Hello All, As i announced a long time ago... She`s ready -but not able to fire ! ???? An homage to the genius of Richard Jordan Gatling who wanted ????? only make war impossible by inventing a gun for mass-killing.... ?We all now what he pushed on.... My "scratch" builded 1:1 model of a Gatlin...
Hello Gentleman?? I am working on a new project, and I am in need of some photos ofthe Schneider CA.1 that were converted into supply tanks Char de Ravitaillement.?? Also I am looking for photos and information concerning the added amour applied to the Schneider.?I thank you in advance.All the BestT...
Remember M. Boirault's articulated armoured vehicle, two Schneiders or FT17s connected by a universal joint? This is the Arktos amphibian, the very latest thing. See vids here: http://www.arktoscraft.com/gallery.htm -- Edited by James H at 21:55, 2007-12-14
Hello, I just got the White French armoured car from Retrokit in 1/72. It is a really nice kit but I would like to improve it. I want to add some handle and some other details. Anybody knows where to find a "several views" drawing ? I also don't know what colour to use. Any idea ? Thank you very muc...
I had thought that the enclosed photo showed a British motor cycle combination but looking at it again the gun appears to be a Russian Maxim - see the wheels and shield removed and strapped to the back of the motor bike. Anyone any ideas?
Hallo Artillery-Experts, got a question 'bout my new aquired BP Resin-Model, the 10cm FH m.14. This kit is pretty difficult and worked outv ery excellent. But what is this damper for, I have marked with the arrow? And what is under it, marked with the red rectangle? Is it a toolbox?
I enclose a photo of a tractor/internal combustion traction engine. Apparently it was made in the USA, shipped to Russia and used on the Eastern front then captured by the Germans and, possibly, shipped off for service on the Western front Can any one identify the make?
Dear All, I am on the moment restoring a German Traction Engine known as the KEMNA EM type. Our engine was build by Haubold in Chemnitz, but other makers buit the same engine, all to the original design of Julius Kemna. It is for sure that these traction engines were used for heavy haulage, like guns etc....
Does anyone know if anyone does a model of the FWD 3 ton trucks? Reviresco does a Jeffrey Nash Quad which is similar but prefer the looks of the FWD. Cheers, Rob
Spotted this vehicle as a sort of support vehicle on the London to Brighton run on both the Saturday at the Regent Street event, and parked up at Hyde Park Corner on the Sunday morning of the run. Turns out it's an R type, rated at 5 tons but the WD rated it as a 3 tonner as it tended to be overloaded by British t...
Evening all, was wondering if anyone had any photos of the AEC Y type lorry? Going to get the Matador Model so could do with a few references. Cheers, and happy new year, Rob
hello everybody, I just found this amazing asian site concerning french armoured cars 1902-1930. http://mil.tiexue.net/content_110893.html it's an great picture resource, I think. greetings oirob
Apologies in advance for this. I had to tell someone. Stanley Brenton von Donop was, despite his surname, a Lieutenant-General in the British Army. I suspect he might have been a descendant of Count Carl Emil von Donop, a Hessian colonel who fought for the British in the American War of Independence....
Dear friends, ?I hope that the pictures I posted may be of some use to you?I am sorry that quality of some of the picks is bad, but the light I had in the museum was unfriendly because of the showcases?Prague is wonderful city especially for WW1 enthusiasts The presence of old K und K can be seen all over the...
Among other artifacts there is a trench mortar and a bottle of liquor as issued to the troops (with patriotic label). There is a portable protective shield on the top of the MG post but unfortunately I was in the bad position to take a good pick?Till soon,?Y
While browsing thru Google Books looking for info on WW1, I came across a short article (The Panzerkraftwagen - A German Version of the Tank)?in the Journal of the American Field Artillery, Vol 49, 1918 describing the examination of the first captured A7V.? Not too much that we don't know, but I'll tr...
A while ago there was some discussion about the relationship between the two above?gents and the origin of the trade name Caterpillar. Here's some more stuff. It goes over some old ground but I think some of it is new, even if it throws up some apparent contradictions. From Classic Caterpillar Crawle...