Hello All, ????????????? Thought you might be interested in another kit that has just gone on the Market recently.An Anzac horseman serving in the Middle East WW1.The kit is 90mm and is resin. ??????????????????? Andy -- Edited by amcairns on Sunday 12th of April 2009 05:45:35 AM
Came across this 1970s book at a friend's this weekend. (We suspect that it's actually mine, but it was so long ago I can't remember lending it to him) Anyway, the embarrassing part is that all the stuff I was so proud of having discovered about the Hussite War Wagons?is in there. So are the Batter Tracto...
Attached is a scan of a photo identified on the back as "H.M.A.C. Black Jake (or Joke?) France, 1915. Can anyone share information about the career of this vehicle? John A-G
Reading through this most interesting forum I'm?hoping someone might have the 'answers'... 1. My Great Uncle L/Cpl James Brown?was KIA ~10am 10 August 1918 by a german machine gun bullit to the head... 2. The Battalion diary page attached mentions the arrival of?the tank "Mudsplasher"...
Hey all. I edit ACMOC Magazine for the Antique Caterpillar Machinery Owners Club and we've been researching a story on the Holt-powered G9, and I came across this forum and a quote that I have been trying my best to track down, to no avail. In this forum post - http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark...
I was wondering how many surviving WW1 era wheeled AFV's there are, and their locations? I heard there's a 1915 Renault armoured car at Verdun, can anyone confirm this? The only ones?I know of are; UK 1919 Pierce-Arrow armoured car - Bovington Tank Museum 1920 Rolls Royce armoured car - Bovington Tan...
Nuno Cabe?adas of Portugal has made a Mark V in 1/72 out of the Emhar kit. I don't think he is a member of this forum, so he has given me permission to post these photos of his work.
A bit off-topic but I wonder if anyone has info. Am continuing to delve into the Persian/Mesopotamian Campaigns and am stuck. First, Turkish troops invaded Persia from the Van area in late 1914 and got as far as?Khoi, NW of Tabriz. They were then defeated by the Russians and pushed back into the O.E. En...
Gentlemen, A salute for You All I am searching for images that can give me an idea of how? the 7.7cm Feldkanone 96 and limber look like when pulled by horses/oxen.- ?Thank You in advance Eduardo
Hello Guys! I would like to share the progress of my scratch built A7V. I think the painting on the armoured body is done for about 90 percent. I need to finish some paint chips and I need to add some rust streaks. Now I will start with the chassis![IMG]https://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff181/Pet...
For the purposes of an illustrated talk, I'm looking for photographs of Tank crew casualties. I have seen some gruesome pics of a crew burnt to death while trying to escape (probably of the same vehicle, one with German troops posing next to them) but can't find them now. Any pics or links will help. Fre...
Dear All, today I would like to share again something I just bought for my collection. It is a farewell present to German Captain from his comrades. Among other things the treaty of Versailles forbid tank troops for the German Reichswehr. But a small troop called the "Kraftfahrtruppe" (m...
I've noticed that the 'yesterday' channel is showing the series 'Tank Overhaul' at the moment - the paper decribed this as 'an awesomely specialist interest program'. I saw several of them a while ago when it was on one of the other channels - it really is close to tank nerd nirvana. 'Yesterday' is on fr...
Greetings all! I am a new member to this group, having found its URL courtesy of the Narrowmilitaryrail Yahoo group. My main interests are the military railways of WW1, particularly the "trench railways" of 2ft gauge. Does anyone else in this group model those? ScaleLink make 1/32nd mod...
Some Canadian film of various WW1 topics is available at: http://www3.onf.ca/enclasse/ww1/ In particular, go to "Wartime" - "Battles" - then scan along the thumbnails to "Canadians Advance near Cambrai 2" to see some tanks including armoured personnel carri...
Let me thank everyone who contributed in the success my little humble site has encountered. I did hope this would work so well when I started this all. Cheers from Normandy and keep on visiting http://manu-military.e-monsite.com Manu
Hi. As a thank you for using this site, which is great, i have taken photos in the danish army museum T?jhusmuseet, in copenhagen, of the ww1 stuff. It is on my flickr acount: http://www.flickr.com/photos/8328910@N06/sets/ I do of course give permission to use the photos on the site. the are some cam...
I've been looking at the photos of the back of Mk IV's on the website, and I've noticed that on both Loadstar and Flirt the unit which projects between the rear track horns is clearly sloped downwards - but on the one in the Aberdeen proving ground is vertical. What is this, and why are there two different...
Hello All, ?????????????? Am working on a 1/24 scale minenwerfer.It has,nt been easy and ther have been problems,but the kit is nearly finished.comments welcome. Many thanks to Ulrich who has been a great help on this topic.hope the pic shows. ?????? Andy
I was in Games Workshop with my son today, and while there my eye was caught by the display of tanks for the Warhammer 40k game series. Not because I'm interested in playing but because it's clear that in 40 thousand years time all the lessons of armour design of the last 90 years will have been lost and for...