I swore I would never have an avatar. Unfortunately, I couldn't resist this. Worth being reduced to the ranks. A Belgian field kitchen with sentimental value.
-- Edited by James H at 01:50, 2006-12-27
The storage of the 1/48 scale card plans for the above tank have been deleted from the server where they were stored.
Does any one have decent plans of this tank - preferably at a scale decent enough for all the detail to be put on at 1/35th scale?
There's just been a documentary on TV about a Walter Thompson, a Special Branch detective who was Winston Churchill's bodyguard from the 1920s and throughout WWII. Their association went back to 1914, when Thompson was temporarily attached to Churchill while his regular bodyguard was on h...
Hey folks-
I have decided to start building a Russian Putilov 76.2mm m/02 from scratch--I have a few years expierience in sculpting 28/30mm scale miniatures but none in sculpting a machine like this. I don't exactly know where to start, the designs seems very complex to me and I can't find very deta...
I've just been given a book called The First World War: The Essential Guide to Sources in the UK National Archives.
It's a sort of index to all the Great War related stuff in the British Public Record Office, where there is a mountain of official documents from the period, some of which were kep...
I only mentioned this chap yesterday, and here he is. WWI veteran presents navy honours Mr Allingham is 110
The oldest surviving British war veteran will present naval helicopter pilots with their wings on Thursday.
Henry Allingham, 110, from East Sussex, will present the honours at RN...
Hi all!
I am gathering material for a modelproducer who wants to do the Rolls Royce AC (1914 and 1920 pattern hopefully) in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35.
The kits are going to be produced as injectionmoulded polysteren kits so these are not going to be expensive resinkits
I am looking...
I have been searching for information on the six-inch newton mortar. I can find no pictures of this weapon even though it was used by both British (or at least Canadian) and American forces during the war? Does anyone have statistics and photos?
John Stapleton
Hi all
I am rather curious about the Portuguese expedition force, what kind armament did they have and in what battles did they fight? All i have is some stats and two photos of the PEF with a sidenote that they werent very effective, what got Portugal into the war anyway?
Hi all,
What kind of anti-tank obstacles were used by germans in 1918? I know one of these was a concret-made prism filled of steel rails. Does anyone have any pic or info? And what about other kind of barricades?
Greetings from Spain
Hi all,
I wanna model the RPM?s FT-17 tank on 1/35 and I?ve got some doubts about detail sets. As you know, there are some products to detail the RPM?s basic kit, and I would like to know your experience with them before starting my work (and because I don?t like to waste money, of course!).
I am mystified by the appearance of the riveted strip on models (1/76 & 1/72) of the Mk I by Airfix and Mk IV by Emhar and other plans or drawings. I've been trying to find it on various photos and, if the roof is visible in the shot, the strip is always absent. I've attached two images to sh...
A friend of mine recently visited the North Head Artillery School site (I think) and while taking a few photos, found this piece and passed the photos along to me. I think the scheme is probably a repaint, and I have no idea why the gun barrel is bare, but here's the photos anyway. Enjoy!
In an episode of the BBC series The Great War there's a short sequence of an Italian gun being fired. I don't know if this is old hat, but I was surprised to see that when the gun is fired a part of the shield immediately above the barrel moves backwards with the recoil and then moves seamlessly back into pla...
While searching the excellant Belgian Soma photo-archive located online at Soma Link, I came across a very curious photo in a collection labeled "Mat?riel militaire d?truit et captur? par les A...
Hello all,
I'm reading Anthony Beevors book about the battle for Crete in 1940, and he mentions british Whippets being used in the defense of the island!
I beleive this is just a misunderstanding on his part-but just to be sure, I have to check; is there any truth in this?
ok, id heard of ideas for such things, and many of shore concrete fortifications called this, but this appears to be a real concrete ship, (not pikreate, concrete) i found this photo on the gwpda, any information on it will be appreceated
Hello Gentelman
I am searching for information, drawings etc., on the following two German WW1 aircraft engines. Daimler-Benz DII and the Argus AS 3 any help would be greatly appreciated.
All the Best
Tim R
A new card model is available at Ralph Currell's website of a 1/350 scale Russian airship from 1915.
I've built the V-1 and the V-2 he designed and they turned out very well. He also has his concept of the H. G. Wells landship as well as a few other designs. -- Edited by Mark Hansen at 18:54, 2006-1...
Photos of a German sniper shield at the AWM. Notice the camouflage paint on the shield. It doesn't appear to have been repainted since it was captured. The dark photo gives a rough idea of how it looks in ordinary museum lighting.
Marks photos of that pock marked sniper's shield reminded me of another item of personal protection. I enclose 3 photos, one shows a squad of German soldiers wearing the stuff, two is of a British soldier wearing captured body armour (and looking for all the world like a Flowerpot man) and three shows...
There has been discussion about what exactly the "Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade" tank is. Some say it was a modified Mk.V*, some say it was a modified Mk.VIII International.
Here are some pictures... It was clearly based on a Mk.VIII, and been meant to represent a heavily modified tank still...
There was a touring troupe of entertainers who moved around the British Sector putting on shows for the men. On one occasion the Chinese Labour Battalion, under the direction of the Tank Corps, built a theatre in 24 hours. It contained "stalls made of wood and canvas, perfectly fitted and finished, i...
Experts! Can somebody prompt overall dimensions of tractor HOLT 20t? These data are necessary for manufacturing drawings. It is a lot of photos, but scale, scale....
I am posting this in case others may be interested. Dr Jager has finished his latest book "Panzers at War" and has passed on this information re your enquiry about the use of the 10.5 cm gun as a Flak gun on a railway car. He says in his letter (he isn't on email) that " As for the questions Tim Rigby has...