Could I ask for people's opinions on?this photo?? It shows a Mark IV Female, but with the unusual Crew number I.W4. 9th Battalion tanks always seem to have a full stop (period for our US readers!) after the Battalion I, so I'm assuming this is a 9th Battalion machine.? But "W"?? Could this me...
This Monday, Jan 26th, BBC2 TV is showing the second part of a series called The Great War in Colour. This isn't the same as the Channel 5 series of a few years ago, World War One in Colour. Monday's episode is about Albert Kahn, the man who funded the autochromists. Unfortunately, Part One was last week....
New to me: An A7V (described as Mephisto, but could be Hagen) ?trapped in the big shell hole. Found at (scroll down) image: PT ?
Hi all! My? "TANK JOY RIDES" (after the war ex-Tank Corps officers?put a platform onto a Mark IV and made tank joy rides?at Southend-on-Sea)?diorama takes shape. I would like to add a Smer Packard Laundaulet 1912 car for this street scene. Unfortunately the?Smer?model kit is not very de...
I am in the process of downloading various old publications from Google Books?and have uploaded what I have so far to a filesharing folder, here: Because I am also involved with various naval forums, there is a mi...
?Again a bit off topic, but this true descendant from the early landships,?a scratchbuilt PB 4 Rusian armored amphibious car (prototype) is nevertheless an interesting idea for being commented.? Of course it had a welded structure, ( was among the very first vehicules which abandoned the riveted...
Hey All, Remember that group build? well i finished my entry. . . finally hehehe lts all done, except the unditching beam isnt glued yet, i wasnt sure about the chains and all. let me know if anything needs to be changed
I have found a photo of US 3-man (or US Mark I) tank I have never seen before. It was in "Tanks of the world 1915 - 1945" written by P. Chamberlain and C. Ellis
Can somebody clearly reproduce this inscription (in German, certainly). As I do not know German, I can make on a diopama gross blunders that will be indecent. ? Thanks.
Not the drinks but?tank names.?In another thread I stated that I was certain that I had seen a port view of "Whiskey and Soda" in a film clip.?I couldn't find the clip but found a photo of what I thought was the same tank. The name is indistinct in the photo. Finally I found the film clip but the n...
Hi, I'm trying to find Ford 3-ton tank plans for a scratchbuild project but have been unable to find so much as a single view drawing. Is there anyone that may have a lead to such a plan?
Hello to All
I am looking for information, concerning the Podeus 4 wheeled drive artillery tractor, Designed by Paul Henrich Podeus. This was one of the 4 wheeled drive tractors put forth during the early parts of The First World War to haul heavy artillery. The firm was located at Hal...
I know, this is not the right forum for my question. May be someone can help me nevertheless: Does anybody know, what kind of flag is to be seen on these aircrafts (red circle)? The picture was taken in 1919 after the Treaty of Versailles prohibited any military aircraft in Germany. ? [IMG]https://i24...
Dear Friends, I had the opportunity of taking some picks in Czech Military Museum There is so much that Ill send in following days I took more than 200 good photos, so Ill send them in next posts Some of the subjects might be known to you already, but there would be much of new stuff As it is all huge, so pleas...
OK, it's been a while, but here's an update. I built the turrent, and completed the machine gun turret Since I need extra tires for this, and these kits are kind if pricey to get another just for the parts, I decided to make mouldsof the kit tires, and cast new ones in RTV rubber. I took the opportunity to ma...
I have just uploaded to Stage6 ( documentary about Great War tanks: For those who don't know of it, Stage6 is a kind of 'Super YouTube', with the following differences: - full-length movies can be uplo...
Not specifically WWI, but not far off, this is for the dioramist who is not easily depressed. Fantastic museum in Oxforshire, UK. If you're interested in rural scenery these meticulous models will make you realise that there aren't enough hours in the day.??English theme, but a lot of the technique...
Long time lurker first time poster I finshed this over Christmas for a Russo/Polish War?game in Feb (I'm a wargamer sorry) but quite pleased with how it came out. Its the 1/72 Emhar kit?built straight?from the?box?so I know not completly accurate but its ok for gaming with. [IMG]https://i115.phot...
Rare items from Prague. The Bavarian helmets were of leather, steel, papier-m?ch? and felt before steel helmet M16 was introduced for German Imperial Army.?Till soon,?Y