdeen Museum. I don't know if it's common knowledge, but the Tank turns out to be?in some degree made of wood. The pics are huge, so I shan't post them full size on the Forum, but they are great for studying the details. If anyone wants...
Hello - I have?attached a photo below that I came across while building another page on my site. The photo is a close up of the breech of an Austro-Hungarian 77mm thats located in the town of Millburn - New Jersey. The only markings i could find was a number - 1652 ? ?and these "asian characters"...
Does anyone have a set of instruction sheets ?for the Scale Link ?Dennis 3-ton W.O. lorry (Reference?#SMEB/VK05) that they could share?? I recently acquired the kit, but owing to it's complexity, do not want to start building until I get a copy of the SL instructions.? Looks like quite a daunting tas...
Gentleman????? Good Morning, I am in search of information about the Shells (GAS and SMOKE) used by the LIVENS PROJECTOR. Particularly what colors were they painted, symbols used, and what might have either been printed or painted on each shell to distinguish it from another??? Photos are always a...
I came across this early postcard showing a heavy gun being transported to or from Brasschaet (Brasschaat) in Belgium. The postcard is dated 1913, but the steam engine is much earlier - c.1880. The people's dress suggests they are civilians rather than military - perhaps haulage contractors or scr...
Hi Wondered if anyone could tell me when 16th Tank Battalion actually embarked from the UK for France? Also, if possible, where they were in the months of July, August and September 1918. Thanks Bryn
Hello You may or may not be aware of the Friends of The Lincoln Tank.? We're a group of enthusiasts who meet regularly in the birthplace of the Tank - Lincoln.? Its an active group with a number of on going projects - all of which aim to raise the profile of the tank and Lincoln's role in its conception, deve...
Greetings, I recently acquired this photograph dated July 8, 1929 of a Mk VIII "Liberty" tank demonstrating its abilities. A unit crest is visible on the sponson. Lemons shows a similar scene on page 70 of Organization and Markings of United States Armored Units 1918-1941 but captions i...
Bonsoir, Two interessing Schneider's photos on German E-Bay. http://cgi.ebay.de/Foto-1-schwerer-seltener-Franz-Panzer-Tank-im-1-WK_W0QQitemZ290317011005QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMilitaria?hash=item290317011005&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1229%7C66%3...
Greetings Attached is a scan of a photo that I have had a hard time identifying. Can anyone identify the vehicle and weapon type?? Thank you! John A-G Jackson, Missouri USA
Hi All, I came across this great French?site I couldnt see it on the links page so I thought I'd add it in here... http://www.passioncompassion1418.com/ It has extensive coverage of surviving examples of WW1 Artillery including trench mortars... http://www.passioncompassion1418.com/Canon...
W^D Models are very close to releasing their 1/72 Dennis 3 Ton Truck; the 'A Class' or 'Subsidy' truck. Pictures are attached below. The kit will be very slightly different from the pictures because it will be supplied with a PE fret for the small parts such as the rear mudguards, number plates, tilt st...
Greetings, I recently acquired a large format image of U.S. tank no. 9911. The photo was taken by Keystone Photo Co., Baltimore, MD.? It is very similar to a panoramic view I have of 9911 and another tank on the Tank Course at Fort Meade...most likely taken on the same day as the lighting is very similar a...
Hi guys I'm making a 1/72 scale model of a monowheel armored car and this is you far I have got with it this week. Also I'm building a small dio with it where the monowheel is about to cross a German trench with a German soldier (or 2) running away in terror. The model is completely scratch build as are the fig...
Has anyone found the source (patent?) for the great but scifiesque covers of Electrical experimenter : the most famous "squrriel cage" 1918 version the earlier 1917 two-wheeler version possibly an earlier (1917 too) civilian inspiration for the 1918 version ? JCC
Can anyone tell me how pre- and early war GS wagons were maked?? I presume regiment and serial number were stencilled on the body in various places and would appreciate whatever you can share. Al
Greetings, Attached is a photo of an Armstrong-Whitworth Armor Car in the hands of Japanese Soldiers in Vladivostock in 1919. I assume it is one of 36 Armstrong-Whitworth cars delivered to the Tsar between 1913 and 1916. My question, though, is this: Does anyone know the circumstances in which the J...