A quick question about the Mk III female that was awarded to Maidstone as seen in this photo at Phil's website. How and where did the tank end up being displayed i.e. was it in a park or similar location? on a stand? etc.
Thanks for any advice.
Some years ago, I've bought the whole Palmer/Emhar Series of 1/24 artillery pieces for bargain price in Paris. One of them them is the US Model 1902 3inch field gun. I think it's the only big scale turn of the century field gun model in plastic. However I can't say that I'm happy with producer's...
After the bad news about Airfix and the need to stock up on its Mk. I there is more bad news from the WW1 smallscale front: Il Principe Nerohttp://www.network54.com/Forum/47210/message/1161956945
I'm trying to track down a couple of articles on Rolls Royce armoured cars that appeared in Classic Military Vehicle magazine several years ago. The first was on page 18 of the November 2001 issue and the second was on page 56 of the August 2002 issue. One of these articles is supposed to be ab...
I have finally posted the excellent article by James Reeve, on one of the two surviving 57mm A7V Guns in the World, and the only one still accessible for scrutiny.
Don't miss it!
This means that I'm back again. Sorry about all delays etc. I have a back-log of mail and contributions, but will eventua...
I found this photo in the midst of a series of WW2 shots on a Polish web site. I think it might be part of the Gustav line in Italy. Its our old friend surviving from WW1. Given the German penchant for embedding surplus tank turrets (including FT17s) in fortifications one ought not to be too surprised.
I need some help with the soldiers. I am just starting off and I was wondering how do you get the soldiers in the displays to look so good? Do you have any tips for me and what should I do about the soldiers that have stands on the bottom of the?
A little while ago I posted a photo of a one man Carden Loyd vehicle armed with an Mg. The caption on the photo was Carden Loyd Light Tractor (and like so many captions it was spurious). I now have more on this little throw back and a better photo. It was in fact the Carden Loyd One Man Machine Gun Carri...
Recently I've noticed that if I attach a photo and then modify the text before posting the text mods made after making the attachment sometimes are left out of the posted message. This is now happened twice to me recently. I also note that increasingly attachments come in two forms with two different m...
Hello Gents
I thought since we were on the subject of trench excavators, I would post some early drawings of a French Trench Excavator dated 1916, designed by Jules Legrand, This version was actually built, on a number of different chassis.
Also, Centurion spoke brief...
All the Rhomboids, right up to the Vickers 1921 were designed to be built in two versions - male and female, MG and Canon. The Medium C is known to have had a male version at least in the planning stages, we are all by now familiar with the plans for it.
However, after reading my Tanks Of The World (Chamb...
Greetings !
Last year, I did post some threads to the forum as a "guest" but finally I have an account
I'd like to ask about the chassis of two armoured cars: french charron and hotchkiss automitrailleuse. Were these two vehicles built on existing commercial chassises or&n...
Having learned about the survival of the 1914 Rolls Royce armoured car in India, one can't help but wonder if other 1914 cars survive in some hidden nook or cranny of the world. Has anyone attempted to track down the ultimate fate of each of these cars?
To try to gauge the magnitude of suc...
There have been recent endeavors to create huge shot-shell type rounds for the main gun of some current battle tanks, to increase their effectiveness in combatting infantry.
Now, in this day and age, rarely is an idea entirely new.
I was wondering, were there ever similar ideas in WWI? I cou...
I thought I would post some information from a few sources on the Vickers 1921. This was the first British tank with a 360 degree traverse turret, and it from it was developed the Vickers Medium Mk.I series of tanks, which were the mainstay of the British tank forces for a very long time. The two Vickers 1...
I'm new to this forum, I specialise in commemorative prints relating to WW1, this site should prove really useful, I've just started to move onto ww1 tanks;
Hi. I'm Joseph Carunungan from the Philippines. I'm more of a 1:35 WW2 modeller but I tried my hand in WW1 with Emhar's 1:35 Whippet. Kit was supposed to be out-of-the-box until I lost one of the machine guns. This meant that I had to scratchbuild all four of them using syringe needles, masking tape, sty...
I thought it might be useful as background information to look at German problems in producing armour plate for tanks, why this might be so and the implications for the potential production of German tanks at the end of the war. Not so dry a subject as it might sound as it involves blockade running and ov...
Peter/Tim - is there any way of fixing the parasite attachment problem? This is where photos attached to one posting vanish only to fasten onto someone elses post in the same thread. It seems to be happening more and more and its a pest. I know that ther have been potings describing convoluted ways of po...
Sometimes vehicles that look for all intents and purposes like a Tank are not considered tanks. For instance, take this excerpt from the Wikipedia entry on "Self Propelled Guns".
"Although the two are superficially similar self-propelled guns should not be confused with tanks. As a rule self...
I've been trying to put together an article on the various tractor based early American tank designs. I've not been helped by the fact that of the paucity of information available some appears contradictory. looking at the photos said to be of the Holt G9 I am struck by the fact that there appear to be ei...
We tend to concentrate on tanks at the front but I've been looking at photos of tanks under construction. I enclose a selection of photos of tank factories (you may have seen one or two before but its useful, I think, to put them together. Mainly British but also French and German (and one US post war). Mi...
The National Film Board of Canada (www.nfb.ca) has a few hundred minutes of footage related to the Canadian Corps in WW1 available on-line. It can be found in the Educational Resources section of the site, in a feature entitled "Images of a Forgotten War". Of particular interest is a short film "Cana...
We have learned some information over time about this one-man vehicle. As we all know, it turns out none were ever built. It was a private venture by the engineer Maksimov in 1919.
One wonders, what were Maksimovs inspirations, how did he come up with the idea?
Well, in 1919 Russia was equippe...
Just a small posting to tell those of you waiting for reply on their e-mail or for contributions to be posted: I am still around and well. It's just that my work has forced me into an unexpected journey abroad. But I hope to be back in a week or so.