I've come across a photo on a Japanese site showing details of a Japanese Navy Battleship 'showing the flag ' on a world cruise in the 1920s. The photo in question shows Japanese Naval Officers paying their respects at a Japanese naval war cemetery on Malta! Can anybody enlighten me as to what the Japan...
I just came across an interesting historic photo on "Webshots" showing several different pre-war and early-war British armoured cars, side by side, during WWII. (Unfortunately, I can't attach it to this posting as the "Attach File(s)" function appears to no longer work. When I click o...
I was typing up a comparison of the Vickers 1921 No.2 Male vehicle compared to other advanced Post-WWI tanks. The Christie M1919, the USA M1921 Medium D-esque vehicle, the Char Delaunay Belleville, etc. I was going to try and show how these vehicles were inferior to the Vickers 1921 in every way.
As I cannot contribute a great deal to the discussions on artillery, tanks etc. I have taken the liberty showing two more of my French light railway wagons - one finished and one in progress. I hope it will have your interest. I build in 1:35 scale and use standard H0 tr...
This photo of the RSL museum shows a machine gun armed quadcyle that is similar to but diferent from the Simms vehicle. So what is it?
-- Edited by Centurion at 14:35, 2006-11-15
An E J T Tapp observed tanks in action in WW1 and conceived the idea of a one man machine gun armed vehicle with the operator prone but able to raise himself and the machine gun for action (sound familiar?) He apparently documented his idea and sent it to the appropriate authorities who after due conside...
Some time ago, the question was raised about starting some sort of Library/Page/Link Collection for Scale Plans on WW1 equipment of all sorts. I haven't found the thread again - anyone here that can point to it? Some effort was made, but the whole thing just petered out, mainly because of me being too p...
I do not think the British ever used Carden-Loyd tankettes to pull ski-troops, yet I have seen Canadian, Swedish, and Polish (TK) Carden-Loyds used in this role.
It is interesting that all three countries developed this practice indepentently. In this role the tankette would be a true infantr...
For the artillery-freaks I've enhanced some interesting details on the German
"EinheitsGeschosse" or Multi-Purpose Projectiles with contruction-related
cross-section drawings.
For some reason beyond my knowledge the proponent word-document
was transferred to...
Browsing through The Devil's Chariots again a sentence struck my eye - "It later became routine for new types to be preceded by a few tanks made up in boilerplate for training use." (page 135)
In the case of the Mk II and III obviously for "few" one should read "all" but the implication is that so...
This is just a small trifle, but I have put some animated Avatars in the avatar Library - look under "Guys". I will put some more there, if there is real call for it!
And I have grabbed one of them for myself...
next may i am going to france for my photography class, 3 nights in paris, 7 nights in a roman villa in ners southwestern france (well, from paris, to avignon, to ners) and 3 days in an 18th century home 80km outside paris (which i am told was occupied by germans during both the world wars.) i might even be a...
Hello everybody,
in a few days I will start to sell WWI tank items on Ebay.
But to give the real tank fanatics the best change to buy these stuff,I will list the items a few days before I put them on Ebay.
So here is the list with items and prices(excl.ship.costs). If anyone have a question ,let me kno...
Looking at a web site produced by the French Defence Ministry I discovered an echo of the 1918 Skeleton in a French design study of 1937! As I've mentioned in the thread - Another odd Schnieder - in 1937 the French Defence Ministry requested innovative tank design studies. One of these was speci...
i was reading about these hedi tanks, id imagine since there were 2 known cargo a7v's (forgive me for not using the proper german name, its quite a bit for me as an english only speaker to wrap my mind around) that the 2 hedis were built on them, now, i noticed a variation in the paint schemes:
In 1936 the French government came to realise that France might find herself at war with Germany again. Whilst there was a school of thought in the Fench military (including the a certain DeGaulle)that followed what might be called the Liddel Hart school of tank strategy there was a body that feared t...
I recently aquired the 1945 book "Tanks And Armored Vehicles" by "Icks and Andrews Duell Sloan and Pearce".
The book is by Lr. Col Robert J. Icks, a well known armor author we must all be familiar with by now. It is edited by Phillip Andrews, and published by Duell, Sloan, and Pearce of New York.
In 1917 a tank was built to the design of M. Boirault. It was built from two CA1s and was articulated. Tests were carried out but it did not prove a success and was abandoned. (source Les vehicles blindes Francais 1900 -1944). These is no photo that I can find - does anyone have any further info (like a draw...
I've found a reference to a Schnieder tank with following characteristics
Crew 28 Armament Four 75mm guns and nine machine guns Max speed 5 mph Suspension Spring Dimensions Length 40ft, Width 10ft 9in, Height 9ft 8in Weight 141 tons Special features Three turrets
Date some time between...
If you would like to visit a website that has the story with a heap of pictures of the restoration project we have been doing on a WW1 10.5 cm German Howitzer, an Aussie War trophy, then the link has been changed. The link on the Landships WW1 Artillery page heading is still connected to the old link.
I'd like to draw your attention on the following book:
Handbook on Weaponry
Second English Edition 1982
printed at Broenners Druckerei GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
750 pages thus printed reason to buy a German book understandable to
lots of great books on the recommended reading page, but one is missing, perhaps the only book on the first world war that has remained a classic of literature, erich maria remarque's "all quiet on the western front" i am currently reading it, it is a wonderful book based on remarque's own experiance a...
Hello Gents
I thought I would share an Old Italian Drawing form 1916 of a very Sci-Fi looking Italian Tank, it came from a copy of LA DOMENICA ILLUSTRATA (ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY) that I own.
Tim R