Here is the close up of the Czech Adrian and a picture of rare Italian helmet worn by Czech legion in Italy. The inscription on the helmet is Czechoslovak Legion in Italy Colonel Marsalek.?Arms pictured are used by Czech Legion in Russia.?Till soon,?Y
I am considering doing a model of WW2 Canadian mkVIII -with a contrasting Jeep or so- but I am trouble finding pictures. All the pictures so far (Profile) are of either US or British immediate-post WW1 subjects. Any help around ? thank you JCC
First set of Czech Legion uniforms Cavalry (left) and infantry (to the right) All details are from the cavalryman to the left infantrymen refused to give good photo!?Flag and buckle of the Czechs?More Czech Uniforms coming?Till soon,?Y
Morbid pictures of the uniforms worn when a pregnant woman and crown prince of K. und K. were assassinated by Serbian terrorist G. Princip Princip was 20 years old when he committed his crime. As a minor he was convicted to 20 years of imprisonment. He died of tuberculosis in April 1818.?? It was the sta...
As a new member i do not know how this works!. I am trying to find the right colours for the french army uniforms of 1916-18, i have a number of books with colour plates but still can not find the right colours by any of the main manufactures, can anyone HELP!!!!!! please.
Before asking any questions I'd better introduce myself ? My Names Andy Holmes and I started my own website "" I have a few models that are free to download and now even one to buy. I'm currently working on a full version of the "Whippet"...
Let us go on with Japanese!As on the exhibition, this is the next thing to be seen Japanese UniformSome nice details and the MG used by Jap army?Best regards,?Y
Mountain gun used in Russia (Japanese Osaka it is what is written on the label) by Czech Legion.?Well, the same must have been used in Russo-Japanese war before. It is Schneider made in JapanHave these guns been supplied to Russians during the war and before?the revolution??Take look at the label Th...
I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get a copy of this in English. I understand it is excellent and I would really like to read it unfortunately I only have it in German and well, my German sucks. Thanks, Chris
Hello gentlemen Some month ago there was a dicussion about Gulkevichs armored cars in the axishistory forum. There must have been two cars, named "Red Petersburg" / "Ilya Muromets" and "Akhtyrets".Here are all the pics I have found about that (in my opinion) very...
I think it was Tim R who enquired about the 3-Man a while back. I finally got hold of a copy of Fred Crismon's book on US tracked vehicles and came across this, which I didn't notice when I had the brief loan of a copy. Caption reads, in part: The carrier for this early army crane (1924) was known as either the...
Strelets British & A-H cavalry have been in the pipeline for about 2 years, but suddenly they've announced that two sets of Russian Infantry (winter & summer) will be released in March. Meanwhile, Airfix are rumoured to be about to reissue all their Great War range. I know dioramists turn th...