Always loved the look of WWI motorcycles, especially the Clyno motorcycle and sidecar with the mounted Vickers MG. Does anyone know of a company (except the very expensive Scalelink one!) of a WWI era motorcycle, with or without a sidecar? Don't mind what scale, I know similar looking motorcycles w...
I have at last uploaded a few pictures of my Ford T (RPM) in 1/35th depicting an Australian Light Patrol Car in Palestine 1917.? All comments are welcome, good or bad ? ?They can be seen at ?Paul
I recently visited Hungary and picked up a book on "Foreign AFVs in Hungarian service 1920-1945". This book is written by? Biro Adam, Eder Miklos and Sarhidai Gyula, as far as Im told, well known researchers in Hungary. In this book there is some info on LK II in hungarian service, I havent g...
Not realy a military vehicle but in the same mould (snow instead of mud, crevasses instead of trenches) see this item on the 1939 Antarctic Snow Cruiser. Tritton might have been proud of it (and it even carried its own aircraft). This actually got built.
Attached photo shows a very odd vehicle - a morane aircraft converted into a tender/firetruck. Now how was it steered? which wasy did it go - was it used as a pusher or tractor? The position of the crew suggests its going backwards.
Not another mutilated morane, but nevertheless an interesting photo at: Axis History Forum / The end of the Ottoman Empire 1908-1923/
There seems to be a lot going on at H?T that they're not telling us about through the usual channels. These are masters for Indian Troops, certainly late 19th, possibly early 20th, century. Someone who seems to know says they're Punjabi. I don't know enough to say whether these would be suitable for 19...
Further to the many discussions about the Studebaker, I came across another version of one of the?two pics of it.?In Pic 1 there's some sort of vehicle in the background, and Pic 2 is usually cropped so you can't see the other vehicle. However, in this version you can see what looks like the rear sprocke...
Can be seen here: This is clearly a substantial museum. Anyone recognise it? -- Edited by James H at 12:09, 2007-10-02
This is from the list of items in the Albert Stern section in the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives at King's College, London: STERN: 4/7 1918 Four technical photographs produced by US Army Signal Corps of a small tracked vehicle. 4 photographsAny ideas?
Hello my name is Andrea Rigsby, I am Tim Rigsbys wife. I just wanted to let you know that Tim has had a heart attack; he will be out of pocket for awhile. I believe he has been under quite abit of stress at work. It just happened Sunday morning. The Doctors think he will be ok, but we are not out of the woods yet....
The post on the German forum I found it on claimed it was a one-man tank, but gave no further details. Clearly as it has two head covers, it is at least a Two Man tank. Still, I've never seen it before. Only 4 road wheels? Bizarre...
Hi All, usually has a large number of original WW1 tank pics this is intended to aid those looking for pictures but who have a limited or non existed knowledge of the german language, below you will find the 2 most succesfull search options that?I have found....
Does any one have any date(s) for when Mk IVs switched back to Hotchkiss from Lewis mgs? Similarly when were hatches on the drivers cab introduced on the Mk IV? I'm trying to date some photos.
Hi! I start a new WW1 project : the Latil TAR and the 155GPF, both from the french ADV Azimut 1/35 scale I begin with the prime mover, a very nice resin kit fully detailled and well done : The first?work focused on t...
Despite the caption, I know of no black troops from Britain's African colonies being in France. Is it fair to assume that these men are from The British West Indian Regiment? P.S. Just discovered this: It's well known that black Empire troops were only allowed?to serve as non-combatants?on the West...
For some while I have been trying to identify the details of?the first tank crews; i.e. those who fought at Flers-Courcellette - and whose lives are largely unknown.? The information is far from complete but you may find it useful. see If you can help by pr...
Hi All, I didn't have enough time to finish my 1/35 mk.V 9004, but Ive made some progress in painting it and such, I am trying my best to have an accurate model of the specific tank, but unfortunately I only have one photograph of the tank. The tank had very interesting markings, skull and bones on the side...
Silly question, I assume the colonial units had there own artillery. Did they have? the same uniform as the colonial infantry? Were they organized the same as the regular artillery? Thanks