Below can be found a collection of photos showing the nicely restored Mk IV Female and Battle of Cambrai veteran "Flirt II": Click here to seee them all!
I've been intrigued with the?seemingly strange weapons used by?both sides?during?the war in the trenches ... catapults, muzzleloaders, etc ... as well as clubs, etc.? Is there any good pictoral source of information??
Enclosed is pic of french troops surveying German wire entanglement torn up by artillery, early 1917. I've not seen the cube things before. Are they concrete blocks with spikes set in, like a giant caltrop?
Was wondering if anyone else would be interested in an area of the website for softskin vehicles? There's quite a few softskin kits out there now to write about, and a few survivors to photograph etc. To me they're just as interesting as the AFV's. Cheers, Rob
Here's a French-flavoured Ford T, an AFS ambulance. It's not as accurate an as complete as I've wanted, but I had to make quite a few improvements from what the basic kit gives you.
Just saw the following on eBay: Autocannoni, Autoblinde,E Veicoli Speciali Del Regio Esercito Italiano Nella Prima Guerra Mondiale? Rare 1973 Italian language pictorial book with over 47 pages of photos and high quality line drawings illustrating all types of vehicles in use by the Italian Army...
Hi, Having vague memories of visitng the HMSO shop on Holborn and flicking through 'Landships' I thought I'd try and track a copy down now. One word - OUCH!!! [Very Expensive]. How does David Fletcher's other book 'British Tanks 1915-19' compare? Seems to be hardback, a lot more pages etc... BUT does...
I note that all Brit trucks have the prefix 'WD' before their ID numbers and saw a recent post of a Vauhall staff car with the 'HC' prefix.? Was wondering what the lettering/numbering scheme is.? Similar info has been published for Brit tanks, but I've never seen it for other vehicles/countries.? Wou...
Ok, bit of a weird one, but does anyone have any photos of tank crew members (or any AFV/softskin of WWI for that matter) with a pet dog, ie relaxing in the rear line etc? Cheers, Rob
Are there any photos (preferable) or plans showing the interior of a Mk IV tender/supply tank? The reason for asking is to find out whether the tenders had the standard male or female ammunition stowage racks in place.
Hello everyone,A few days ago, I started to build the Cromwell LK II.This is a nice kit in resin, well casted, however, there are some bubble in place of some rivet.My references are the excellent Landship site and this site, link provided in the Landship site :
It would appear that Australia got at least one touring/fund raising tank. Photos attached. The number on the Brisbane tank looks like starting with a 4 and then possibly a 6 and another 4? I've lots of photos of dummy tanks used for fund raising in Australia but these (or this) looks like the real thing...
Found this account of a Corporal in the Manchester Regiment awarded the V.C.: Corporal Issy Smith of the 1st Bn, under his own authority, left his company to retrieve a wounded soldier, putting his own life in great danger in doing so. He succeeded in doing this, carrying the man over 245 yards back to r...
Since Strelets are taking their time with the British Cavalry, does anyone have any ideas on conversions? Could you get away with putting?caps/steel helmets on the H?T Australian Light Horse? I think the Strelets Bengal Lancers will pass for Indian?Cavalry and maybe even their British Lancers fo...
Matador Models have come to our rescue and now for the princely sum of 90p (about 1.30 euros) make an aftermarket set of five Hotchkiss and Lewis machine guns suitable for WWI tanks They also now do a 3 inch 20 cwt AA gun on the 1940 platform - hopefully th...
Hello, Are there any 1/16th or 1/10th scale modellers out there who specialise in radio controlled british armour?? I am looking for something to accompany my displays and need someone who will take on a project.? Help please Tanks3
Hi guys, on is for sale a Mark IV scale 1/10 completely handmade. Wonderful model wich have to be finished in some details like fixing the tracks and the 6-pounders. Don't miss it !!
Did anyone know anything about German armoured Vehicles (Tracked, Halftrack or Wheeled) which were in Service with the German Troops in Palestine????????
I am seeking information on a WW1 softskin,namely,the 3 ton White truck of 1917 which was widely used by the various Allied armies. Dimensions,including the wheelbase,would be appreciated and would greatly help to produce a drawing for modellers. Ken Musgrave?